Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Okay so the tax bills have been delayed and we need to have a special town meeting ASAP. That means AS SOON AS POSSIBLE get it - Chairman of the Board Chris Stewart. The director of Accounts Mass DOR/Division of Local Services Gerard Perry has said that the tax recap can not be accepted and the tax rate cannot be set until we have a special town meeting to reverse the vote of article 31, May 2012 Town meeting where it was voted to transfer funds from the MEMA Reimbursement account. See Julie's Blog Tax bills delayed . So lets see who screwed with the warrant back then - Carol S, K&P, who was our chairman - Bubba. Now this all has to be fixed, Woo Boy another screw up by the now infamous team! Soo Chris Stewart what are you going to do about all of this- Do you understand the importance of this? do you get it. Do you get the repercussions. Does VW or Scrappy get it? this is why we need to start thinking about The May elections. we need good leadership in our town. Not bumps on a log. We need elected officials that get it.Get it?

With no tax bills going out there is no money coming in. we will have to borrow. borrowing cost money, Get it? We need to get this straighted out as soon as we can. Even waiting until Jan 14th the next selectmen's meeting to discuss it is time wasted. Mr Stewart should be calling an emergency Selectmen's meeting NOW. and set a date for the special town meeting NOW. Where the hell is our leadership.

SO this brings me to some other questions - how did we pay those ice storm expenses? did we do short term borrowing? if we did - how did we pay the short term borrowing? why wasn't the reimbursement from MEMA put into free cash? where the hell is the paper trail for all this?

What other issues does the DOR have with how things were done in Templeton by our former Accountant and former Town Coordinator and our Former Town Attorneys.

What do you all expect with three dummies sitting on the board and I sure don't mean Julie and Jeff hee-hee-hee.

My opinions - thanks for reading Pauly

and a special thanks to Fred Aponte Town Accountant who has been trying to resolve the former accountant's mess.


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