Friday, March 8, 2013

Update on Senior Center

It has been some time since I posted an update on the Senior Center project. Not a lot of work is being done over the winter but some things are getting done. The new sprinkler system is 97% complete. Once the water is brought into the building it can finished. The interior carpentry work has begun. We are getting the designs for the kitchen and main entry finalized. Once the kitchen design is finished we can put the plumbing work out to bid. TL&W has the transformer but it is not yet installed.

While the building units were apart and stored over two winters a portion of one unit got wet and some mold developed. Once the units were put back together on the foundation a mold remediation specialist was hired to evaluate and remove the mold. He did an extremely thorough and meticulous job in determining the extent of the mold damage and removing it.
 After this work was completed in October, we started the other interior work.

During the mold removal it was brought to our attention that one of the windows was leaking and had been for some time. The carpenter looked at the window and determined that it was incorrectly installed by the previous owner. After the winter this window will be removed, any damage caused by the leak will be removed and replaced, and the window properly reinstalled.

If anyone is interested in seeing the building I would be happy to it to you on a Saturday or Sunday, please feel free to email me at

Doug Morrison
Chairman – Senior Center Oversight Committee


  1. Good work Doug and committee. I heard you have tried to keep it local with the contractor. Nice!

    1. I am glad the transformer has finally come. It would be much better, if it was installed. Some heat, even portable heaters, would go a ling way to stop mold from growing. Mold loves the cold and dark. It is too bad the window leak was not discovered before this. Maybe if we can catch a couple of good days, we could cover it with plastic? I would be willing to help. I am willing to bet the contractors would rather work with electricity at least to the building, instead of using a generator. Bev.

  2. Thank you so much Mr. Morrison for your patience in regards to the Senior Center. If not for individuals like yourself nothing would get done in town.

  3. Most people would have thrown in the towel with the roadblocks that have been thrown at this project.

    I'm very glad that Doug Morrison is not "most people".

    Thank you, Doug -for your tireless efforts in getting this town a senior center to be proud of.

    1. I agree, thank you Doug & Dianna for your efforts to get the senior center completed & for all the work you do for those who need help!! And, I am glad You are not like most people, Mrs. Farrell. Can't thank you enough, Julie!! Sorry I have not been as active as you in trying to fix the absolute mess this town has been thrust into by those arrogant, self-entitled greedy individuals, who know who they are!! I am grateful we have you working on our behalf (the average taxpayer / rate payer). Those other nasty comments sometimes seen on this blog are most likely from someone who has something to lose with the added scrutiny of the way this town has been run into the ground from the previous notorious echo hill gang. I am certain there are a few who do not want to have anything uncovered. Let's hope the AG's office does that investigation. It is a long time coming. Thanks again for your dedication to this town. May God Bless you & guide you in everything you say & everything you do. Have a good weekend!!

    2. isteach, it is always good to hear from you. Just having you and people like you, reading the blog, and telling others the truth, means a lot. You are right about Julie and the crew who work so hard, to try to get this town on its feet. A lot of needless abuse is spread around, for no reason. One bad group, can spoil things for every one else. It make take years for the people in this town, to see the Selectmen's office in a good light. Some of the people who are critical, have never been to a meeting. It will all come out in the wash. Bev

  4. Thank you to Doug who has kept this project in the forfront. There are also other committee members who regularly trudge down to the committee meetings and sometimes it was just to get bad news but Doug kept this project moving forward although it was sometimes one step forward and two backwards. Another vocal proponet of the senior center has been Frank Moschetti who was always at selectmen meetings trying to get answers and trying to keep it moving forward. Am looking forward to a tour when I return home Thank you Doug and to all others who have helped move this very important project forward.

  5. Doug Great job so far . Are you on budget ? do you have enough money to finish ?

  6. When is the new roof system going to be installed? The present roof will not PASS THE NEW BUILDING CODE? Where are the engineered plans? Where have all these jobs been posted for bidding? These are all supposed to be rated no getting around that. Winchendon tried to get around not paying the rate for there new Police Station AG made them rebid. Building inspector is well aware of the need for the roof. Do it right or don't do, it at all

  7. Thank you for all you do, too,, Bev. Just as Julie can't believe Doug hasn't thrown in the towel, I can't believe you & she haven't thrown it in either after months & years of trying to get the townspeople to open their eyes & see what is really going on at the TLWD & elsewhere there has been what looks like major corruption!! Pauly is another person who amazes me in his conviction to see these unjustices be brought to public view. One person I am so sad to see we lost on the BOS is Mr. Mitchell. When VW says she thinks any petition is wrong & unjustified, she should certainly reflect on that bogus one she took around town & to the nursing home bullying & lying to people to sign it to get rid of Mitchell & Farrell under false pretenses as she appeared to be working for "her dear friends" at the red barn. It seems that not enough citizens have paid attention. I do the best I can getting the word out as I know it to be true, as a 4th generation resident, who knows that this town has been had by the person who signed all those HUGE Loans (on his own) for NOTHING that we as taxpayers have to pay back now & for what??!! Someone should be in jail for this!!!. Those at the last STM meeting who voted the way they did sound like they were just more sheep amongst the herding mentality of the infamous gang who have nearly ruined us. And Bev, as you have pointed out so aptly, the government is run by those who show up. Needless to say, I have been at fault many times on that score myself but I do what I can in the capacity I am able to even if that is not being in physical presence all the time, although that is one of the main factors that does makes the difference, I know. If this town does not recover they will see you all have been right & will have no one else to blame but themselves for putting the same people back in charge. Let's hope the old repeating, echoing gang does not get back in the BOS office. That will be the final straw that will undo all you guys have accomplished. Although I do not know them, I think that Mr. Smart has been very courageous in his efforts, as well as Mr. Spring. Thank you all. Be blessed everyone & to anyone who reads Pauly's blog, please pay attention to what these crusaders are trying to tell you about the serious state of affairs your town in. They are not fooling or just trying to cause trouble, as some people have said, who are attempting to discount them. None of these people have anything to gain but a better run town govt. They have taken a lot of grief & aggravation to see it through. Nor do they have any "hidden agendas" as the old gang does. They are just working very hard to save your town from going into state receivership due to the poor & selfish (seems criminal to me) choices made by GS, CS & gang for their own personal reasons, not for the betterment of the town!! Just look at the town report salaries & see whose names are getting the enormous wages & retirements, as the rest of us struggle to come up with more money for them from our dwindling wages!! Also, look at who has filed numerous lawsuits against this town (you & me). It certainly is NOT Julie, Bev, Jeff, Mitchell or Pauly!! Also, none of their names are tied to these fruitless, useless, costly projects that have nearly bankrupted us. I am one who grew up here (loved the town as it used to be many years ago) & have seen it all fall apart because of a few arrogant greedy individuals who care nothing about anyone but themselves. See whose name comes up time & time again on the problem situations that have been pointed out by Pauly's blog, as you won't see this info or the other point of view in the G-news. It all leads back to a certain red barn on the hill... These are all my thoughts & opinions from years of observation!! Have a good day.

  8. I was in the neighborhood of the new Senior Center so I stopped by. What I saw was very sad: the exterior seams of the buildings were very visible; water was pouring off the roof & down the sides (was it leaking inside as well???); one of the windows had water pouring out the bottom INSIDE & OUT; the basement had windows & 2 open areas where doors should be. I also peeked inside: it's no where near to being completed! What a shock to see piles of rubbish, wet areas below subflooring, some door frames missing, some doors missing, walls ripped open, the interior was in total SHAMBLES!
    Is Mr. Morrisson the project manager? If so, he should be ashamed of himself. This project should have been completed at least by last year, if not the fall of 2011. The buildings have sat too long (not his doing) & it looks like the beginnings of another sick building in Templeton. What a shame....

    1. The propaganda begins.
      Hi Gerry.

  9. that's what you get when there is no architect or engineer involved with a project of that size. Just people who think they know what is going on.Good thing we did not have a lot of heavy wet snow this winter the roof would have caved in. Most of you bloggers could not understand why it costs over 200 k for plans for 252 Bald Rd. That is what it costs to do things right, and by no stretch of the imagination is that job ever going to be right with out people who can handle a project of that size. It's also against the law to bid jobs separately like has been going on.The total job has to go out for bid. This is a prevailing wage job. Has it been done, who is taking care of the paper work that has to go into the state for these jobs? Too much time and energy by certain town officials trying to ruin other town departments, they should be checking the laws of what has to be done for building town buildings. Keep wasting tax payers money . Not bidding this job properly will put an end to it.

    1. So if something is being done against the law and you know about it. It is your responsibility to go to the proper officials and make a complaint with them. Step up and make it right, I double dog dare you!

    2. I smell sour grapes Anon 3:51pm. Is it because you didn't get your 252 Bald. Rd project done? Who's fault was that? The bids came in too high and the town voted not to put more money into the project. I, too, wanted the town hall project to work out. It didn't. I don't feel the need to bash other town projects because I'm disappointed that town hall project failed. I believe the senior center has been a great project executed very efficiently and economically. Are you saying you do not want this town to support seniors? Was that how you were raised? If you see problems with the project, why don't you volunteer to help or help to solve the issues on some of the roadblocks. Funny, I went by there yesterday when paying my light bill and I actually was IMPRESSED at how far it has come. I know they're waiting on water and electric to be connected and then the final push will happen this spring. I'm excited to hear the food pantry will also be there. Maybe you will join others that plan on helping with landscaping when the time comes. I think if you tried to help the cause instead of tear it down, you'll feel much more proud of your actions than your current actions of writing provoking comments.

  10. If you were impressed you don't know anything about building. You should have taken a closer look and seen all the water pouring in

  11. No water and no electric. We know why.
    No wires , no transformer, no core holes?
    We know why.
    No 252.
    We know why.
    Go away. No one is abolishing this project!
    Seniors need this and Templeton will get it.
    TMLWP your on notice! GIT ER DONE!
    WIRES + WATERS It's what we pay you to do.

  12. Is it true the sewer has to be dig up ,not enough pitch on pipe with building so far off the road. The planning board has an issue with driveway, it's not up to there bilaws. Why should everyone that comes in to town to do project have to obay the rules but some people think they don't apply to town run projects.

  13. We should be thanking the entire Over Sight Committee members: Frank Moscetti, Herb Ferran, Bob Harris, Priscilla Leclerc, Eileen Clarkson, Julie Farrell + not just a few members/non-members. Its amazing what we can do as 1 cohesive unit, not disjointed mini groups.
