Wednesday, March 20, 2013


People are talking about how bad the country is going, with Obama at the helm. Well, I can't do anything about the country going bad, but I am worried about the direction Templeton has gone in the past. Then look at who is running for selectmen. Most people are so busy trying to keep their heads above water, that they are not paying attention to the way their tax money is being spent. And a lot of them are swayed by the ones that have wrecked our town like for instance the special town meeting.
Those liars and their friends twisted Dave Smart’s petition so bad I could not believe taxpayers were lied to by certain individuals and admitted they were recruited to come to the meeting to kill Dave Smarts petition and then leave. Pretty good,huh? That same recall group are still trying to bankrupt the town and must be stopped. My investigation request is in the state house right now to get passed. Ask our coordinator Jeff Ritter. He will give you an honest answer. All you taxpayers got to stop this now. You can't wait until election day. You must ask questions now. And yes you can contact me personally for all the answers and who to ask. Here it is March 20, 2013 in the tax rate has not been set yet. Why not? I know who is to blame and it's all documented on paper in a formal police report has been made some months ago. Call Jeff Ritter he will confirm this. Go to the police station and see the formal complaint I filled out and it's public information. Or call me and I will give you a copy as it is labeled at the Statehouse or call state rep Denise Andrews. Her office is only 80 feet from Atty. Gen. Martha Coakley's office. I don't have to bu—s--- anyone. It's all on paper and just ask and I'll give anyone a copy for free. When I say about 12 to 15 people here in Templeton are going to jail I know what I'm talking about. "Obstruction of justice" is no laughing matter and I plan on pushing it right to the last wrongdoing snake here in Templeton and other places. Look at all the big wheels that are in jail for trying to obstruct justice. Call me "stupid" call me "senile" call me a "liar". But and I mean but-don't call me for forgiveness or bail money-get it? Each person responsible for the lies and bul----told to the taxpayers on the recall issue a while back will have their day in court. And it's going to happen real soon. I have a lot of relatives and friends in town that are going to expose the liars. Right-DOB,VW, GS, CS, BC and the rest of the Echo Hill gang. I have at least 8000 pages from the blog. And over 430,000 Hits,  if you know what that means. So all you taxpayers should start talking to your friends and neighbors, because you haven't received your tax bills yet, when you do it'll be too late to bitch about your taxes. Does anyone know how many abandoned homes are herein Templeton. Give a call you'll be amazed and probably start packing. Why? Ask the recall group I blame totally, I don't blame the people that signed the recall sheets because those that organize the recall are going to jail. And yes I will accept any bets that anyone wants to make. "Obstruction of justice" from day one with that recall group.
 All those big wheels in Boston thought that obstruction of justice was a word that is not designed for them just us backwoods people, right Bev on the Hill? When we the citizens 4Templeton go to that hearing in Boston, anyone can go. But you must use your own transportation, our bus is full. To you non-believers, why don’t you call the state house yourselves, you flatlanders probably won’t believe Jeff Ritter, but its worth a try.
By the way people, if you have a good job and an honorable position would you stick your neck out for the recall liars? Think about it. I personally want to watch a person stutter especially if they have no history of stuttering. Know what I mean to DiMassi? And his cronies. Jail-jail-jail. Did the judge stutter? I,PHC Sr am not a broken record. I am a matter of fact a keeper of good records. Make it a point to come to Boston with us in a few weeks.

All the above are my PHC Sr’s opinions. Need more answers, e-mail Pauly’s Templeton watch at
Thanks for reading the blog, pass the word, don't wait until election day.


  1. This is the truest blog ever written on Pauly's Templeton Watch. The recall group used the same tactics to get these people to town meeting, and lied to them in the process. People have a short memory!! It is so sad. It is more important than ever, that everyone who reads the blog, tell the people they know the truth. You can not do it in six minutes on town meeting floor, and you can't talk to people who have been lied to. Standing up for what is good, and what is right, is not a easy task. Our town is in real big trouble, and all of us on the blog, have worked hard to make things better. We can not stop now, we can't roll over and die, we have worked too hard and made too many gains. A friend of mine, was accused of bad mouthing GS. Oh no you don't!! Any bad feelings Mr.S. has brought on himself by treating the town like a cash cow, and using the people around him! A old saying says " you reap,what you sew", and "what goes around, comes around!!" That really says it all! "BOSTON OR BUST" My opinion, Bev.

  2. Replies
    1. Nothing sour over here, only the sweet taste of justice on the way. I am with you Pauly, these people that have gone out of their way to lie and cheat will get their court!

  3. sour grapes I don't think so. the recall idiots have cost this town big bucks! $700,000. for the 252 Boondoggle that we will be paying back over the next 5 years. All the money to K&P. shall I continue......

    1. Throw in a windmill, that doesn't work, for a couple million, and pretty soon we're talking real money!

  4. Sour Grapes is a little boy scared that he got ceught with his hand in the cookie jar, and now Mommy is coming with the swtitch.

  5. The numbers get much larger when you figure out how much was lost with the WWTP lawsuit. Six million on the downgrade, Six million on decommissioning the lagoon and landfill, Six million in lost tipping fees, Six million in operation and maintenance cost as per contract from 2001-2009,and add in a million for debt payment owed the town from Erving and we have enough money to sink a town. The disc containing the Federal lawsuit goes over all these numbers and is held by our town, you will need the program Summation to access the data properly. This disc is a compilation of over 20,000 pages of Federal court documents. Ask for a copy today, it should be available at the town clerks office,possibly.

    1. I wonder how Kopleman and Paige made out financially during these transactions?

    2. I did not see any of K&P's people pan-handling on the street in Worcester, so I think they made out very good!! If I remember, Bubba and company paid the lawyers 5,000. in one week, last spring. Our last coordinator, must have forgot that. She told Mr. DeRensis the town had money, when she was in charge. At least, thats' what I heard. It is easy to spend money, when it is not yours! Don't worry, it will come out in the wash. My opinion, Bev.

  6. GS has his signs out already. "We need Gerry back" is written on it. I almost hit a tree I was laughing so hard. Ya right. We need Gerry back like we need the flu back.

  7. that is the same slogan he used last time when he got DEFEATED fair and square, THEN he manipulated the results to be declared the winner, ONLY to have it reversed after a recount. UHMMM, Has Gerry Skelton EVER done anything honest and legit?

    1. We need to make signs saying "WE CANNOT AFFORD TO HAVE GERRY BACK!! Enough of his "leadership !! We have worked to hard to go backwards. Bev.
