Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Well, 3 selectmen have just shown the voters and taxpayers who they support, and it sure as hell ain't the voters. Patrick Mullins is going home but he showed his true colors last year during and after the recall vote with his exit from Winchendon. I like how he stated at candidates night that "the taxpayers need to step up" Well it would be nice if he would step up (at least once) and vote to do something for the taxpayers and give them the information they paid for. Chris Stewart is asking for your vote again and he basically just flipped you all off at the BOS meeting on March 25, 2013. Maybe he is conflicted by being a L&W commissioner, after all the light dept pays him a stipend, oops my bad, the ratepayers/taxpayers pick that tab up too. Virginia Wilder, (who wrote on a facebook page during last years recall process "that perhaps Mr. Bennett should make up his own mind")
then again I am not the one who seems to head straight to echohill, otherwise known as the home of Carol and Gerald Skelton, the same people who sued the town in the 90's and who have a complaint against the town and three selectmen (current/past) as we speak unless it has been settled and I have not been notified. Perhaps Virginia Wilder should work for and support the people who elected her and who she is suppose to work for, as in the people of Templeton. Remember Virginia when you sign that invoice for the weekly warrant for that almost 10 grand for legal bill for L&W that it is the taxpayers who foot the bill, the same people who are entitled to the information for which their hard earned money is being spent. Oops my bad, Virginia Wilder did not have a problem with needlessly spending 10 grand during the month of February 2012 on legal as she voted to fire Mead and rehire Kopleman & Paige because as Bob Columbus stated "I read somewhere that with a change on the BOS, all contracts are void) and as Paul Q stated at the same meeting, "I supported the recall and I thought it was necessary" so mistakes were made and another very big one was made Monday night, March 25, 2013 at the BOS when as I understand it, only one of your selectmen, Julie Farrell, wished to support the Templeton taxpayers. So there you have it, one lame duck selectmen, one who works for one family of Templeton and one who is sitting on the fence with his thumb out asking for another ride from the Templeton taxpayers. Might be time to elect two new selectmen who have never served as selectmen before. That is my opinion from Afghanistan. For the record, I want the BOS to bring Mr. Driscoll before the BOS and request he account for his doings, the business and financial matters of the L&W dept and the indebtedness of the Town of Templeton, with regards to the Light & Water depts. in accordance with the MGL.

Jeffrey Bennett


  1. Pauly, you have my vote. You are an asset to our town. I would like nothing more than to see VW sitting between you and JF at the selectmans' meetings. Now there's a thought. Thank you to Tom & Luann Royer for sponsoring candidates nights. Many questions to be asked. Looking forward to certain candidates being drilled about past practices, "mistakes" and law suites.

  2. Our town clerk has yet to contact me about the OML confirmation file and i get the feeling she won't.
    One more stop in tomorrow after work to request it and see if any "light" has shined on the issue.I had a wonderful talk with Edward Kaczenski from mmwec he is the Director of engineering and Generation assets. What a surprise it was talking to him!
    Stay safe Jeff,

  3. A full house at the Senior Center oversight meeting. BC, DOB, candidate Kenn Robinson, Will Spring, Charlie Perkins. I think it's odd that Dennis never attended the meetings when he was on the Committe as a BO'S representative.

    A full house at Echo Hill as well right after the meeting.

    1. They can all sit around and pray, but it will be a cold day in hell if those people at Echo Hill will run this town into the ground any longer. Our town may never recover, but it won't be from a lack of trying. I figured it out, do you realize we have been putting up with those people for about two years. We go forward, then someone does something really stupid, try putting a dud on the field behind the high school, and we are back in the hole once more. Ten thousand dollars, ok Virginia, you think that is so dam smart, you pay them, out of your own money. The so called Light and Water Commissioners, have not done their job. It is not ok to show up and have them read you a list of crap, you nod, and say ok!! Just because no one has not done their job for 16 years, does not mean that is how it should have been done. Blame Julie for doing her job, no you don't. She has been the only one with any brains sitting behind that desk on Athol Road since Jeff left. Guys, this is time to take a stand! We are not going to let our people in town hall put up with the abuse from any of the Echo Hill crew. The light company mess will all come out in the wash, and a lot of people are going to feel very foolish because they got conned again. There are no if's, ands or buts about it, we have got to join together and save our town! We have worked too hard to stand down. Bev.
