Friday, March 22, 2013


Who in their right mind would ignore all the talk on the blog and through the grapevine-if you know what I mean. Do these people think that they are God's gift to all lonely taxpayers? I noticed a couple new names and already it seems like they came from the same batch that we got rid of. By the time candidates night comes we will all know the real candidates. Word passes fast, and we have people on Pauly’s Templeton watch and citizens4 Templeton watching and taking notes. Candidates night is going to be one of the most interesting ones so far in Templeton. I hope Kamaloht keeps the lights low so we can't notice the "red" faces and the shaky hands when I questions are asked. And we are going to video and audio the whole deal. We will witness the mudslingers. Some of the most important questions will be asked and please listen to the answers. The (you know who) will give. I can imagine the look on the candidates faces when a particular question is asked, like Boob Columbus calling me, PHC Sr a liar at a public meeting. When everyone knew he was and still is a liar.
All this stuff has caught up with that rotten bunch. But all taxpayers must be informed or they will try to pull the same thing again, sneaky rats will keep trying. So we must all keep getting the word to the taxpayers that don't follow the meetings or the blog. And most of all, a lot of taxpayers mind their business until they get their tax bill, by then it's too late to get things changed. And to those that were appointed to a new position (don't drag your feet) we are watching everyone. This waste must be stopped and I believe exposing these people to the BOS and see what they get for an explanation at a selectmen's meeting. And you people know who I am talking about. Are you doing your job? In my opinion if we don't elect a good person to the BOS we might as well hang it up. It's not going to be long before the town will be taken over by the state, then you will not have a choice to voice your opinion. The selectmen's meetings are on channel 8 usually the next day for those that can't attend meetings on Patriots road every other Monday. For any information of town affairs call the selectmen's office at 978-939-8801. By the way is the new treasurer dragging his feet I will post a report I am waiting to see the complaints on paper so I don't have to argue with anyone. Let's bring this issue out into the open it was done to Deb Dennis. How come the new treasurer has been questioned. Am I the only one in town that knows about this? I am expecting a printed report today. I have friends who have been waiting to get a print out of their account since last November. These people have tried very hard to get caught up on their tax bills and they cannot get an answer. I am expecting a printed report today and on another note. Let's say Jerry loses "again" on election day so what, all he will do (the second time) is go to the town clerk and walk out a winner (how come?) Then the opponent will have to come up with big bucks for a recount (remember Jeff Bennett?) But this will not happen again. If I have to camp out at the Town Clerk's office with video, I will do it.

More of my opinions to follow every couple of days, I need more help with this blog. Honest volunteers give me a call 978-808-3386 thanks for reading Pauly


  1. I hope all of the candidates show up for Candidate's night. The issues are too important, for anyone to not attend. If a candidate does not bother to go, it is telling you something! No show, no vote!! Bev.

  2. Politics may not be the oldest profession, but the results are the same

  3. “Freedom of Speech is the one gift you must give to your worst enemies in order to keep it for yourself” by Doug Christie

  4. “Freedom of Speech is the one gift you must give to your worst enemies in order to keep it for yourself” by Doug Christie
