Monday, January 21, 2013

another sighting

thanks to the anonymous tipster.....
seems that Stevie Brehio has orders to keep an eye on the happenings at the ET school. He was seen driving onto the property and around back when he saw the broadband guys running wires (as they are doing all over town) then he buzzed off to echo hill... to report....


  1. Because completing ET Town Hall project would be such a horrible thing for this town!!!! What do these people think the Skeltons are going to be able to do about anything? These people are out of town government...

    1. Based on past actions by Echo Hill, I would be very careful about following the rules. Given an opportunity to stop a project because of a minor misstep in the following of rules, this bunch will jump all over it. If they can point to something just to cause a delay, they will. Echo Hill is not working for the Town; they are working to fulfill some petty selfish nefarious need. But they will work hard just to screw with you.

  2. Eternal vigilance...not a bad thing.

    1. Eternal vigilance is a must! Spring is not too far away. The rest of the people in our town need to be aware of what is going on. We know we cannot rely on our local snoos to print the truth, so that will be up to us. We will be very busy, but the truth will always win the day, and my washer will take care of those that think they can con the taxpayers with their "good face", while they hold the knife behind their back. Mr. Skelton has a huge ego, I am afraid he does not have a clue how a majority of people think about him. Bubba has no sense of right and wrong, from what I can see. People will think twice about him, all you need to do is remind them of the meeting with the entire police force surrounding the voters of our town. My opinion, Bev

  3. Make sure the ET yard is checked for discarded car tires, Steve has been known not to recycle properly.

  4. If they try any funny business and try to interfere with ET School, they will only be making themselves look even worse than they do right now. And by doing that, they will confirm most of the accusations made on this blog. I do not think they are smart enough to simply walk away and fade into the background. The fact that they stick around and scheme to cause trouble just shows that they are bullies at heart and are determined to leave a black spot on their name in the history of Templeton.
