Friday, June 28, 2013

Have we found the money?

Have we found the money?

It is fortunate that last night’s Special Town Meeting (STM) was very well attended. A special thank you to goes out to Templeton Community Television for recording the meeting. It will be uploaded to YouTube as soon as possible.

Article 1 passed. which will reduce the members of the conservation commission from 7 members to 5 members

Article 2 passed. which funded $45,987.76 from certified free cash ($100,00 and yes, certified) for snow & ice.

Article 3 passed. with the sum of $35,000 from free cash to fund veterans’ services.

Article 4 passed. to fund the stabilization account with the sum of $14,000.

Article 5 was defeated. It would have provided the sum of $5,000 to initiate the possibility of performance contracting for the multiple dilapidated town buildings in Templeton…including the elementary schools. Let's hope the leaking roof at Templeton Center holds up for yet another year.

Article 6 was defeated – the proposed bylaw for the Municipal Water Department. The people have spoken. Some people spoke multiple times. Dana Blais, Sean Hamilton, Paul Q convinced the voters that Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 clearly places the water department under Chapter 164 of municipal law. The voters at this town meeting want the water department to operate under Chapter 164 without any clarity, determinations or interference from the State. So be it!

Article 7 defeated. It would have provided a partial budget for the water department to operate in FY 14.

Article 8 no action taken

Article 9 – passed over. It did generate discussion…not sure why it was allowed. This was to fund fines and penalties that were assessed for an unpaid bill which was subsequently paid. The fines accrued in FY 13 so it was not an unpaid bill from a prior year. The Advisory Board voted to pay the fines at their last meeting, which was why the question was passed over. Some people seemed upset that the bill was paid…don’t know why.

Article 10 – passed. to transfer $600 from Assistant Town Clerk Salary account to Town Clerk Office Expense account.

Article 11 passed. to fund the water department budget at $1,413,860.17. Crisis averted- the water department has a budget.

Last night was quite a victory for the Light and Water department! Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the voters expressed their support of the TMLWP position that the water budget falls under Chapter 164 and does not need town meeting approval for their budget. Everything is just ”advisory” and “non-binding” for the TMLWP warrant articles.

Have we found the money?

So how could the town have found money to support the school budget? The Narragansett Regional School Committee has certified a budget that is $630,000 more than the Town of Templeton approved. The override vote failed. The town can’t raise the funds for the school through taxation; and the Town can’t print money. Another STM will have to be scheduled this summer to deal with this issue. No wonder the Town Clerk has difficulty presenting an accurate budget to the advisory board!

So how can the town come up with the funding our school district and our children so desperately need?  Money that will go to lower class size and retain positions? The money for our children? It’s all about the children!

Where, oh where, will the money come from? Wait a second. Wait a second. Mass General Law Chapter 164…hmmmm. Oh yeah, section 47C(j) that thing about PILOT payments. Remember?
(j) Except as provided for herein, a municipal lighting plant cooperative shall be exempt from paying taxes, including, but not limited to taxes on its income and real and personal property situated within the commonwealth and owned by the municipal light plant cooperative; provided, however, that the cooperative shall agree, in lieu of property taxes, to pay to any governmental body authorized to levy local property taxes the amount which would be assessable as local property taxes on the real and tangible personal property if such property were the property of a domestic corporation; provided, further, that no such municipal lighting plant cooperative shall be allowed to commence any such operations allowed pursuant to this section or exercise any such powers pursuant to subsection (d) until such payment in lieu of taxes is executed. The cooperative shall pay all sales or excise taxes which are properly assessed on its business activities under this section to the extent such taxes are assessed against domestic corporations.

Last night the voters supported the TMLWP Commissioners and General Manager’s position that the water department falls under Chapter 164. When  was the last time the water department made a PILOT payment to the Town? How about NEVER! Certainly not before Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 was enacted, because the water department was an enterprise fund under Chapter 44 53F1/2 since the mid 1990’s. The Town couldn’t ask for a PILOT payment from a town department.

Is it possible to go back to the year 2000 for PILOT payments from the water department? Have we found the money to support the school district request without massive layoffs in public safety? Without decimating already decimated town services?

This idea is certainly worthy of exploration, because it’s all about the children!

It’s for greatness, ‘Gansett – ‘Gansett Greatness!

So how about it “For the People”, Are YOU ready to MOVE FORWARD?

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Sad thing is the Townspeople DID NOT speak, it was the Light and Water dept. obnoxious giggling and rude girls and their family and friends that invaded the town meeting for 1 sole purpose. Where are they for other town issues.
    At the end of the meeting, to see Virginia Wilder and Dane Blais high fiving was just priceless, it really showed their class, or lack off.
    What about Gerry S. standing at his seat, (against the rules of course), and complaining someone was not following procedure with towm money. Maybe he should be the financial advisor LMAO

    1. You can drag a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink! People need to learn they have to watch out for them selves. What it takes, is beyond me? The people will speak up when the water rates are so high they can't make ends meet, but by then it will be too late. Bev.

  2. I thought the water supporters behavior was totally disgusting. Whether or not you support or do not support either argument, everyone deserves a chance to be heard. That Jerk BIMBO in the back that was laughing out loud and cat-calling at Town Council as he was attempting to explain the article deserves to be put in a cage. Also I'm pretty disappointed in a certain person (related to VW) that thinks its a big freakin' JOKE to "move the article" before everyone has had their say. Just goes to show how STUPID some people are. The sad thing is....."you can't fix stupid".
    It's a pretty sad day in Templeton when this kind of behavior goes on.

    1. I agree Tom. Some people were not respectful of other's views. It's gotten worse since the March STM. It was obvious which way the articles would be voted last night, and the people who show up get to decide what happens. But the few who were cat-calling and showing disrespect were a disgrace.

    2. I also agree with Tom and Mark.
      I've attended hockey games where the crowd was more respectful and civil.

  3. Down hear on the lower forty were thinking what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Water is a valuable commodity and the waters assets should be equal to that of the light plant. Looks like Mrs Farrell may have found the money that our kids need to thrive!!!

  4. I look forward to the many Templeton people who will get to watch this on youtube. Thank you Templeton Comm Television. now get the word out everyone let the whole town see the people who are only out for themselves.

  5. I think we all could say the people last night must have gone to the gansett system they were acting just like the school people at the ATM. Wow the gardner news lady kerry o"brien has seen her 2nd best shit show. Congrads for you are good at showing you true colors and might i add stupidity.
    I thought the grown ups were to set examples not invent total lack of judgement. The pilot payment will be explored and possible complaints already filed may prove to templeton things are not alwayss what they seem to be!

  6. Well thank you Julie, For putting Me and the School out there! ;) We smile and wave and will remain doing that! Moving Forward is what we do. You understand that, you work for a school and sit on a comitee or two right? So Gansett will do what they do best bring Greatness to the children of Templeton! Yet again thank you! ;)

  7. Do the children of 'Gansett have that nice big art/music room/area that we were told they would get after the 85 grand was spent on the central office? I am just asking because I want to see if the kids got what they were promised. If they have, maybe we can have a reporter or two get some pictures with a tour of it. The way it was told, it should be a really great space. Last spring, I was told by one school committee member that it had not happened yet so perhaps it has happened between then and now. See you all soon unless the plane crashes!

  8. I guess you should take that up with Dr. Weis, Ruth wasn't here then. Have a safe flight, we don't need to replace two seats! ;)

  9. When will the NRSD Committee call the joint town meeting? Any word on that yet?

  10. Actually I was thinking the school committee.

  11. It is their responsibility, not the selectmen. Correct?

  12. Article 5 being defeated tells me the crew of people that came to support the water dept and commission are in good buildings and could care less about the schools or town buildings. They were the only oposition and as i was not aware of it not only being for the E.T. old school. Imay have led people to think it was.After it was told and explained about what it was and how it goes. The thought they were still against it shows the recall mentality. Let's get moved in to E.T.sooner not later. The rent is to damn high.Take out a 1.9 million dollar USDA loan and move in, we can pay for it with the 2 new pilot payment were due /overdue.Move it forward please.

  13. Mark,
    Please read 603 CMR 41:05

    I believe there is some confusion around the process. At the ATM in May, Town Meeting rejected the school committee recommendation for the full appropriation for the school department. Town meeting then voted to hold an override ballot election (June 25th).

    The school committee met and voted to re-certify their budget at the full amount within the 30 days as required by 603 CMR 41.05 (3)b.
    The town received notice of the budget recertification on June 14th.

    Now look at 603 CMR 41:05(3)(c):
    "Each member's local appropriating authority shall have 45 days from the date of the regional school committee's vote to meet and consider the revised budget." it's back to the Town to hold a STM to meet to discuss the revised budget from the school...which is the EXACT SAME Dollar amount.

    Look at 603 CMR 41:05(3)(b):
    The revised budget adopted by the regional school committee and the assessments corresponding to such budget may be less than, EQUAL TO, or greater than the amounts in the previously adopted budget.

    Now the real kicker ( 603 CMR 41:05 (3) (d):
    (d)The approval of a revised budget shall be as set forth in 603 CMR 41.05(2)(a). If a local appropriating authority does not vote on the revised budget within the 45-day period, that member shall be deemed to have APPROVED the revised budget.

    So if I have this correct :

    Town meeting rejected the school budget in May; within 30 days the school committee re-certified the budget and submitted it to the town prior to the override ballot question.

    If the Town of Templeton DOES NOTHING within 45 days, the school department will get the FULL appropriation that they certified in June. THAT means the Town of Templeton will have to cut $691,000 from it's operating budget for FY 14 which begins on Monday July 1, 2013.

    More chicanery from the school opinion.

  14. As you can see I disagree with Mr. Bennett. I think the town is under the gun(45 days) to hold yet another STM to accept or reject the re-certified budget from the school committee.

    1. Why did we have an override question? Wasn't that the local body rejecting the budget? Everyone forgets that voters approved the town budget. What makes any subsequent vote to pay 691k additional take precedence over the town meeting vote?
      I guess someone should ask the lawyer.
      And why does Templeton pay 80% of the budget yet only have 62.5% of the elected school committee?

    2. Those are the rules Mark...I didn't make it up it.

      The protocol for adopting regional schools budgets is laid out in 603 CMR 41:05.

      As for the composition of the membership of the school committee that was determined by the District's regional agreement; a committee has been formed to review the district agreement. Maybe you would like to serve on that important committee! I can get you the details!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Ok, we will try this again (computer issues)
      In my opinion, the override vote should have been the towns re-consideration within the 45 days. After that I would think that they would go on to the rules outlined in 603 CMR 41:05:3f which would require the regional school committee to call for a joint town meeting as described below:

      (f)In a regional school district comprised of two members, if the revised budget is not approved by both members, the regional school committee shall again reconsider, amend, and adopt a revised budget and shall convene a district-wide meeting, at which the revised budget shall be placed before all voters eligible to vote at said meeting. If a majority of voters at this district-wide meeting votes to approve the revised budget, such vote shall constitute approval. If a majority of voters at this meeting votes to approve a greater or lesser amount for the budget, such amount shall be placed before the regional school committee for its ratification. If the regional school committee by a two-thirds vote ratifies this amount, it shall constitute approval. If the regional school committee rejects such greater or lesser amount, it shall again reconsider, amend, and adopt a revised budget and shall reconvene a district-wide meeting pursuant to the provisions of 603 CMR 41.05(3)(f).

      It does get a little confusing when it talks about a district wide meeting and the regional school committee.

  15. All well and good.

    However our attorney has reviewed this issue. Templeton needs to hold a STM with 45 days of the school committee's recertification vote. I believe that vote took place on June 12th, thirteen days BEFORE the election. I believe the 45-day clock starts ticking on the 13th or 14th.

    Just saying!

  16. Interestingly, Ashburnham and Westminster are currently in the same dilemma and I do believe that they are in the process of following the 41:05(3)(f) process as stated above.
    Originally, Westminster passed the budget, Ashburnham did not. Ashburnham then had a failed override vote. The regional school committee then voted to call a joint town meeting for the consideration of the budget.

    I am certainly not a lawyer (and could be wrong), but I would be questioning my attorney if he came up with that interpretation. Either way, it is an issue.

  17. I think the difference between Ash/West and Narragansett is that Phillipston approved the NRSD budget request in the full amount. I believe they had free cash to use so there was no override in Phillipston.

    So you have 1 town Phillipston who has adopted the NRSD's assessment and one town Templeton that was counting on the override to fund the school district's assessment.

    The Ash/ West School committee didn't meet BEFORE the override to re-certify a budget-- Narragansett did!

    The vote by Narragansett School Committee on June 12th started a different path for adopting a school budget . So I believe the 45 day clock IS winding down.

    It is the RECERTIFICATION of the budget by the school committee that has created this scenario. The School Committee certainly had the option to proceed as ASH/WEST did BUT THEY DID NOT!

  18. For The People-
    What are your thoughts on this issue?

    Do you agree with the decision and vote by the school committee to re-certify the budget on June 12th.? Instead of waiting for the results of the override on June 25 th the way Ashburnham Westminster did?

    Are the actions of the Narragansett school committe those of people who are working to bring the town together? Isn't that what Gansett Greatness is all about?

    If not, what is Gansett Greatness all about?

    1. It looks to me like Gansett Greatness is about getting what they want, no matter who they hurt, along the way. Gansett Greatness is not about compromise, or watching out for the people who support them and pay their way. Gansett Greatness is about watching out for themselves, no matter what it takes. Gansett Greatness is not caring for the very people who have lived in this community, no matter if it is 90, 80 or 60 years, or 60 days. Gansett Greatness only comes from living and working in a community, and watching to be sure that Gansett Greatness, does not harm or take advantage of the very people in this community. Try that on for Gansett to be Great, and Templeton to survive. My opinion, Bev.
