Sunday, March 17, 2013

From TGN this weekend'

TEMPLETON — The upcoming town election ballot will feature a race for two seats on the Board of Selectmen, with several candidates looking to make a return to the board.

Selectman Patrick Mullins — who was elected in last year’s recall vote — will not seek re-election on April 30, while board Chairman Chris Stewart will be running for a new term.

Town Clerk Carol Harris has certified a total of six candidates vying for the two three-year terms on the board, including Gerald Skelton, Paul Cosentino, Doug Morrison, Paul Quattrociocchi, Kenneth Robinson and Mr. Stewart.

Mr. Skelton previously served on the select board for six years — four of which he served as chairman — and was manager of the town’s Light Department for more than 20 years.

Mr. Quattrociocchi is also a former selectmen and remains civically active.

Mr. Morrison is the current chairman of the Senior Center Oversight Committee and has played a key role in the creation of the town’s new senior center, which should open this year.

Mr. Cosentino is a longtime resident and local business owner who has served on the Conservation Commission.

Mr. Robinson is an attorney and new to town politics.

Mr. Stewart was first elected to the board in 2010 and was voted chairman in 2012. He is also a member of the town’s Light and Water Commission and has served on various committees and boards over the years.

Additional races include a three-way battle for a three-year seat on the light and water commission. Candidates include incumbent Gregg Edwards and challengers Franklin Moschetti and David Smart.

Mr. Moschetti is a longtime member of the town’s Planning Board, and Mr. Smart serves on the Highway Department. In recent weeks, Mr. Smart also filed a citizens petition seeking to eliminate the light and water commission, which was rejected during a Special Town Meeting earlier this month.

The final contest is for a three-year seat on the Board of Health, with Elizabeth Crocker facing Randy Lawrence. Current health board member Edward Stacy will not be seeking another term.

Uncontested races on the ballot include five-year terms on the Planning Board held by incumbents Charles Carroll II and Mr. Moschetti. David Bergeron is running for another year as town moderator, while Robert Dennis is seeking a three-year term on the Sewer Commission.

Alan Mayo and Michael Morgan are running unopposed for two- and three-year seats, respectively, on the Community Preservation Committee, and Michael Kirby is seeking a three-year term on the Cemetery Commission.

John Brooks is seeking a one-year term on the Board of Assessors, while Bradley Lehtonen is running for a three-year seat on the board.

Lori Mattson, representing Templeton on the Narragansett School Committee, is running unopposed for a new three-year term, as is Phillipston committee representative Daniel Sanden.

With school committee member Stephanie Flynn of Phillipston recently announcing her resignation, resident Victoria Chartier plans to run for the two-year seat unopposed.

The final day for candidates to withdraw from the election is March 28. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. April 30 in the Narragansett Middle School gymnasium.


  1. Well well what do we have here!! Some of these people should be on a docket list for court. What is GS running for?? Oh yes, people are getting too close to his precious light co. Must be something he is hiding. Don't worry, we will find it no matter what. There is nothing left to take, so why doesn't he leave us to clean up his mess. Chris, give me a break Stewart. Who are you kidding, you don't want to run, you hate every second of it!! Called me husband crazy, I don't think so!! Get out while the getting is good, Go play on the swings at Gilman. You will be happy there. Paul Q., did I hear you say "every body makes mistakes!!" Yes I did, Sure get involved and you will really find out how much these "Mistakes" have cost our town, and will for years. Gee, I think Paul Q. was one of the people who hires Carol, back in the day!!OH YES, we need you, like a hole in the head. Mr. Robinson, "OH, my light bill is so cheap!!" Yes it is, but you missed the point of the STM. Doug, quiet, honest, mid-western roots, now a transplant.Doug will do a good, honest job. Walks softly and carries a big stick. A good man to help our town. Pauly, No nonsense man, salt of the earth. Pauly has stood up for the people in this town, sometime standing alone. Pauly can take care of us, and himself. There will be no under handed going on when he is selectmen. Again, these are my opinions, Bev.

    1. I would like to see any BOS candidate attend the BOS meetings from now until the election. I would not vote for anyone who isn't visible and available to answer questions from voters. I have a couple of questions for Mr. Skelton. If he's going to win the election and take his place back on the board, he better re-aquaint himself with the meetings and the changes that have been made since his reign. A lot has changed and I doubt he realizes his old tactics will no longer work in this environment. Can he handle that? He may also want to practice smiling in the mirror as he's gotta get used to being friendly and professional --even to people he despises. I don't know. Its a tough task.

    2. Bev full of hot air as usual, Gerry has my vote and so doesnt Robinson, very impressive speaker Robinson was the other night speaks crisp and clear and to the point. God help us if Pauly gets in he already trys to run the town now from the back ground nothing gets done as it is add him and for the next 3 years nothing will get down you wanna help the town so bad Bev why dont you vote in the right people. Also I don't think there is enough seats at the head table where will you and Sue sit oh i got it maybe under the table this time

    3. Why on earth would you vote for Gerry? Have you not been paying attention to what that man has done to this town? Oh you got your blinders on, I see. If you take the time to do your own research and stop listening to your friends, you will think differently. But instead of researching anything, you will just bash away at some of the people that have figured out that GS and crew are out to hurt you, his actions bear that out. I mean how many more 40 year loans (with crap to show for them) to do you really want? Take off the blinders and look around. We are up a creek without a paddle, because GS and crew took it for their retirement!

      I agree that I will not vote for anyone that does not show up to BOS meetings until the elections. If they want the job, prove it!

  2. i can't believe that Mr. Skelton is running.... why would he want to do that? he must be afraid something is going to come out of the light company or the investigation that he doesn't want the taxpayers to know about. my opinions...

  3. the gardnersnooze states mr skelton "servered". he served alright !!!!! he served us sh*t sandwich !!!!!!! which we will be chewing for years to come !!!!!!

  4. Don't forget the lawsuits against the town. past and current... looking for future ways to sue the town?

  5. Probably a tough conflict of interest situation to elect a son and father in law onto same board. Plus, I think it Mr. Skelton's ego that's running, not his head. Its astonishing that a man at the center of so much controversy would put himself in the middle of town politics again. A true man of dignity would know when to step aside and let others have their turn.

    In my opinion, I think we should vote for people who have never served on the BOS before. We need new perspective. The old perspective hasn't worked out so well for us to this point. With that being said, that leaves only 3 candidates who have never served: Mr. Cosentino, Mr. Morrison, and Mr. Robinson. I look forward to hearing what new ideas they can bring to the BOS when they answer questions at Candidates Night.

  6. I am voting for people who have never served on the BOS before. We need new people on the board. I guess that eliminates 3 candidates and leaves 3 candidates to choose from.

  7. Remember the adamant Paul Q saying “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” followed sheepishly the next year with “Mistakes were made”, yeah, not voting for him. And Gerry can take his plans for marble columns at the town boondoggle elsewhere, yeah not voting for him. I agree we need some new blood.

    1. You forgot the best one yet. Paul Q. said he" voted for the recall, because it was necessary". I heard him say that. Anonymous 7:43, When I say something it is the truth and have the facts to back it up. Your man has hurt this town, worse than anyone else in 250 years. The debt we have is dragging us down, and there is no way out of this mess. Why do you think we have not set the tax rate?? The books were such a mess, it has taken months to straighten them out. Why did we have to change our vote at the STM? Look back to our past coordinator and accountant!!! Vote for who you wish, just know the whole town reaps the results. My opinion, Bev.

  8. Pat Mullins is Not running for re-election? Man what a bummer.

    1. Image the campaign slogans for "scrappy"! a missed opportunity for sure

  9. Ya, I'm also voting for two people who haven't served on the BOS before. New blood, new ideas. I'm tired of the same fights over the same problems with the same people. I'm glad there are 3 new people running this time around.

  10. Ken Robinson seems smart, and very well spoken. I think he would do a great job. His being an attorney makes me a little more confident in his ability. He won't be voting for anything that puts our town in jeopardy.

    1. He has my vote.

    2. Ken Robinson may get my vote. I will wait until candidate’s night to get a better sense of him. Right now all I know of him is that he stood up twice at town meetings, once to\\in support of the investigation into misdeeds by past administrations (GS involved) and secondly to speak against the abolishment of the L&W commissioner. And I got to tell ya, it seemed that, both times, he was pandering to the room. He spoke with the majority each time. I got the sense that he did not know the back story either but just agreed with the majority in the room. Granted at the last STM the reasons given, at that meeting only, were not enough to persuade someone to vote for the abolishment. But his comment about being “King” was a cheap shot, again pandering to the room. So should I vote for him just because he speaks well? Has he been on any committees in town? What is his commitment level to the investigation that he spoke in support of at ATM? I just do not know enough about him to make my mind up yet.

  11. Mr Robinson only moved to town last November 2012 I beleive

  12. I'm not impressed just because someone is an attorney. Most attorneys in MA are barely eaking out a living. They all want to hit the jackpot (a state job) where they can earn a good salary.

  13. Aren't Lawyers Trained to LIE to protect their criminal clients, they don't care about the TRUTH, they care about getting their client off on the charges regardless if they did it or not. I'm not ruling him out yet but am going to keep a close eye on him throughout his campaign.

  14. The whole system is a lie so you can't blame Mr. Robinson for trying to pay the morgage. I agree Skelton and Paul Q. have done enough damage to this town not to be considered as executive material. New blood would be nice.

    1. I have no idea why any one with a half of a brain would want to be elected to any postion in this town. Nobody can do any thing right according to some of your commets.

    2. You're right, Anon 11:38am. Its a very dysfunctional government in Templeton. And it has been that way for the past 7 years or longer. That's exactly why we need to vote in new people to the BOS and try to regain proper governance to our town. Three new people have stepped forward to take on this challenge. Three people who have already served, in my opinion, would not be the best choice for moving past all this nonsense. On a positive note, you have to look at the numerous improvements to town government that have happened over the past year. We have a new and properly functioning Advisory Board who are now giving oversight to town finances and researching other issues which gives good advice to the BOS. We have a new town coordinator who has made a tremendous amount of change to day to day operations of the town. He's brought professionalism back to the office. He's brought dept heads back together to work as a group and solve issues together. We have a new accountant who has spent months trying to unravel the financial mess left behind from our previous accountant. We have a much better legal counsel who has objectively guided the town at a reasonable cost. We have a new treasurer who is implementing and streamlining payroll upgrades and other improvements to his responsibilities. We have a new Elementary School Building Committee who are moving forward with the project and making more progress in the past 6 months than previous committee did in 4 years. We have many more citizens educating themselves with the major issues facing the town and asking more questions and getting involved. So, there is forward progression happening and there are good people working towards solving the town's problems. All we need is a BOS that is finally functioning properly and through with infighting and favoritism. In my opinion, this will be done by voting for two new people on the board.

  15. paulq and Gerry have done enough damage, we don't need more. mr r is a lawyer !!!! #1 reason not to vote for him !!!! for reason #2, see #1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Check out Mr Robinson here

  17. Is this Mr Robinson in the Skelton Camp? I saw him at the town meeting smoozing with Carol Skelton

    1. He seemed a little light in the loafers. Maybe he is Jay's friend.

    2. What an awful comment to make. You seem a little light in the brain pan, should that disqualify you?

  18. Mr. Morrison has done some great things in town in regards to Senior Activities and does not appear to have an agenda. Paul Q. is Chris Stewarts father in-law and does not appear to be a great thinker. Paul Q. should continue coaching from the sideline and keep his fellow troubled player Gerry S available for hopefully his upcoming day in court and out of politics. Mr. Robinson is showing great courage entering this fray, more so than most of us would do. Mr. Cosentino has brought a great service to this town with his Pauly's Templeton Watch, thank you Pauly, it can't be easy listening to all of this complaining.

  19. Mr. Robinson is a real-estate attorney which would be of great use in this town. I would say to a comment above that usually real-estate lawyers wouldn't advise their clients to lie but give them the laws and facts to protect and prevent themselves from getting sued in the first place! I welcome a breath of fresh air, Mr. Robinson you have my vote! A.G.

  20. Mr. Robinson may be light in his loafers, but his head certainly isn't in the clouds! Oh and you can tell a small town when just because you sit next to someone you are automatically on their side! That being said I heard Julie sat next to him at the light and water meeting! Wow now I'm really confused! Guess he's trying to play nice with the Hapfields and the McCoy's! Here's to 2013 and the hope that people can treat one another with respect and REMEMBER that saving this town is the priority here! A.G.
