Thursday, December 13, 2012

Personnel Board Meeting

At the Personnel board meeting last night, the board was able to reorganize because there was quorum. Darren Elwell was elected chairman.

One goal of the Personnel Board is to complete revisions to the personnel policy and personnel by-law in time for the annual town meeting in May. Both the by law and policy need to be changed so there will not be conflicts in the wording and duties and responsibilities.

The town coordinator needs to be given authority from the BOS to implement and enforce the personnel policy. Once this transition is made, the personnel board will no longer be needed and will be dissolved at the annual town meeting.

The board came to consensus that the terms “exempt and “non-exempt” would be eliminated from the policy. The terms hourly and salary would be used instead throughout the policy.

We discussed comp time, sick time and vacation accruals. Our current personnel policy that is in effect states (page 28) that comp time may be accumulated to a maximum of 40 hours in a fiscal year and may not be carried over from year to year.

The Personnel board is reviewing the personnel policies from the towns of Sterling, Hatfield and West Tisbury. The goal of the personnel board is to draft a policy that will be equitable for all non-union employees in the Town of Templeton.

Julie Farrell


  1. This is the best news I've heard on here in a long time! I'm so glad the town will actually begin to be run professionally. Thank you to all on the personnel board for helping to make these corrections.

  2. We have a lot to accomplish between now and May. My hope is that we can craft and revise policies that clarify and restore a sense of fairness to the way in which our employees are managed. Ideas are welcome. Come join us at our next meeting in January. Darren

    1. I am on the committee, and it is my hope that things like paying the Conservation Agent way too much money, by paying him the wrong grade, will never happen again. Like Julie has said, we will fix the conflicts between the Personnel Policy and our By-Laws. These are not the only improvements being made during this year. The Advisory Board is doing a super job of getting budgets together for the coming fiscal year. Mr. Spring is doing his best to make sure there is less waste, and duplication of work in the town government. He has already put into use new time sheets that tracks time worked, vacation time, and all the stuff that is used in most businesses. There is no more, one dept. doing things one way, and another dept. doing things a different way. The DOR Report gave the town a lot of recomendations. This is the same report that our friends from Echo Hill would not accept, when they were on the BOS. Every one of these recomendations will improve the ability of our Town to function better, than it ever has. Bev.

  3. Thank you. Before it depended on which employee it was as to how the policy was interpreted (Carol S and her pals one way other another way) hmmm who was the policy written by Jerry S, Carol S, Bubba, K&P.

  4. The personnel board may already know but exempt and non exempt have to do with FLSA not salary vs hourly. There are positions in the Town that are exempt based on the FLSA guidelines by the nature of the positon and the number of people that are directly supervised by that position. A person can be hourly or salary and still be considered exempt or non exempt based on the position he or she holds.
    Many times this is confusing but important to consider before dropping the reference to it in the personnel policy.
    Best of the season to all.
