Thursday, February 28, 2013

This is todays letter to the editor TGN

An attempt to override the rates in Templeton?
To the Editor: 2/28/2013
Gregg Edwards

To the Editor:

The recent hostile takeover attempt by the Templeton Board of Selectmen of the Light and Water Commission is provided with the following analysis. Unfounded accusations relative to transparency and wind turbine audits do not support a transition of this magnitude. So what drives these winds of change?

The selectmen have set forth this effort to overtake the TMLWP commission by superposition in the form of a citizen’s petition requiring a vote at a Special Town Meeting, March 6 at 7 p.m. Several years, ago this type of slick political effort created great strife within the community. I guess it is time to forget all of that? This should be reserved for an annual town meeting.

In any event, it is paramount that this proposed change in administration be at the forefront of all water and electric rate payers in the town of Templeton. The rate payers need to consider at least one flawed fundamental associated with this change of management.

There is no town charter that supports executive role of government in Templeton, all power and decision making resides with the selectmen. All fine and good, however the selectmen in this town over past several years has proven to be anything but stable. Actually, this state of flux that pervades the selectmen’s office is the one thing we can predict with some certainty.

As a past select board member, having watched many overrides get voted down, one soon realizes that managing a town/business which is cash strapped becomes very difficult.

When all overrides fail, we look to another avenue, maybe the electric utility rate revenue stream? It becomes apparent the motivation to govern the Light Department.

If the selectmen cannot raise taxes via override to support the government programs, the ability to manipulate electric rates and confiscate the revenue will do. Residents and the few businesses in the community are sensitive to rates and reliability.

This new found revenue stream to the town will be accomplished by the PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) payment. A vote at town meeting, if successful, would place the selectmen in full control of the TMLWP budget.

Fact: Over the past 10 years, the light commission has contributed over $1.2 million dollars to the general fund via this PILOT program. How much more money would the selectmen need and how deep will the cut go in the TMLWP budget? Your taxes may not increase, but your stable electric rates may not be so stable. Who will be on the select board in 5, 10 years? What will the future priorities be?

History has proven that a separate light and water commission has provided a stable electric rate and a well maintained utility system that operates as a self supported enterprise fund, not one subsidized by the tax base, but solely by the rate payers.

Gregg Edwards


  1. WAH,WAH,WAH!!! Oh boy, get out the crying towel, good old Greg has turned it on. Scare and threaten all of the people in town. Way to go! Any way to keep your little world complete, leave the boys to play with their toys, get your funds from someone else! Ok Greg, like who?The number of people in this town who do not have heat, has increased to a new level. Salvation army is out of funds, the oil subsidies are out of funds. Does anyone think we are going to get a over ride out of the people in town?? What the hell is this??"Your taxes may not increase, but your stable electric rates may not be so stable?? Now how can he figure this?? The fact that he ignores that the select board will not run the Light and water long term is another way he discives the people that will read this. We have a lot of work to do. Bev.

  2. Ok Gardner News...present the other side. You've printed two articles for one side. Lets hear the opposing viewpoint. I know Gardner News reporters read this blog as a means of finding out story ideas. So, lets see exactly how professional and credible you are as a journalist.

  3. The very first statement is false. This petition is a citizen's petition, not a Selectmem's "Citizen Petition."

    1. You are correct there. This is a petition brought forth by the CITIZENS of Templeton who are not pleased with how their light and water depts are being governed and would prefer the selectmen to govern temporarily in order to address several issues. Then, once these issues are solved, they will turn it back over to a commission or explore the idea of forming a DPW. If the current governing commission of Light and Water had been more transparent, courteous, and accommodating of rate payer inquiries, there would be no citizens petition in front of town meeting. They are being very deceptive in their opposing view to this article. Instead of directly addressing the issues, they are twisting the issues to make the selectmen look like the evil doers and using recent complaints of past selectmen out of context. Another example is spreading false rumors that all l&w employees will lose their jobs. Completely false. Simply using fear and intimidation as a defense. Its sad that most people won't bother to double check their claims and will blindly believe it as truth. Much like reading an article in a newspaper. Its printed. It must be the truth. Well, unfortunately biased news is now a large percentage of our means of communication. These days, one really has to be their own investigative reporter to believe anything anymore. That's why I try to get all sides to a story and then make up my own mind as to who is telling the facts and the truth.

  4. Dear Mr Edwards if the L&W dept is so transparent why have they not submitted the water dept. budget for FY2014 to the Advisory board and the selectmen as every other dept. has done. We the voters of this town must vote the Water Budget at the annual town meeting. The advisory board has asked Mr Driscoll for this info numerous times, Where is it???

  5. Hey Greg I have to agree with you on the part of the select board being anything BUT STABLE for the last several years . If my memory serves me correctly ,that would be the days of Bob Columbus ,Dennis Obrian ,under the control of Jerry Skelton and his side kick wife CAROL . Thanks for reminding me . And just for the record WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO AS SELECTMAN TO HELP THE TOWN ? I know that the money you three TAKE from the town as pay sure could help a lot of people that REALLY need it

    1. I can't help but wonder if Mrs.Bell has any idea of the business she has lost, because of the biased reporting they have? Why not just report what each side says? Then people could make up their own mind! It would sell more papers. Ok, she can say, she was put out of business by Paulys Blog, and it was no ones fault but their own. Bev.

  6. If you can't get your facts straight in the first paragraph, one has to wonder to what depths the Light and Water department would need to sink before a transition of this magnitude should occur? The "transition" mentioned by the author was initiated by a Citizen Petition. That citizen is Dave Smart. While Dave Smart has taken out nomination papers for BOS, he is not a sitting selectman. This is NOT a BOS warrant article.

    No answers are provided in the editorial regarding the delay (2 1/2 YEARS) of the wind turbine audit. The wind turbine was originally voted as a 3.1 million dollar project which mushroomed to a 3.8 million dollar project (TMLWP votes). I believe there were more cost overruns not included in the 3.8 million dollar project. I have projections and details which indicate a 4.1 million dollar total cost for the project.

    I have made repeated requests for the audit, both as a commissioner and as a concerned citizen and ratepayer. The total cost of the project will effect the calculation for the "payback period" and the cost of borrowing for the project as well as the calculation for depreciation. An audit for a multi- million dollar project is not an idle exercise. Audits are an accepted business practice. I believe the TMLWP owes the ratepayers of this town an accurate audit of all the finances related to the wind turbine well as an estimate for decommissioning the turbine should it fail.

    While it a laudable the the TMLWP has contributed 1.2 million dollars to the general fund, the essential question remains unanswered - What is the calculation for the PILOT payment? Why is there such resistance to negotiating with the BOS to formalize the PILOT payment calculation? To negotiate a fair and equitable PILOT payment for both parties? Not to deplete the reserves of Light department but to provide a fair, equitable and transparent payment calculated using mutually agreed upon formula.

    The town has dealt with its budget shortfall, but cutting hours, departments and staff. By closing town offices on Friday. The town did not seek an override to deal with current shortfall. The town is looking for accountability and transparency from all MUNICIPAL departments, including Light and Water. Time to take off the blinders.

    If TMLWP had been more forthcoming with its financial information, if TMLWP had treated people more courteously, if TMLWP had provided the requested information regarding the water main breaks, TMLWP would not be dealing with a citizen petition to place control over TMLWP under the BOS. TMLWP commissioners and management has brought this situation upon themselves.

  7. Great article Greg, but the first line is a little incorrect. hey, we are not all perfect. good luck.
