Friday, March 1, 2013

BOS Meeting February 25, 2013

BOS Meeting February 25, 2013

Part 1 of the Templeton BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the Templeton BOS Meeting

Part 3 of the Templeton BOS Meeting

For a short agenda this meeting took a long time. The BOS zipped right through the application and CPC article for Tomb restoration. Alan Mayo presented his usual concise explanation.

Treasurer, Dan Keeney had two items for discussion: options to provide payroll services and a request to proceed with short term borrowing.

Payroll – one vendor was discussed to process the Town’s payroll. The new accounting software has a payroll module, but it is not as cost effective. Hopefully, this service will be in place by April 1st to start the next quarter. It is estimated that the cost of this service is approximately $10,000/year. It would be less expensive if we had a bi-weekly payroll.

Short Term borrowing- Due to the delay in setting the tax rate (Please attend the March 6 STM), the treasurer will need to borrow a significant sum of money approximately 1.8 million. Collections for the town are down because the tax bills haven’t been sent out. This borrowing will be a 90 day note to keep the town afloat until the tax receipts start to come in.

Under New Business there was a lengthy discussion about McClean Hospital project on Baldwinville Rd. The discussion centered around the Dover amendment and the proposed treatment facility. Legitimate concerns are the projected volume of patients per year from a low of 573 patients /year to a high of 800 patients per year. This parcel is a little over an acre with 22 patient beds. Unlike the other McClean facilities in Princeton ( 8 acres , 30 day minimum stay , private insurance, 8-10 patients) the proposed facility in Baldwinville has more patients on a smaller lot and would accept Mass Health. Probably going to be a different clientele than the patients in Princeton.

Under New Business we discussed and voted to submit a number of By-Law warrant articles as BOS.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

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