Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hope you all remembered to turn your clocks back!


  1. i think you meant "ahead"...not back. ugg we lost an hour of sleep.

    1. Once again stupidity rules.......push clock ahead pauly

  2. anon 1:28 - calling someone stupid is very strong language, mistakes happen. i'm guessing it was just a typo. this blog is about sharing information and asking questions, not name calling. it has made me sad and angry to see people name calling and being down right nasty on this blog.many people read this blog for the purpose of sharing information and asking questions-so i am assuming that the negative comments and name calling is just a way for some people to try and get as many people as they can to see their negativity and just reflects how the town of templeton cannot work together as a community - it really is sad.

  3. i will send you some tissues..... i guess you don't read much of what is on this blog, because it is hardly a community blog for information...once again stupidity rules!! Know the gargabe you support...

  4. dont cry... you can watch spongebob with smart

  5. i j.. read your own post making false rumors about people in the town..get off your horse and stick ur foot in your sad and angry....wha wha!!! change ur own behavior before you can point at someone else- phil taylor

    1. I suggest the same for you, sir. Maybe you can be part of the solution that this town needs by consciously speaking with more respect toward your fellow citizens.

  6. j march 1:53...... the original post was from pauly. the "stupidity rules" was ALSO, if you read it !!!!! if one can not laugh at HIMSELF without a rant about "getting along", to quote you, "IT REALLY IS SAD " !!!!!!!!!

  7. wow is all i can say... the way i read it, and apparently you all think i read it wrong, was

    AnonymousMarch 10, 2013 at 1:28 PM
    Once again stupidity rules.......push clock ahead pauly

    i read it as Anonymous was calling Pauly stupid - not that the post was from Pauly - i don't think he posts anonymously.

    i agree you have to be able to laugh at yourself before you can laugh at anyone else, and i certainly am not going to change my behavior, i am entitled to my opinions just like everyone else. and my opinion is that the town of templeton is in a sad situation right now for many many reasons - not just the petition about the light/water, not just the new school issues, not the baldwinville road project, not just about the windmill, not just because of the tax rate, budget issues, etc, but because of ALL OF THESE reasons. and yes i do follow this blog regularly and have found it to be very informative, i'm not stating that i agree with everything on this blog, but it is informative and in my opinion not everything on this blog is a lie.

  8. well, it's great not everything on the blog is a use your words....

  9. yes, not everything on this blog is a lie. when i see links, e-mail correspondence or MGL's quoted here, i check them out, and then i can make an informed decision and state my opinions based on facts that i have researched. based on what i have researched, i have found that many issues and/or concerns are true. i made that statement "not everything on this blog is a lie" because that is the truth and if you are trying to emphasize my terminology of "not everything is a lie" to imply that i believe there are lies on this blog, that is true, but they fall within the people who do not like this blog or for what ever reason they may have a personal gain to not be so truthful.

  10. get off your horse posted made a post saying{rumor has it) that is not based on research..stop selling BS!!!! PEOPLE NOW A FRAUD when they see or hear one....

    1. Oops! Anon 7:47pm-I think you made a mistake. I believe you meant to say "know" a fraud, not "now" a fraud. I guess everybody makes mistakes, huh?

  11. yea seems a little hypocritical to mention personal names or rumors on a blog for information.....look in the mirror JOKER!!!

  12. i'm not on any high horse, i'm just stating my opinions. if stating my opinions makes me a joker, than i guess i am one in your eyes. but the last time i heard, this is a free country and i can state my opinion whenever i want, regardless if people agree with me or not.

    yes i did mention in a previous post "rumor has it", that was my way of saying that i heard it directly from someone, so that meant to me that the rumor has it - it was true.

    I have not mentioned any personal names during this blog, the only time i ever mentioned a name was when i mentioned the wind mill dedication to John LeClerc, and if you read that post, i was saying i was in favor of it and i always will be. the windmill project was very important to him and it is just to bad that it is not what he envisioned it to be.

    i was taught to be respectful and as you can see my posts on here have been respectful and not name callimg or belittle anyone.

    to think that all this is because i mentioned it was "spring ahead" not "back" - wonder the town is in such a mess.

    so i am done with this exchange - my posts will only be about information sharing, questions and my opinions.

  13. Does anyone remember the people on this blog saying that they saw or heard selectman Wilder BULLYING Mr. Ritter ??Then Mr. Ritter saying Sel. Wilder NEVER BULLIED him ?? I read the lies but never heard any apology !! Was that because Mr. PHC wanted MORE DIRT on THESE PEOPLE ?? IT is his BLOB...

    1. Mr. PHC doesn't need dirt on these people because they make dirt on their own. What people saw was truthful. Mr. Ritter didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Ask Mr. Ritter about the former town counsel calling him and threatening him not to take the job here in Templeton. You'll hear a different story. He said on camera that he would testify in court about it. There's been plenty of bullying done here in Templeton. What other incidents do you want to talk about? Bob Columbus harassing the Senior Center Director? Jerry Skelton harassing former town treasurer? Whatever happened to the list of complaints that the BOS was supposed to go through and investigate? Did that list disappear along with the complaints? Or did they all get resolved? How about we all agree to stop harassing one another, possibly change the climate in Templeton and move forward together to find solutions to our problems without the need for bullying or harassment to get what we want?

    2. anyone who kows Pauly knows that he would not use the words stupidity rules. that comment was someone calling him stupid. The posting was just a typo.

  14. anon March 11 at 10:16 AM - i didn't think it was pauly, like you said, he would not use the words "stupidity rules", so i was just trying to state that because he made a typo was no reason to call him stupid, but in turn, i was called to "get off my high horse", "jerk", "cry baby", "hypercrite", "liar", "joker", "fraud", "told to change my behavior"....some people have no respect. i certainly now believe that there is bullying going on in many places if people have that kind of attitude.

  15. oh poor j should i tell the principal you are being bullied..maybe julie can make them sit in the corner....once again this is in response to blog after blog i read is filled with use paul's words don't like..don't read it......p.s. we find out who is bullying you we will keep them in for recess

  16. people like you are not worth my your own words, if you don't like what i write, then don't read it. and now you are mocking bullying in the school system?? next time some young child commits suicide because he was bullied, i will be thinking of you...and your comments - bullying is not something that is nor should ever be taken so lightly-it is a serious problem.

  17. Yep you got that right J, these are the bullies that have gone after Jeff Ritter. Yep, Bubba, Ginny and mullins. and Ritter couldn't say anything about because of what Kopelmen and Page put in his "separation" agreement. I think it was posted here on the Blog. That is their mentality. Like Steve Brehio going around giving the finger to all the old people in town who don't like Skelton.
    J keep commenting.

  18. So J / you have no problem with PHC saying ASSWIPE BC ?

    1. actually i do think it is not appropriate, i don't think name calling or insulting anyone by anyone is appropriate. conversations can occur without all the name calling, insulting, bullying, etc.

  19. i am an adult and can take the insults and bullying, but when the "anonymous" people/person start to reference bullying and school scenarios, that really hits the lowest of low. these people who can easily throw out insults with no regard to what they are saying or who they are saying them to only represents ignorance. they do not know who i am, what i do for a living, where i live, what type of person i am, but they think they have the right to insult me and call me a fraud, liar, joker, etc... they really have no clue who i am.... it is actually humorous to me. they don't even realize that they are making themselves look like fools.

    i'd like to say Karma is a bitch...what comes around goes around.

    The people who only can insult or post negative comments are usually the ones that have something to hid or are afraid that the truth will finally come out about all the wrong doings in the town.

    1. What about ur post I'm done with this.....can't even back up ur own statement.....i love the strategy....give em what they dish out...if you cannot take it pauly said it best....dont read it

    2. Bart and I were talking about people that bully other people, the other day. He said they do the bullying because they are a weak person, and that is the only way they feel like they are in control. No matter what the reason, there is a law against it. It is time we make sure that law is followed. No one deserves to put up with that kind of behavior, any where. This is my opinion. Bev.

  20. i agree bev...bullying is opinion too...

  21. it is impossible to bully someone on a blog...ahhhhh don't go on the blog if it bothers's not bullying if the person who thinks they are getting bullied, continously goes on a blog and feels threatened.....doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize this people...stop da drama pleaseeeee!!!!!

    1. sorry but i have to disagree with you Anon - 5:24 PM - It is possible, have you not heard about all the bullying that goes on within the social media sites! if people want to insult or bully me on this social blog, than it can be considered bullying..i do not feel threatened, i never said i felt threatened.

      I had some doubts about the bullying occurring within the BOS office and other departments, but after this, i have no doubts that it does and probable continues to occur. Like Bev said, there is a law against bullying.

    2. what is the definition of bullying again??

    3. you asked what the definition of bullying is:

      From the Webster Dictionary:
      Definition of CYBERBULLYING

      the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person often done anonymously
      — cy·ber·bul·ly noun or verb

      another interesting definition:

      Bullying is defined as “an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally” (Wikipedia). It is characterized as behaving in a manner to gain power over another person. And it is a form of abuse. I would suggest that if you rephrase the descriptive action from “repeated aggressive behavior” to “taking frustrations out” on those who are weaker or different, bullying becomes a much more commonplace and identifiable act. In fact, it is pervasive.

      There are different types of bullies and different environments in which they proliferate. There are verbal bullies, physical bullies, serial bullies, gang bullies, cyber bullies, subordinate bullies, unwitting bullies, work bullies, sadistic bullies, and psychotic and sociopathic bullies. There are bullies at work, at home, in schools, in governments, in religious organizations, on the internet, and in social cliques.

      What all bullies have in common is the use of power to satisfy one’s own psychological shortcomings. Each time a bully moves against someone weaker, he/she feels better about themselves for an instant. But because that feeling doesn’t last, they do it again and again. Sometimes the bully appears to lack insight into their own behavior (unwitting bully), but more often the bully does know but elects to ignore the moral and ethical considerations by which the majority of people are bound. The rules don’t apply to them. Or they have projected so much self-hatred on the other that they truly believe that those they are bullying deserve exactly what they are getting.

      More insidious and pernicious is the type of bullying that has less to do about forcing you to do something and more to do with “putting you in your place”, minimizing or even destroying you in order to make someone else feel better about themselves. People do this consciously or unconsciously because of a hole inside of themselves that they try and fill by being better than someone else. It gives them a sense of power and authority in the world that they may not otherwise experience. It is a way to externalize their own feelings of insecurity, inferiority and rage by putting those feelings on someone else and then attacking them. Some bullying is so subtle that you really believe the bully – they make you feel unsure of yourself – bad about yourself. They can even do it in the guise of friendship or love. It becomes more of a mind game than an outright violation. But it is bullying just the same. We will not be able to rid the world of bullies, but we can learn how to stand up to them.

    4. i applaude you are a good american! i thank you for a little confused thou..who are you stopping from bullying?? cuz i wanna help!

    5. im hear what you are saying...but why give someonelse power over how you feel about yourself..instead of callying people bullies, I say do things that make you feel good about yourself..good info on bullying well done...Adults need to address their insecurities within themself..too many people today look for the 'easy' way out...Free handouts! I agree bullying is a be a bully you need to consistently make action toward someone that are abusive and they need to feel threatened continously over a period of one is personally addressed on these comments you are reffering to..i love your passion for the rights of the common man/women...i just wish people would objectively look at all sides and angles of whatever the are debating about before they make decisions.. if people are very sensitive and emotional it is easy to misinterpret/misunderstand information and have 'tunnel vision' on subjects...

    6. so i think you are is not bullying if someone tells you, you suck on a blog? simple version. makes sense actually..well said fellow blogger...

  22. let's focus on the important issues people...we need someone to answer for the bombs being planted in the twin towers..i think we need a petition..someone who will go door to door to get to the bottom of one the bigest disasters in america history.. who would be a perfect fit for this very important position..hmmm???mm any thoughts??- jimmy the greek
