Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Election Date

Due to the state-wide special election to fill Senator Kerry’s Senate seat, the state is allowing cities and towns to hold their local elections in conjunction with the state-wide election.

The state-wide election will occur on April 30, 2013. Our local elections would normally be held (according to by-law) on May 6, 2013. One reason for this action is to save the cost of a separate election one week apart.  There will also be a special election on June 25th.

This topic will probably be discussed at the February 11, 2013 BOS meeting. The date for taking out nomination papers would be February 11, 2013 and the nomination papers would need to be turned in by March 12, 2013.

Just something to think about…
Wonder who will run for elected office in the town of Templeton?

Please make every effort to attend the TMLWP meeting on February 6, 2013 and the BOS meeting on February 11, 2013.

Julie Farrell


  1. My comment would be why was O'Brien at the free supper at the Congregational Church on Monday night? Did he leave a donation? He is Catholic and a Lion and does not associated with the Congregational men at all.
    Someone must have sent him on a mission.

    1. Maybe he is "stupid" enough to run for selectman again and was campaigning early.

  2. How does one find out what elected positions are up for this election?

  3. This is a good time to bring up this next issue:Why at select meeting when P.K .ask
    A guestion he is treated so rudely by Chris he needs to show a little respect for his towns people grow some B_ _ ls and don't get to comfortable in that chair


  4. The participation in town politics has been excellent here on the blog, time to put actions to deeds and step up and run for political office. Citizen's 4 Templeton has lead by example. Getting good people in office a week earlier sounds good to me.

    1. Agreed. I wish we could hold elections next week. I'm sick of nothing moving forward with 2 selectman that are just taking up space on the board. Ms. Farrell has done a great job keeping on the ball with everything. I don't agree with Ms. Wilder's past actions, but at least she tries and follows up on current issues. The other two might as well be cardboard cutouts. I really hope good people will run this year and will be motivated to improve town business and work well with everyone, not just their clique.

  5. Rumor has it that chris is not going to run next time around!
    Shareholder: Quoted from a quality source

  6. shareholder........we can only hope!!!!!!!

  7. well remmeber mr O'Brien's comment at a meeting of the Templeton elementary school building committee. He may have been spreading the word that there is some new koolaid in the making.
