Monday, March 4, 2013


Information for Article 6
March 6, 2013 Special Town Meeting


Lincoln Institute of Land Policy – recommended reading by DOR

TMLWP PILOT Calculations –
Letter from manager John Driscoll

Audit for Turbine

Includes information on the MMLDWECC (Massachusetts Municipal Light Department Wind Energy Cooperative Corporation) Information on Templeton begins on page 25.

Water Department

Explanation of $28.00/quarter service fee

No data available regarding multiple water main breaks on July 14, 2012.




    2. I apologize for saying big NO vote I accidentally hit a no button I meant to say VOTE YES

  2. WTF, check out Gerry Skelton's very UNinformative post in the Letters to the editor today, he says NOTHING about the Electric but rather circumvents the real problems with non issues about the petition. What a Loser he is. VOTE YES

  3. Never have I witnessed a place where there can be upwards of 10 water main breaks in one day and NO report delivered to ANYONE in town government afterwards. What kind of bizarro world are we living in here? That was a serious incident with multiple depts involved. And there's no report to follow up? This alone is reason to question the Commission's relevance and effectiveness. This would be unacceptable practice in any other town anywhere in the world. But, here in Templeton its business as usual. Enough is enough. There has been a group of arrogant a-holes that has had control over town operations for a long time. The result? A bankrupt and poorly run town left behind. Thank goodness that change has seeped into our government and there are new people rehabbing our finances. But the few old school numbnuts that are left just don't see that their presence is no longer wanted. Not only am I for Artcile 6, I also would like to see term limits put on boards and committees. Once the town heals from their infestation of selfish, arrogant, dishonest, stupid men, I never want to see this town find itself in this position again. Please, lets learn from our past never to repeat it. By the way, I don't give a crap what Gerry Skelton says ever about anything. He can write whatever he wants in the Gardner News...I'll line my litter box with it. I do not listen to the words of a man who sued the town multiple times to "seek revenge". He's an old, broken man who has no power anymore. The fact that he is STILL injecting himself into town politics just shows he has no shame or remorse for his actions. I will be voting for people who have never served as selectmen before. New blood is what is needed in this town. Not the same old nonsense that got us in this financial state in the first place.

  4. Could someone please explain something. I know the Town works on a fiscal year July 1 to June 30, and the Light dept works on a calendar year. But when I look at the amounts reported on the Recapitulation Sheets, available for public view in the Accountants Office, as received for the Light Dept. This is what I found. Remenber the Recapitulation Sheet goes to the Mass. Dept. of Revenue and i audited every year.
    Received FY2011 $100,000.
    Received FY2010 $125,000.
    Received FY2009 $115,000.
    Received FY2008 $115,000.
    Received FY2007 $100,000.
    Received FY2006 $72,000.
    Received FY2005 $0 (nothing reported received)
    Received FY2004 $75,000.
    Received FY2003 $100,000.
    Total received per Recapitilation Sheet $802,000.
    No matter how I try I cannot get the numbers to agree. nThe light dept claims they gave us $1,112,000. between 2003 and 2011
    Now if you look at the record of town meeting votes heres what we voted for.
    Annual Town Meeting May 2010 Art. 8 $100,000.
    Annual TM May 2009 Art. 8 $125,000.
    Annual TM May 2008 Art. 9 $125,000.
    Annual TM May 2007 Art. 7 $115,000.
    Annual TM May 2006 Art. 7 $100,000.
    Annual TM May 2005 Art. 7 $72,000.
    Annual TM May 2004 Art. 8 $75,000.
    Annual TM May 2003 Art 31 $100,000.
    Annual TM May 2002 Art. 45 $100,000.
    So could someone please explain to me why these number do not agree. As an accountant who is familiar with auditing my statement to JD and the Light Commissioners would be show me the cancelled checks or proof of transfers from the Light dept accounts to the town accounts.

    1. Its obvious that they have not been honest about their financials and they have lost any credibility they once had. Was there ever an explanation as to why 2009 financial data was submitted two years in a row in the annual report? To me, the fact that they have not be more than happy to provide any and all info requested just shows that they are trying to hide something. And their guilt seems even more true when slugs like GS come out from under a rock to defend their actions. "Methinks thou dost protest too much" should be the title to any letter written by GS or any sitting Commissioners right now. Read their words carefully. They manipulate and over explain issues without actually providing a genuine response to accusations. Lies and personality comments are their tools for defense. It may work on the people who haven't taken the time to research these issues themselves. But for the ones that have, their credibility and defense have more holes than the finest Swiss cheese.

  5. Where can I look for info on how to create a DPW? This is what needs to happen here in Templeton. I'm sick of one dept bad mouthing another dept. We're all on the same team. If we don't work together and support one another, we'll never win. A DPW is the way to go to solve some of our operating issues. Too much time and energy has been wasted on bickering and begging for financial info that the town is required to review. I work too damn hard for my little paycheck only to see my local taxes wasted away on BS. I appreciate this blog for providing info that I never would have had access to otherwise. Now that I know the back story on some of these characters and have read numerous MGLs, I understand what is happening here and will be sure to pay close attention to local government moving forward. I will go to the STM this week and vote FOR Article 6. It should be noted that we have to rescind a vote at STM from last year because it was illegal. Our town counsel did not protect the town when they reviewed the articles last year. I believe it was K&P--the attorneys that some people schemed and plotted to bring back. Ya, that was a good move. These are things we have to keep in the front of our memory when deciding who and what to vote for. I agree that we need to vote in people who have not served on the BOS before in order to get out of this virus that has infected the town for a decade. Its our responsibility to protect our investment in this town and elect people who are indeed working for the best interest of everyone, not just for personal relationships and agendas.
