Saturday, March 2, 2013

Citizen petition

Why you should vote in favor of the Light and Water Citizen petition

On March 6, 2013 registered voters in the Town Of Templeton will have the opportunity to vote to restore transparency to all of Templeton’s municipal operations.

The talking points in this handout outline some of the main reasons why this citizen petition was submitted for consideration at the special town meeting.

Dave Smart, recently received some of the requested information on the PILOT payment calculation:

Letter indicating the calculation used for FY14 PILOT payment

This information is a good starting point to negotiate a formal PILOT payment agreement. A negotiation involves more than one party.

I received this letter from TMLWP manager John Driscoll, which explains the $28.00/quarter service charged to water customers. 

Please do your own research. Review the prior blog posts. Check out : Important Documents Page.

Most importantly, please attend the Special Town Meeting on March 6, 2013.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Anon: 5:01 am

    Any particular reason to vote NO?

    1. Because the BOS cannot run the town! What makes you think you have what it takes to run the only sucess in town? If you or anyone on there had a buisiness background things may be different for the town. And now you and your friend Dave wanna run that into the ground too!? And dont blame Jerry either! Thats like Obama blaming Bush and look how that has turned out for the country! Its the same thing! Vote NO on article six and save what good Templeton still has.

    2. I don't know where you are coming from. Which particular business would like the town to emulate? Arthur Anderson? AIG? Enron? In my opinion, the "powers that WERE " were trying to run this town into the ground...into receivership or bankruptcy.

      I don't want to run Light and water into the ground.I want and expect accountability from Light and Water...haven't seen that yet. No one will see it unless this change is made on a temporary basis.

      Templeton is finally on the right path to financial stability. A new Advisory Board, accountant, treasurer and coordinator are working diligently to clean up a very large mess that was left behind. There are BOS candidates who have taken out papers who understand the time commitment needed to get the job done.Not just to run to take up space

      And yes, we are still cleaning up after Jerry's mess. His hands are dirty on many issues including Chapter 93 Acts of 2000; 252 Baldwinville Rd; unauthorized USDA loan....and more.

    3. What time is the meeting?

    4. Anon 12:30pm- Sounds like you're under the influence of either obligation or stupidity. The BOS is supposed to make sure the town is functioning properly by all the dept heads and committees that run their part of the operation. One of the ways they do that is to review all financial operations linked to the town. Especially when under financial crisis. If one dept is not forthcoming with said financial information, its up to the BOS to demand it. Unfortunately, some of the members of the BOS are letting personal agenda cloud their responsibilities and have let certain depts get away with not reporting on their financials or other reports. Remember, this is a CITIZENS petition, not a BOS petition. The CITIZENS, i.e. rate payers of L&W are not pleased with the lack of cooperation of the L&W commissioners. If they were better at reporting their financials, audits, and reports of water main breaks, there would be no issue here. The only people in the business of running anything into the ground are former BOS who cost the town hundreds of thousands of dollars and put the town in severe debt. Sorry, but people know who did that. No one will forget. And Mr. Skelton's name happens to be linked to every bad deal in town over the past decade. His wife, too. What would be best for the town is if we elect new faces to the BOS and move forward, as in "evolve" from previous practices and personal agendas taking priority to professional management. I am thrilled that there are new people in place that are helping to unravel the mess that said previous officials left behind. New Advisory Board, new Coordinator, new Accountant, and new Treasurer are all wonderful, intelligent and committed to executing their responsibilities in a professional manner. They should be thanked and respected. If Jerry Skelton or Bob Columbus or anyone in their mindset thinks they can come in and get away with the shenanigans they once did, they will be in for a great surprise. There are too many people that are watching closely and know the deal now. So, lets see where the cards fall in the coming months. Its great that you're loyal to your good ole boy buddy and want to defend him. Unfortunately, you will find yourself on the wrong side of the story.

  2. You are right on one thing... It is a CITIZENS petition from Dave Smart under direct order of the ring leader JF! Puppets are among us here in Templeton! The Light co should be left alone in order to prevent another half ass dept and in town that cant operate edficiently! You want money, take it from the sewer dept! Ya know the 450 plus k that i as a taxpayer handover to an enterprise dept and dont even have sewer! Robbing peter to pay pauls never works!

    1. You are right. There are puppets in town. Look at the video last Nov 2011 when you see Columbus and Hamilton making puppet gestures on camera. You can call names all you want, insult all the other depts in town (ya that's really a team spirit you've got) but the facts are facts, the numbers are numbers and the laws are laws...none of which will show any support to your claims. They will, however, show that wrong doings have happened and they will show who's names are attached. Julie doesn't need followers to get things done. Many people do their own research and seem to come up with the same points, questions, and facts that she does. So, many people simply agree with her. I know many men (and some women) have a hard time dealing with a strong, intelligent woman in this town. Probably because their normal manipulative and harassing tactics won't work on someone like that. So, they decide to hate whomever they don't know how to control or react to. Julie is a fair woman. Thank goodness she gives a crap about this little town. And she will gladly discuss any issue with anyone. Can't say that about your good ole boy buddies. Enough said.

    2. Bringing the Light and Water Department under the watchful eye of the town and BOS is sounding better and better. Getting answers to questions, or not and having the meetings filmed so all can watch can't be all bad.

    3. hey anon 3:27 in case you have forgotten it was the voters at Town meeting that voted to have the 75 25 split on the sewer betterment.75% betterments to the sewer users and 25% by taxation. voter by the people. Templeton is a democracy. get it. not a kingdom of the L&W.

  3. I believe the "puppet " reference mentioned above took place on September 26, 2011 This link will allow you to revisit this historic part of Templeton's past:


  4. How can anyone say the Light & water dept is a success. Look at the wind turbine. Look at the water dept debt. look at all the water main brakes. Look at what we pay for rates. The only sucess are the laborers and linemen. and that has nothing to do with the running of the dept., they are just good employees who know their jobs. If we do vote to do this, let's hope we vote in two good people for selectmen and not Stewart and Skelton.

    1. I do not need anyone to tell me what to think or what to do. After a couple of meetings at the Light and Water Department, I can tell you something smelled. Smell like a family of rats were living in the walls, along with the bodies they tried to hide. Never in my life did I expect to be treated so poorly, by people who were supposed be working for the town. You did not have to be a rocket scientist to know something was very wrong. Oh yes, things look good over there on Bridge Street, as long as you do not expect much from the people running our business. The questions that keep coming up about the wind turbine, water main problems and all of those 40yr. loans, and debt, we don't even know about, will haunt this town, long after I am gone. This is no joke! You and I will not see the whole picture as long as the commissioners and JD are in charge. The true facts on the wind turbine, will not see the light of day, until after the May Annual Town Meeting. This report is not going to be a good one, so they will keep it under wraps as long as they can. I am really sick of anyone who does not agree with us, blaming every thing on Julie Farrell. Guess what you guys, she is not the only person in this town who is not afraid to take a stand when our town is in trouble! My grandfather was one of the earlier light commissioners. I seriously doubt that he and others, would agree with how things have been done. Our town is on the edge of failure because of the earlier BOS, and the people who have worked as C4T, will not stand down, to let our town be trashed any longer. This is my opinion, and I will stand by it and with the people who are working to get our town on its feet. Stand with us, before things get worse. If you really think about the things we have uncovered, the town really can't wait to get this department in order. We will not trash it,it is being trashed, right under your nose. Bev.

  5. Go away Julie Farrell, you are not wanted...kookoo for cocoa puffs!!!!! padded cell will beneift is really sad what you have done to the farrell name...Mrs. farrell and Mr. farrell are surely ashamed of you..two good people who deserve their name be given more

  6. A623 12 feet of 300 pound test and find a tall bridge.Tie one end to the bridge and a noose. Stop the suffering "your" going through!
