Thursday, March 7, 2013

This email may help clear the air and show what I believe the reason behind the citizens petition was, lack of information, timely or other wise and hopefully the commission got the message.

Here is the Budget submitted by JD

From: "MA Advisory Board Templeton"
Cc: "Town Coordinator" , "Chris Stewart" , "j farrell" ,, "patrick mullins 2012" ,, "Kate Myers" ,,, "Joel Thompson" , "Mary Lang" , "Darren Elwell" , "Joseph Boyd"
Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2013 7:46:18 PM
Subject: Templeton Water budget for FY14


At the TML&W meeting in early Feb. I requested a detailed line item Water budget for FY14 and not a summary recap. At the Advisory Board
meeting on FEB. 13 the board voted to have me request the detailed Water budget for FY14 again so we could compare it to past years budgets.
The next day, Feb 14th, I contacted you by phone and asked for the detailed budget. You indicated that I would receive it in the next week to two
weeks. I stated I did not understand why it would take that long as the summary had to come from the detailed budget. I did indicted I would like
it before the next Advisory Board meeting on Feb 27th. As of this date I have not received the requested detailed FY14 budget for the Water

The Advisory Board at the meeting on FEB 27th were hoping to review the budget but I had to inform them I had not received it. The Board again
voted to have me request the budget for the third time.

I am not sure what the holdup is for it not being sent. A simple attachment to an e-mail will do. The Board would appreciate receiving the FY14
detailed line item budget document from you so it can be reviewed at our next meeting in March.

Another issue on the budget is that the detailed budget should be included in the Town Annual report not a summary. This request was made to
both Enterprise's (Sewer as well as Water). Budget information submitted for the FY12 annual report should be for FY12 not FY14 as the one you

I would hope that the detailed Water budget for FY 14 is included with the Warrant article that will be submitted for this Annual Town meeting in

Thank you,

Wilfred " Wil " Spring

1 comment:

  1. This is the most power the town can use to get figures from both boards. We have to remember, they are used to having a board they could spin like a top. Good job, people need to be accountable, in some way. Bev.
