Saturday, January 26, 2013

As the windmill Turns.........

As the turbine turns, Templeton's Green power initiative has one hell of a "grey area" and I for one want some answers sooner not later! Why doesn't it turn/rotate like the ones we see in Gardner? When it doesn't turn we still pay for it like it is turning. Power has to be purchased from another source and not as green as we think, As with princeton light dept maybe the turbine is to risky to run!
It hasn't turned all week and i wonder what it costed for that to not produce anything but a bill for our ownership.
The audit company needs to be contacted by the BOS and questions need to be asked about the audit and i have a list that would be a good place to start. After a letter i sent to General Driscoll with questions about the prior meeting and his response i think we need to form a think tank as to how to handle the changes about to happen there. As with all who have signed the petition to abolish the commission say why is my bill so high?When they find out what the previous general manager gets for a pension they say thank you for stopping by and good luck, a very few would not sign and that's ok they are afraid to get their lights turned off. That's sad and should not happen even in Templeton. The letter is and response will be posted here and will be interesting to view as you will see how the General earns his pay and wonder why we pay him what we do!
He lists labor costs of 104,367 to do the billing,reading and a office expense cost of 33,330.You can't make this up.
Check monday for the letter and breakdown of the 4.00 customer charge and how he can reduce it to 3.00 to save face in these very difficult times at Templeton's light dept. Don't miss the movie you shareholders.
Dave Smart


  1. Thank you Dave for the update on the wind turbine and for your continued efforts to keep the Bridge Street operation in the light of day. Readers should remember that democracy is; a system of government where the vote of two idiots, is more valuable than that of the vote of one person, who is well informed. Please take the time to become informed and share that information with those around you.

  2. Wouldn't it be nice to have a website for TMLWP that could post updates and explain why the turbine isn't turning. Post information on the cost of the turbine and the how much the department loses when it doesn't work.

    Templeton is in a parallel universe where it is the only municipal light department without a functioning website and that's ok with the commissioners. Follow the yellow brick road. Find out who is the man behind the curtain. Could it be the great and wonderful wizard of OZ?

    1. I will not hold my breath waiting for a website from our Municipal Light Co. I want every one to know where the mission the Dave, Will and myself, and others started. For one thing, we were not looking for trouble, just for answers. The first couple of meetings we attended, it is hard to explain. We were greeted with looks that said, "what are you doing her ??" It was obvious that we were not welcome. It hit me that these people did not want to discuss anything of importance in front of us. The first couple of meetings were over almost as fast as they started! They had to go into executive session. Before they did that, Mr. Spring asked if they would consider posting their meetings on the Town website? That was going to be a monumental task, and they did not understand why they should do that. We tried to get them to understand that, all of the other boards put information for the public, along with the time and date of their meetings. They felt it was acceptable to put a notice on the board out side of the Town Clerks office. I was getting pretty fed up with the attitudes of the people who were supposed to be working for the tax payers. I told them I would submit a article at the Annual Town Meeting, making it a bylaw, for them to post information, [that pretty much all the Light Departments in the state do], to the Town website! I told them, if that is what it would take, I would do it!! So much work, for something that should have been done, with out a problem. Anything thing, that Mr. Spring asked about was met with much negativity. Will asked about help for the people that need assistance, help for the elderly in need, he mentioned programs that other light companies have on a ongoing basis. These were met with the usual negative response. The best was the response was when the Commissioners were asked about the PILOT. This is a payment in lieu of taxes, to the town. It was at this point that Mr. Driscoll, looked like we had asked him to eat rat poison. He informed us that we would not get any more money out of them, unless they charged us more! [so they could turn around and give it back!!} No bud, this is not how it should go. When the town is in such a mess, I would have expected more from these guys. Mr. Blais informed us that it is our fault that the town is broke. At this point I can see no reason we should continue to have a local Light Company. I do not think the benefits out weigh what we could gain from selling it. I will write a blog to give you share holders more information on the subject. I just felt it was important for all of you to understand how we got to the point we are at now. The one thing I got from attending these meeting was the feeling that most of the people sitting around the table, had little understanding of how difficult some of the people in town have it financially, and they could care less. Changes need to be made soon. I am so sorry we did not tape some of these meetings. They would have left you at a loss for words. Bev.

    2. I think Templeton Light will rue the day they got you riled up Bev. You were previously against selling. It's an outrage that you and the others have been treated like outsiders. I cannot imagine any business ever being so rude. Only government gets away with this kind of treatment.

  3. Call light office and ask why the turbine isn't turning they will tell you!

  4. Princeton Light said they lost $1.875 million on the two windmills they constructed.


  6. Time to sell the light company and pay down some town debts.

  7. Last anonymous must not have lived in Fichburg turning last ice storm
    We are lucky to have the crew we have, maybe there is management issues
    fix them before ever thinking of national grid or unitil u will be sorry

    1. I second that.

    2. I know all about the ice storm, and I understand where you are coming from. The problem is, with out a major change in management, things will not get better. Even if a change is made, I think we are too small to compete. We have all our money locked in to nuclear energy, and maybe wind, so we can't buy natural gas. This problem, why I am upset, is not about me! It is us, I am getting older, I want what ever is left behind, to be good for everyone. A company needs to have one eye on its business, so it can grow and benefit everyone in the town./ It is not about "them", so that the only function is to "make" them wealthy, at the expense of the shareholders. What has been going on in this town is just plain wrong! It makes me sick, because I know how hard the people who went before us worked, to do things right. It is up to the people in this town to decide how things will be done. The one thing I want, more than anything else is for the people to know the truth, so they can make a good decision when the time comes. I know the rest of the people on Citizens 4 Templeton, feel the same way. We am not out to destroy the light company, for the hell of it. Things can't stay the way they are. If we sold the light company, we would have the money to solve a lot of the problems in town, and put some of that money in reserve. Maybe we could negotiate to have a branch stay in town for emergencies. These are just thoughts. Thanks for your input, it is valuable. Bev

    3. I will GLADLY take my chances, the FEW times power goes out is well worth NOT getting screwed by the very people/department that is supposed to be one and all in town

  8. Most of the people sold off all the land in town to be devoloped for these big housing take a ride to see how many are for sale or just plan empty where does the town benifit from that its because of the people in passed saw oppurtunity to make some $$$$$$ its all about money.

    1. I am willing to bet that we do not see the Audit for the wind turbine before the election in May. If the news is bad, you can be sure it does not see the light of day. Bev.

  9. IF you read the PROPAGANDA that the municipal light coalition puts out, municipal light departments were founded to give BETTER SERVICE AT LOWER COST. I suppose we get marginally better service but WHERE IS THE LOWER COST. Take a look at Driscoll's letter to Smart. There is so much FAT in those expenses the FAT LADY CAN'T EVEN SING. Lower costs...HAAAAA!
    Where is NET METERING?
    Where are ENERGY AUDITS?
    Why won't the solar developers come in to town?
    Natural gas has dropped 30%. Where are out savings?
    Ashburnham dontated $340K for town common improvements. Templeton's donation? HAAAA!(sorry, I forgot they mounted the speakers for the craft fair)
    What about the PILOT?

    I say LIQUIDATE the light department and get a TAXPAYING business to supply our power.
    If you folks that think we are getting a good deal now, you have been getting smoke blown up your asses.

  10. Well said. They do a good job BUT that is what people get PAID to do. For the very few times the power goes out I say cut loose now and use the money where it is needed most. Sell it and A LOT of problems will be solved.

  11. Hope you have a good running generator and a safe burning wood stove
    fix the problem please don't sell off my light company. THANK YOU

    1. YOU my friend are the victim of PROPAGANDA furnished by the municipal coalition. There have been NUMEROUS power outages in town if you bother to listen to the scanner. the power supply up-time is no better here than anywhere else! It's just kept secret. Go ahead and ask for an audit of outages and see where it gets you.

  12. You will all get to have your say at STM i hope you will do just that, Don't let anyone make up your mind do that yourself . One thing for sure it is broken and needs to be "fixed "
    The facts are just that and before you vote get the facts. High bills are for you all, water and electric. Light bill #2 in the state for muni plants and water is not to cheap either, with nn plans for upgrades and no idea for the cost increases that will be coming. You will get a chance to change for the better and the petition will get the changes started for Templeton it's the only way
    Dave Smart

  13. A 1019 your just scratching the surface! The turbine is a failure. A much higher cost then most can realize. When the audit gets done and the facts come out we will have our work done for us. They don't have the audit and blame the audit company every meeting and thats a fact. The letter and copy of the movie they watch will stir up some ----! If they are the problem thats bad enough ,but if they aren't we need to do some interviews for some new help!

  14. Dum dee dum dee DUMB!


  16. The BOS in this town is a god damn joke! Dont count on it... And what makes people think they can run the light co? God help us if they get ahold of our only asset!

    1. The next time you attend a BOS meeting come over and see me, I would like to meet you. Yes, not all of the present members are pulling their weight or working for the tax payers in this town, but things have improved 95%, over where we were at this time last year. Our only asset is not doing the job they should for the people in this town. If the voters decide to keep the business, then we can hire good, honest people to run it with a eye on running it well, with the town in mind. Don't for get to see me tomorrow night. If you have some good ideas please feel free to share them. Bev.

    2. ASSET FOR WHO ? the ones that work there !!!

  17. It's not just the Light department. Consider this. Reconstruction of Baldwinville Rd. is scheduled to begin in March. It should be finished in one construction season. There has been NO discussion about replacing the water mains on any part of this road reconstruction.

    Remember the water mains? Remember the 10-12 water main breaks in one day (July 14, 2012)? Anyone? I believe the lower section of Baldwinville Rd was involved in the water main breaks.

    It took six months to deliver a request for information from the BOS to the manager of Light and water. How long will it take to get a response? Let's start our own lottery by taking bets on when the TMLWP will provide information and answers to some of these guessing the date and time when the outhouse on the pond over in Hubbardston will fall in. This could be a great fundraiser for an organization.

  18. Thank you Jeff Titter for getting the BALLS rolling on the sale of 252 Baldwinville Road

  19. Sorry for above mispelling of Jeff Ritter

  20. A very smart engineer i was talking to about Templeton wind turbine was saying that if the drive system did not constantly get rotated at all times and was left in one posistion for any period of time the bearings and support collar can develop flat spots on the bearing surface from the stress of the propeller being stationary, would it be the reason for Templetons wind turbine problems? Water tanks filled to the top to save on the electricity rates and stressing the pipes? Seems to be alot of stress issues at our Templeton municipal light and water plant that are out of control lately. More reason for the changes needed there as soon as possible for the sake of Templeton's financial well being.
    Guess who!

    1. You bring up an excellent point! Basic physics & engineering. Too bad we don't have anyone that has that level of expertise in that capacity at the TLD.

  21. Ask for a copy of the operator manual for the wind turbine and they will tell you were still writing it!A copy of maintainece schedule would be a hard find also. Ratepayer
