Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Veterans’ Services…Again

Veterans’ Services…Again

Wow! Ok. At tonight’s BOS meeting, Dennis O’Brien attended the meeting to discuss Veteran’s Services under Old Business.

I wrote a blog about the last time the board discussed veteran’s services. It just keeps getting better and better. Tonight, Dennis delivered this message from Neil McGuirk, the Veterans agent.

I guess if you dare to ask questions of the veterans’ agent that means you must hate veterans. One of my favorites from McGuirk is :
“6. I believe Ritter and others are outwardly demonstrating behaviors consistent with public protests leveled against active service-members and veterans during the late 60s and early 70s. “
“11. Ritter and Selectwoman Farrell despise the fact the district is my employer. Power hungry individuals tend to communicate pettiness and could care less to the harm they may cause to the community as in this situation, Templeton’s veterans.”

All this because I asked for historical data on how many veterans in Templeton per year had received services from North Quabbin Veterans District?  Information that I would never receive even if I had made a public records request?

Now I am convinced we need to do better by our veterans than this.

I’ll blog more tomorrow about the rest of the meeting. Even power hungry individuals need their rest.

My opinion …supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. WOW!, this Veteran’s services guy has got a real problem. He has come to meetings and written letters from a position of arrogance and ignorance. He has preconceived ideas and a closed mind. He is setting himself up to fail and get himself fired.
    “Power hungry individuals tend to communicate pettiness and could care less to the harm they may cause to the community as in this situation” – Hold the mirror up to yourself, Mr. McGuirk. Comments from him like that and ”Typical nonveteran” shows his true colors. He may care about the veterans, as it is his job to do so, but it is a big world with many others in it. Trying to scare his base supporters is a cheap shot across the bow of Templeton residents.

  2. Julie - As a taxpayer who also happens to be a veteran (USCG, 1973-1977), I would like to go on record as supporting the questions that you have asked of the Veteran's Agent.

    Asking a question is not being disrespectful. Accountability and free exchange of information are necessary to ensure the proper expenditure of public funds. Keep asking questions, and ignore the hyperbole.

    1. The things Mr.McGuirk said about Julie and Mr.Ritter were so awful, even I was at a loss for words. This man has to go. The leaders of our town need and deserve, more respect than they received from him. He has given a black eye to his agency. Mr. O'Brien is no better. He is a JS appointment, made at the last minute by Bubba and crew. I had a bad feeling about his appointment when it happened. Way to go, to send O'Brien into the lions den, with a letter like the one he carried. No one but O'Brien would be dumb enough to do this. The conflict between the Skelton crew and the C4T, is by no means over. It is heating up. Why won't these people go away and let our town recover from the last time they were in office?? There is no more money to play with. Our town budget is with the DOR, maybe they will put their foot down on some of these people! Bev.

  3. As a person who's spouse is a veteran and who's son is a veteran and who's grandson is now serving. I find this letter from the VSO disgusting. As the town searches to find money to fix the mess that the past administrative left us with. we have to look at all departments and administrative cost. this does not mean that the town wants to cut services to the citezens and veterans. It just means we are trying to get the jobs done with the least cost to the town.

  4. I think the biggest goal and problem i have with the way veterans are served by our system is the fact that the cost to administer the services is almost as much as the benefits. That to me says we need to try something else so the veterans get the benefit and not mcjerk, He would fit in well at the L+W show!
    Dave Smart

  5. speaking as a veteran from 3 branches of the military and currently serving in Afghanistan, let me first say the one time I inquired about vet benefits thru the VA, I was told I am not a vet. After some colorfully worded questions, I produced 2 dd214 discharge papers from marine corps and navy and then my questions were entertained. I figured out right then that the people administrating the benefits have the problem not the vets. Too much of the districts money is spent on admin and not the vets. the system is stacked against vets and I do not care too much for someone who wishes to throw out all the regs and rules and the threats rather than sitting down and having a conversation. See, when a vet goes to see about benefits earned and promised,, they get the old admin 123 rather than the assistance they seek. Mr. Mcguirck displays the exact attitude that is the problem rather than the solution.

  6. I may have missed it but I did not see in the McGuick letter any mention of how much is his salary, what percent of it is paid by Templeton, the amoun Templeton contributes to the district how many vets are served from Templeton and how much was is paid to Templeton vets. on a side note, I do not need Mr. McGuirk for burial assistance, one can get that thru the VA after you provide prrof of veteran status and death certificate. I suspect after some looking, you will find a nice cushy job with salary and expenses taken out prior to vets getting one damn dime, same as always. I suspect also with some time and effort, Templeton can find another way to service vets at a cheaper cost and still follow the law, there just may be one less beaurocrat involved. (that coming from an elected person who by definition may be classified a beaurocrat) The attitude reflected in Mr. McGuirck's letter shows me, based solely on those words, it is time to show Mr. McGuick the door. I hope Mr. McGuick figures out real quick that I am not afraid to talk the talk but I will also walk the walk - at 56 and having already served multiple times I did not have to come to Afghanistan, I chose to and if Mr. McGuirck does not choose to be part of a solution and chooses to go down the echohill route, I will work very hard to show him the door too. (echohill route equals the road of threat intimidation and slop throwing as in when someone in that group thought they could stop me by publishing my previous court records,, I hope they remember how that worked out for them!) I trust and support Jeff Ritter to work for a better way to serve vets and i believe Dennis O'Brien should consider serving a new master.

  7. Jeff, as a sitting selectman, I hope your Board takes your opinion into consideration when dealing with this issue. I believe you are the most qualified to shed some light on how this program should work and the flaws it currently possesses. This McGuirk guy does seem more concerned about keeping his paycheck rather than cooperating with anyone. Anyone that would sling around such false information should be dismissed for his behavior. Our veterans deserve all the benefits they can get. And I don't think its disrespectful to veterans to look at administrative costs. If more money can go to our service men and women rather than go to paper pushers, I would consider that far more supportive that letting status quo continue. Please come home safely, Jeff. You are soooo missed!!

  8. Our veterans deserve better than this foolish agent. I have heard horrible stories of his treatment of people, veterans and civilians.
