Friday, April 26, 2013


For all who haven't heard McLean Hospital has asked the Planning Board to pull their application without prejudice. Hey Kirk could you send us a copy of that email and explain what this means.
Thanks - Pauly


  1. has anyone heard that they bought the hay feilds and property at617 baldwinville road to put this instead

    1. I don't know where 617 is, but I do know, sooner or later, someone will buy that property, where Mclean was going to go. There may be a point where the people in the neighborhood have no say, about who lives there. If there is so much concern, the neighbors could pool their resources and buy it themselves. The only sure thing in this world is taxes and death. I think the people in the neighborhood, should give the people on the Planning Board a huge thank you for the super job they did, to keep things in order, and fair. This is not a easy job, to satisfy everyone, but it looks to me, they did their best, and succeeded. Job well done!!! My opinion, Bev Bev.

    2. There is only one of me, lol, one is enough!!! Not enough, like ENOUGH, thank goodness.
