Sunday, April 21, 2013

The real info

For anyone who attended the Candidates night at the legion, you may remember Candidate Skelton stating that 10 people cost the town $200,000 on the 252 Baldwinville rd project. Again we see the double talk and bu-----t. of team Skelton. Virginia W stated something about the bond on 252 being combined with the school feasibility study making it be $700,000. Soooo I, PHC Sr  made a public record request to the town treasurer (nice to get a prompt response) who sent me the attached pages (5) right from the general ledger, check by check, disbursement by disbursement. Read for yourself, read it again and again and again. Pay attention to the last page that sums it all up including interest cost the loan. Cost for 252 Baldwinville Rd
Now I bring your attention to Ballot of the Special Election of Feb 6, 2012 and the results of that election  Looks to me like 934 people voted NO on the 252 Bald Rd project - a lot different than Mr Skelton's comment that 10 people stopped the project.

Got any facts to dispute these facts?

Thanks for reading Pauly

PS transparency and Honesty in Government are very good things


  1. Pauly, this is why the blog is so important. ENOUGH can stand in a room full of voters and say things that are untrue, and you and Sue can post the facts, "on paper." The older people in the room looked horrified at his statements. I wish I knew who they are, I could go and speak to them. In the end, I really feel the truth will win out. I have said before,that the blog is the most important thing to happen in the town's history. This is no exaggeration! Just think where we would be with out it. Again, thank you both for a valuable asset. Bev.

  2. Okay here is the way I remember this topic from candidate’s night, when Candidate Skelton was speaking to his being blamed for an extra $200,000 of debt when he stated that 252 only cost $500,000. Then he described 2 or 3 parts of the project, with costs, that actually, if you did the math in your head, somewhere near $620,000. Then Selectman Wilder spoke to the school feasibility study bill was added on, making up the $700,000. But she neglected at that moment to tell us what that cost was. So again, if you didn’t do the math in your head, the numbers are still fuzzy. Then Candidate Skelton asks the crowd, why am I getting blamed for the extra $200,000? This is where, in my opinion, he is a master of deflection and the telling of half truths. He plays the victim to the audience with great ease. He knows full well what his bills on that project tallied to, his is great at finances you know. So why try to deceive us?

    1. Speakimg of deflection, looks like 721 has been taken a lesson or two.

      Why would GS play the victim and try to deceive us?

  3. Awesome job Pauly!

    Printout the documents in the link "Cost for 252 Baldwinville Rd". This document is essential for the hearing in Boston! Check the dates that correspond to the expenses.

    First entry 7/21/2010 Annual Tn Mtg 5/11-12 & 17 ($1,980,500)

    So when did the BOS vote to authorize the treasurer to pursue a USDA loan? Never! The only money ENOUGH had to work with was the Pajari money - $80,500. Where is the vote to authorize the treasurer to do short term borrowing for this project?

    Now check the last entry - total project cost repayment including interest $761,042.

    ENOUGH was correct! It was not a $700,000 project cost he is being blamed for. It is a $761,042 total project cost including interest.

    I'll do a breakdown by vendor for this project later today.

    Had ENOUGH?

    Once more, I will state we are fortunate to have three good candidates for selectmen - Pauly Cosentino, Doug Morrison and Kenn Robinson.

  4. Wow! This is helpful info to know. Thank you for sharing. Seems the self proclaimed financial wizard needs to work on his math skills. I guess when one doesn't have the truth on their side they have to resort to discrediting their opponent and then try to generate sympathy. I will be voting for two new people for BOS. Not Skelton. Enough IS enough.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Nice write up Darlene, are you angry cause little Stevie cheats on you with the skankiest of skanks. Or is it because you both were caught cheating the town and state out of taxes by illegally attaching license plates to your daily drivers and screwing Templeton out of years worth of excise taxes. Or could it be because you have to support his lazy ass cause he ain't bright enough to hold a job. He really made a fool out of you when he was telling us all about his escapade in your hot tub with that young little girl. Oh let's not forget the Dunkin Donuts girl in Winchendon. MS

    2. Well Anon 7:21 PM did say " I am senile" so perhaps having a bad day. So Anon, are you for or against the school override? Do you feel the selectmen should receice pay for the position they hold. Lastly, you may wish to call your publisher for a little help on editing.

    3. so seems like paulys crew has plenty of skeletons buried too. Maybe everyone should try sticking to facts, on this blog

  6. Must be getting closer to the truth Anon 7:21! I will keep blogging and blogging and blogging!

  7. Tell us how you really feel. But your rambling doesn't distract from the facts. Jerry is no financial expert he has left us in debt. big time

  8. Yikes!!!! Anon 7:21 Harsh! I'd say that's more cyber bullying then Truth!

  9. I was on the fence on who to vote for, thank you for helping me decide. Vote Cosentino Vote Morrison No facts disputing the facts that are post here, just bullying and slander. I think I am beginning to see what everyone is talking about bullying and harrassment by former selectmen,

  10. Comments like the above Anon 7:21 are precisely why many citizens do not follow or post on this or any blog. These personal digs and opinions that are in almost every post certainly have a negative impact on the blog's credibility. I cannot honestly blame any of the candidates for not posting on this blog. It may be a sign of maturity and good judgement!

  11. Hey SB Anon 7:21

    Nice work. How's pedophiles anonymous working out for you? Hear they have some nice young boys in Marlboro...WOO BOY, HEE HEE, UMM...“CHEATERS” ALERT...mothers hide your sons....WOO BOY, HEE HEE,found the HARD DRIVE yet?
    My supporters, my friends keep on BLOGGING.
    Don’t forget to vote on April 30th.

  12. It's no surprise that the comments we post are backed up when we sign and own them, others that hide are afraid people will know the truth and only loose the friends they think they have.The one with no spine usually have very small brains to guide the thoughts they have/had like 7:21. I don't fault the anon with normal thought and unwilling to get involved but they know when the ones that sign are truly involved for the better of Templeton future, There are "3" good candidates for selectmen to vote for and they post comments here on the blog.
    Dave Smart

  13. Hey 7;21 You forgot to mention the most important one of all . The one about the former selectman who was married to the former town coordinator . Did you forget ? There grandson was caught with DRUG IN SCHOOL and not only did they cover it up ,they wrote a letter of support for him to go to college !! I wonder if they mentioed that when they used a town of Templeton letter head to make it look official ? What do you think ? Dont forget the last names are different . Thanks grammy and grampa . Did you put that in the letter ?

  14. Mr. Skelton has been a very divisive person since his family moved to town in 1977. He uses town resources to make friends and influence people. I will not be dragging the town into his cesspool and do not consider this man in any way good for this town and plan to vote for one of the other candidates. It would be nice to see more thought provoking comments on the blog instead of vindictive diatribe.

  15. Hey 7:21 while you are sight seeing why don't you stop in at the junk yard on patriots rd. and feed the ducks at Lake 10W30 down by the car crusher

  16. I think everyone should stick to discussing politics before someone says something they will really regret and not be able to take back. That's what I thought this blog was for: discussing local politics. Clearly "7:21" has some psychiatric disorders that they need to be addressed by professionals. I wish them all the best in their treatment.

  17. anony 9:12pm I think you meant Hubbardston Rd junkyard

  18. anony 9:26 clearly patriots rd has the 10w30 oil lake that is where the monster sb lives

  19. Thanks anon 854
    forgot about the drugs and the grandson as well as the scholarship for the ice storm.

  20. Hello everyone

    We seem to have lost the point of this blog, which is once again CANDIDATE Gerald Skelton has misrepresented the FACTS about 252 Baldwinville Rd.

    As far as I can tell, Jerry's kids and grandkids aren't running for office. neither are Pauly's kids. Don't let Anon 7:21 hijack the blog.

    Let the HATERS start their own blog.

    My opinions

    Julie Farrell

  21. Hey 721, maybe you should be a little more careful with your words. You stated "she already got me..". This really sounds like a personal vendetta.

    I agree CANDIDATE Gerald Skelton has misrepresented the FACTS about 252 Baldwinville Rd.

    1. I have been the burnt of many of these nasty comments. Please don't let what they say upset you. It has come to the point, where the road to the top is blocked by the truth, and a lot of people showing facts the opposition can't deny. The blog is important for asking questions, and giving you the facts you will not find any place else. I am as guilty as anyone for saying things that were not nice, out of frustration, but ENOUGH'S followers have dropped to a new low. Pauly has said he would not delete any thing that is written, and that goes for you and me. Ignore the filth, read all the facts, and it will all come out in the wash. Desperation has many faces. We have seen more than one in the past few weeks. Bev.
