Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Together we Stand

As I sit at my computer,with my cat on my lap,(she wants to learn to type} I was thinking how lucky we all are. When I read online of all the people around the world that are shot, or dragged off to prison for speaking out against their governments , I know I was lucky to be born in this country. I figure If I was born some where else, I would have been dead years ago. The thing I am most proud of is when we the C4T, and our supporters speak out, it is to make things better for the people in our community. Most people go about their day feeling secure, feeling that all is well with things at home. Home is another way of saying their town government. These people do not feel that they need to be in on the day to day business of the town.. The very same people who trust that things are done right, will stop dead in their tracks, if they feel someone is not doing their job. For the longest time, no one had to worry about what was being done at the Light and Water. We had some wonderful people who worked for the benefit of the town. It seems out town government had gotten into the hands of people who did their best to take care of them selves and friends and family. People trusted that these people had their back, when in fact , it was more like a knife in the back. It took the town ten years to get in this mess, it will take us time to dig our way out of it. I feel we need to take stock of where we stand with our debt, and, getting through the coming year. It did not make any sense to put the Water Dept under the Light Co. It would be the right thing to make a DPW, and join them with the Highway Dept. These things take time, and we will get it done, but for now we have to deal with what is at hand. I did not like it when Mr.Driscoll did not have the decently to come to the Selectman's meeting last week. He needs to stop acting like a three year old. No one has threatened him, they have questioned his ability to do his job! It would be the time to act like a professional, and show us what is going on at the Light Co. If things are on the up and up, there should be no problem. It is fitting that the Treasurer, or any other persons that the BOS needs to speak with come before the board, and to answer questions of the board and tax payers if need be It is time for the people at Light and Water to step up, and work with the selectmen. Mr. Driscoll knows the law, he knows who he is accountable to. It would be in his best interest to do the right thing. It will be more pleasant than having the tax payers after him , for not doing his job. We the people are so lucky to have the right to have a voice in our government. We have used it, and we will again. Bev. .


  1. In my opinion what kept the Light Department going smoothly was good Commissioners. Mel Dow, Mike Quasney, and Stanley Dymek all knew electricity. People with knowledge are invaluable to small town departments. When a few bad apples spread lies so that they can manipulate the system for their own greed such as possibly the Skeltons and their crew of vampires we have what we currently see, a town almost in receivership. It will take good people with knowledge to get us out of this hole or we will continue to dig it deeper. It looks like some people are finally taking an interest and that is promising. Eternal vigilance.

  2. It looks like Templeton Times is running another blog about Zionism. I am glad he has taken his views elsewhere. Adios,Baldwin.

    1. Stick to the issues, ok. Just because some one has different likes or opinions, does not make him wrong. He is probably more right than you or I could ever imagine. Bev.

  3. "Just because someone has different likes or opinions, does not make him wrong. He is probably more right than you or I could ever imagine." BRILLIANT Bev! I wonder if this applies anywhere else?

  4. As far as im concerned this blog is the most bias blog i have ever seen! You people are complete morons! All conflicting comments get deleted. Par for the course for c4t!

    1. It takes a bias moron to know one. Par for the course with echo hill.

    2. So far everything people have discussed on here has turned out to be correct. So, I'm not really sure what you're referring to. Call us all the names you want. It still doesn't change the fact that people mismanaged this town poorly for the past 10 years. We are gathered here to discuss town issues and find solutions to keep the town afloat. I'm sorry if what you have been brainwashed to think doesn't jive with what the facts say. If there's any "morons" around here, it would certainly be the people who do not accept factual information. How come no one has defended any of the "accusations" made here? The only comments from any opposing view is riddled with insults and name calling and personal attacks. Please, if you have something constructive to contribute to the conversation, by all means share! Teach us "morons' a thing or two. But, as an objective observer all I have read are truthful statements backed up with figures and facts. And by the way, its okay to have opposing views. All of us do not agree on everything. Debate is a healthy and positive thing...that is if you know how to do it without it turning into a personal attack. Any "moron" knows that is not what it takes to win a debate or discussion.

      -New in town

  5. No comments have ever been deleted - call it free speech.

  6. It is understandable that the majority wish to keep this blog focused on town issues and I respect that decision. Sometimes local issues are influenced by State, Federal and World Politics and it is good to keep this in mind. Some of the issues I have brought to Pauly's Templeton Watch are those that may have never been considered before. Templeton Times give those who wish a larger perspective. I thank Pauly for allowing this material on his blog and don't recall being censored on comments made. Keep up the good work Pauly!!
