Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 10 BOS Meeting...the movie

June 10, 2013 BOS Meeting…the movie

The June 10, 2013 BOS meeting took place in the Kiva. Please watch this recording and judge for yourself. Count how many times Attorney Jack Ferriter mentions the word “Lawsuit”.

Part 2 June 10, 2013 BOS Meeting…the best part. Speech by Town Counsel Paul Derensis

Once again, a well-run meeting. Thank you Kenn.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. I now know why the L&W Commissioners think they have the right to run the Water Department with no input from the people. They have listened to their lawyer. I think he is wrong, so does Mr.DesRensis. Their lawyer has dollar signs in his eyes. Tonight is the meeting of light and water. I would like it if you could go. You do not have to say anything, just being there, shows a interest in what they are doing. For to long, they have had no one watching them, and what is that old saying, "when the cats away, the mice will play"! Play they did, with our money. The idea that the business was theirs, to do what they wanted, with the money is just wrong. The very idea that they can charge you customer charges, seasonal charges, and just about anything they want, with no input from the people, is in my eyes wrong!!! Listen very closely to our Lawyer. I think he is right! Light and Water's lawyer thinks he is smart. I do not think he is half as smart as he thinks he is. WE CAN NOT AFFORD A LAW SUIT, THE ATTORNEY GENERAL WILL MAKE A FINDING FOR NOTHING!! No matter how you cut it, you and I will pay, both lawyers, so if money is getting tight, it will get a lot worse, and our Commissioners do not care. Bev

  2. To ALL cut to the chase and view part 1 and at 58:30 you will hear the L+W lawyer call the shots they will need to live by!
    The BOS is the towns auditing body or authority.
    Plain and simple when said by their lawyer that we paid 300$ per hour? What he says are 300$ per hour facts the L+W will live by or will need a new lawyer!
    Tonight should be a very interesting meeting. I hope their people show up to hear the facts they/we paid for.
    Please come and bring the kids along.

  3. Is it true that Light and Water secretaries will be providing the baby sitting?

    1. Well Mr. Morgan, I doubt that will happen. I do not think it is in their job description, but the overtime would be very good. This is not about the people who work for the Light or Water Department. It is about how it is run. I think that the administrative people should be embarrassed, by the numbers. All of this money going out, and no improvement in the bottom line. No company would go along with a situation like that, we should not either! My opinion, Bev.
