Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Templeton BOS Meeting March 18, 2013…the movie

The warrant articles for the ATM were discussed at this meeting so they could be referred to the Advisory Board by March 20th.

The BOS voted to not pursue the regionalization agreement of Dispatch/Communication with Gardner.

Discussion occurred about the budget for FY 14 and the need to address inconsistencies in departmental budgets. A draft budget should be available this week. The BOS voted to send a letter to MRPC DLTA(local technical assistance) for help in redesigning the East Templeton intersection and for help in drafting a performance contract for east Templeton elementary school.

The warrant for the ATM may be reopened in the near future.

Julie Farrell


  1. I heard that Bob Columbus has been seen putting up "ken Robinson" signs around town. Is he in the Skelton camp?

  2. Why would the warrant re-open? If departments (selectboard included) can't follow deadlines then they shouldn't be adding things in. Town departments need to be held accountable.

  3. The only person putting up signs is ME!
    Sincerely yours,

    AJ Robinson!

    Any other gossip you want to spread anonymous 12:32
    Also it's Kenn with two N's! Have a great day hopefully that sun will shine soon! ;) I almost forgot, I'm the Campain manager for MR. Kenn Robinson so I can tell you we are apart of no camp unless it called Camp Templeton! ;)

  4. To Mr. Kenn Robinson, welcome to this Blog and the Town of Templeton. Good luck at canidites night and THANK YOU for running for a SELECTMAM OPENING in town .

  5. Welcome Mr. Robinson and a big thank you for straightening that out, False rumours spread quicker than the truth. It is hard to imagine anybody in town not aware of the damage the previous crew has done to this town, and anybody associated with them are considered guilty by association. Good Luck with your campaign and see you at candidates night.

  6. Thank you for your kind words ill let Kenn know, I understand Gossip since I own a hair salon! ;) we will be at candidates night for sure!
    AJ Robinson

  7. Why on earth would the people of Templeton pay for research and then not want to look at it. Well in a round about way isn’t that what happened last BOS meeting and Julie, I have no idea how you keep your cool with those other three. So the Light dept had some research done by a lawyer on the governance of Templeton and three out of the four selectmen did not want to ask to see it. What are they afraid of? Did someone tell them to butt out? We the people of Templeton paid for that research and legal opinion, but heaven forbid you step on the toes of the manager over at the power plant and look at what he is doing, and researching. WE PAID FOR THE RESEARCH< LOOK AT IT! Would Mr. Kenn Robinson, a lawyer, want to read other lawyers opinion to learn a different perspective? Would Pauly be afraid to post to the public (free of charge) what we the rate payers, paid for? Would Mr. Doug Morrison be open enough to consider someone else’s side of the story? I believe that each of these men would. Would Gerry even let you know that anything was researched and then pay the lawyer bill from a maintenance account? Would Mr. Q just tell that everything is fine and then, a year later, tell you that mistakes were made? Would Chris Stewart just sit there in silence and then find something from earlier to finally give an opinion on and distract himself from the subject at hand? Oh wait that one did happen. Three selectmen sat up there at this meeting and proved to the public that they do not want to know anything when it comes to the L&W. It is so obvious that they are under orders and have no independent thought. Is this what we need in our elected officials, going out of their way to do nothing?

    1. Its like when the past BOS didn't want to accept the DOR report until 3 years later. Knowledge is power. The BOS shouldn't ignore any information that may help move the town forward. Looking at the attorney's opinion doesn't step on anyone's toes in any way. Lets stop playing these silly games and grow up.

  8. I'm sure glad you guys posted this meeting as it wasn't shown on tv. Thank you for helping to keep us informed.

    I'm thrilled to see there's an article to make Mr. Ritter the Town Administrator. Interesting that Mr. Columbus asked the question "did the whole board vote on submitting that article?". Hearing that question now after Mr. Ritter has proved himself to be a Godsend to the town--nothing but intelligent and professional--just shows Mr. Columbus and his playmates are stuck in the past and still trying to seek personal revenge. They are not trying to support what is best for the town.

    I'm happy to see Mr. Robinson, Mr. Morrison, Mr. Q, Mr. Cosentino, (and Mr. Stewart) at the recent meetings. Where is Mr. Skelton? He is running for selectman, yes? If so, why not get his feet dipped back in the water by attending the meetings? To me, it just shows he really doesn't care about the town. Sending Mr. Columbus and Mr. O'Brien to do his bidding doesn't look too professional to us voters. How will he answer questions at Candidates Night if he doesn't educate himself on current issues? All the more reason to vote for two new BOS candidates who have never served on the board before. Its time to evolve.

    1. GGerry knows that he is bad for the town, so he will not show up to meeting to remind everyone else how bad for the town he is. Some how he must feel that his “branding” is better off served by keeping in the shadows, much like how he was a selectmen, keep what he was doing “in the shadows”. Evolution is NOT Gerry's style. His style is based more on retribution; punishment that is considered (by Gerry) to be morally right and fully deserved.

      If you want open and transparent governance, then DO NOT VOTE for Gerry. He will tell you one thing, and then do whatever he damn well pleases, regardless of the impact to the townspeople. The proof is in almost all of his past actions.

  9. This was of no surprise, now even more reason to fill the meetings at L+W,and ask the real questions. Define maintenance.
    why not leagal fees put under legal costs?
    I smell books being cooked!Anyone For commissioner stew?
    I will request the info and share it.
    Dave Smart

  10. Anon. 1.47PM,how can you talk about false rumors when you might have made one just then !!

    1. Stop wasting your energy fighting with Anons and start looking at what has happened to town and WHO did it.
