Saturday, February 16, 2013

Making thinks clearer

Just to clarify a few thing – the tax rate can not be sent until we have the Special Town Meeting to reverse the vote that was taken the May Annual Town Meeting. You see we had finally received MEMA reimbursement from the 2008 ice storm. We had already paid for those expenses and paid back the short term  loan we had taken out to pay those expenses. The money that we  received (finally) from MEMA was suppose to go to free cash. This is the law – it is the same if we get money on old tax bills or sell off 252 Baldwinville Rd or other property – goes to Free cash , gets certified by the state, then in the following year we can spend it or save it.
Now let’s review- when the Town Meeting warrant was being worked on last year,  Julie had been recalled (as well as Bob M) Patrick Mullins and Virginia Wilder had been voted in.  Chairman at the time was Bob Columbus, Bob, Virginia and Patrick proceeded to FIRE newly hired Town Coordinator Jeff Ritter and brought back Carol Skelton. They also fired the newly hired law firm (sorry their name escapes me) and rehired Kopelman and Paige.  Now we paid Carol Skelton and Kopelman and Paige to look over the TM Warrant and we paid K&P a lot. Guess what the vote was illegal. so these three selectmen Bob Columbus, Virginia wilder and Patrick Mullins with told disregard for the towns well being brought back a town coordinator Carol Skelton and a law firm K & P that obviously didn’t know how to do their jobs and didn’t care.
Makes you want the investigation of Pauly’s and Julie’s to happen to happen doesn’t it. Makes you wonder what else has happened over the past years. Oh yeah and where was the town Accountant Scott Sawyer in all of this – the one who was supposed to know all the “DOR accounting laws for town”. We the taxpayers of this own paid these people – for what. And don’t forget we paid the selectmen Bob Columbus, Virginia Wilder and Patrick Mullins at the time. Paid them to screw up things.
Now This issue is going to leave us with a $163,000. Shortfall for this year, YES, THIS FISCAL YEAR. That means that we have to find $163,000 from now to June 30, 2013!!!  We have already cut hours of employees, cut departments budgets. Where will it come from???? Yes, we will have the $163,000 next year in Free Cash but this year’s budget is short – very short. Thanks Bob Columbus, Virginia Wilder, Patrick Mullins, Carol Skelton and K&P for getting us here. You all should be run out of town for this. People will lose their jobs and town offices will have to be closed more for the remainder of the fiscal year. Thanks for letting your personal agenda ruin the town!!!
Now next subject we need a new school the school needs more money, we know this where is it going to come from? So let’s look at the past again, yes we will have that $163,000 in Free cash for next year (if we want to use it) But we also have a debt of $700,000. Thanks to Gerry Skelton, Dennis Obrien,  Bob Columbus we bought a building, paid too much, spent too much on architect plans and now we have to pay back the $700,000. that was wasted. Again people will lose jobs, town departments will have to work with less, etc.
Why and I bring up all of this? We continually say we need a new school, we need more money for the school dept., Highway needs better equipment, the roads are a mess, etc, etc. We all need to do our due diligence, we need to attend Selectmen meetings, advisory meeting, school budget meeting, Town Meetings, etc. and VOTE. Pay attention to what is going on in our town, pay attention to how money is being spent. Write or call Sen. Brewer and Denise Andrews and tell them you want the investigation to proceed.  Pay attention to who is on a commission or board and if they know what they are doing or if they have a personnel agenda.  Look at what depts. in town are getting raises every year  and what departments keep getting cut and have employees losing jobs.  And to Dana Blais Light & Water commissioner who stated you people (town) got yourselves there (where we are) No Dana it was your good friends Gerry and Carol Skelton, and Bob Columbus, Virginia Wilder, Patrick Mullins and Kopelman and Paige. 
So here’s a  good plan Vote at the Special Town Meeting to have the Light & Water MUNICIPAL department come under the Selectmen, then Vote for some good people that will be running for Selectmen. Not for people who only want to do Jerry’s work. Unfortunately Virginia Wilder is not up for reelection. (wonder how her family (teacher, grandkids in school ) feel about her loyalties to her good friends (Skeltons) and what they and she, Virginia cost this town. Bet the school could have used that $700,000 My “Anonymous” opinions. Thanks Pauly for this forum. 


  1. This was a road map to the deteriation, of our town and its government. Yes it it awful, but it can and has improved. The real truth is that we need all the support we can get. The town now has a very talented town coordinator, a advisory board that is doing its job, but there is more that is needed. I only know of one way we can salvage our government. That is if the Light and Water Department kicks in more money. Their department has not lost any time, or wages. All of the controversy, around the PILOT would not have happened, if they had agreed to help when we asked. Their refusal of working with the town, and their attitude is very wrong. We the people, yes, you and I, own this department. They should be working for us. Our light rate is not any longer the lowest, and will not be again, because of the way they invested in wind and nuculer. These are 40 year contracts, that leave no room for natural gas. None of these things make any difference, if people do not vote, and that means vote smart. It is up to every one who reads this blog to get the information out. Tell the people you meet what is happening. Let them know their vote is important, and try to get them to town meeting. These are the important things you can all to to help. Bev.

  2. Now that we are on the topic of school cost per education and also the quality of it. Can we start to think of the equality of the way towns figure out the amount each town has to pay!
    More talk in town about a formula? Well thats not the first time that word has come out lately! But it's sure an eye opener isn't it? With Templeton's finances upside down so to speek, lets start to see what it cost the templeton kids in compairision to the philipston kids. When the number of kids are totaled and the percentage of payment is found to be out of wack. The amount to pay per town should change very quickly or we should look at the past and figure out what our money got us, or got for them. Philipston pays a far less amount for the school budget, when has the amounts been looked at for equality last and changed to reflect the actual amounts that they should be?
    Willing to pay our fair share is just that, and they should know that too.
    Templeton has a go it alone issue with the new elementary school, No Philipston help to be given. From what i hear its only us to pay for the new school.
    I would think they would want to be in on it from the get go. Maybe they will join in when the price is right?
    Dave Smart

    1. Well, here we go again, another meeting of the REGULARS of the Red Barn church society on Saturday morning at Bubba's and Linda's house on Main Street, Otter River. Maybe they are stratergizing the school budget.

    2. More likely strategizing the Citizen Petition at the STM on March 6th....and trying to come up with a slate of candidates for election in May. Maybe it's time to post the signature sheets of everyone who signed the recall petition. Just to refresh everyone's memory.

      Is the subcommittee on the NRHS district agreement going to submit an article on the updated regional agreement? Why does Templeton pay 80% of the transportation costs for Phillipston students? And 80% percent of the electrical costs at PMS with the air conditioned gym? How many air conditioned gyms are there in the state of Massachusetts? Gotta wonder!

    3. I don't agree that posting the signature sheets will flush out the enemies. I, for one, signed it. I admit I fell for VG's lies hook, line, and sinker. She lied directly to my face at the Templeton Country Store when she was collecting signatures. And you can believe it when I say that I will NOT "step in the same shit twice". I am sure that many others got suckered.

    4. so Tom J, Virginia Wilder lied to you and many others. as did the others including Mr Henny. The Red Barn gang only wants to continue hurting this town. No matter where the meet!

  3. its funny that we are a district when it,s convent ,but when the buildings are worn out it should be a district problem not one towns problem ,if thats the case we should eliminate the district and templeton would have plenty of room with out any new buildings ,some thing to think about

  4. Well who else was at the meeting at the Columbus house. We need to let people know. these people are still trying to bankrupt the town. Was Ginny there?

    1. It would be interesting to find out where the superintendent found the money, she did not get due to the override not passing, to pay the new people she hired. It is not a smart thing to cry wolf, saying you can't survive with out added income, only to magically finding funds some place else. There is no excuse for the school department to not take care of anything they own. How long has it been since the front of Templeton Center School was painted?? It would seem, that if they can not take care of what they have now, how would they manage something new?? It is time that the younger people attend Advisory Board meetings, so they have a clear picture of where the town is, now and tomorrow. It is time for the school administration to do their homework, and see where our part of the agreement with Phillipston needs adjusting. I want the people who walk out of every town meeting, once their articles are done, to grow up and stay for the rest of the people. This town is the tree, and everyone else is a branch. If the tree does not have what it takes to stay alive, the rest of the departments are going to die, also. Our friends at Echo Hill, have brought the tree very close to death! Why they think that they would be voted back into office, is beyond me. Yes, I understand that the Light supporters are all up in arms. This is caused by their good friends at Echo Hill, along with the hangers on! Like it or not the Light Company needs to be looked at closely, no matter who is in office, simply because the town can not survive the way things are. Bev.

    2. VW will go as will the other one.
