Monday, June 10, 2013

new charge

Here is the Letter from the Water Dept to customers, in case you missed it


  1. I didn't see any apology for the 10% to 14% pay raises though.

  2. Let's see if I have this straight...
    Commissioners ---> General manager ---->
    Superintendant ----> Foreman ----> 2 WORKERS ??
    If this org gets any more top heavy its going to TIP OVER.
    If I am wrong in my observation please correct me.

  3. Not a word about the excessive legal fees from a dept that is BROKE! We're talking $20,000 and counting.

    Okay, so a department is $65,000 in the hole, accruing excessive legal costs and giving out huge RAISES ! Don't wonder why they are raising your rates.

  4. How many reasons do the voters need to disband this commission? When the bills,Pay raises,complete with all the lies we were told get out it should do the trick!
    Thank you Templeton Selectmen a very fine job tonight.With the proof to come out soon L+W management will get their due!
    Vote to support the Article 8.

  5. Anyone what to bet that the l&W dept lawyer's bill for last night will be alot more than the towns lawyer's bill (yes us we are the ones who pay for both) what I got out of last nights meeting is they (water)don't want to answer to the town and that they are holding us hostage with the threat of shutting off the water in the town. and where the h-- were the other two commission members?

  6. I did not support that article last night because I feel it is an abuse of the system to keep bringing back an article until you get the answer that you want. It was voted down, like it or not, it should not be brought back again.

    On the threat to shut off the water: If they think they can get away with that, I think a judge would differ and order them back to work...budget or no budget.

    I felt Mr. JD left the meeting last night with his tail between his legs.

  7. Tom, A good reason to bring this article forward again may be as simple as taxpayers now have additional facts to base a decision on. They now know the water comm were not exactly up front with the citizens concerning raises. I think it is time for the BOS to send a letter of request to the AG office to look at this one specific item, acts of 2000 and perhaps get an answer. Being lied to and threatened added to to mismanagement and excessive spending by a department demands that all things need to be looked at including revisit of this particular article.

    1. Welcome to the world of L&W!! Dave and I have not been wrong, when we tried to tell you that there was some funny stuff, going on with these guys. All of this money they hand out, for raises, could have gone to the town for help. Oh no, they would rather keep it for them selves. Talk about greed! I was not kidding when I told you the Commissioners told us, the Town's problems had nothing to do with them, and they would do nothing to help. Their lawyer had dollar signs in his eyes. Dam if I want to make him rich! Is it me, or did he try to make it look like Will was being too picky, asking for information that should have been handed over, with no argument? Sorry, Will was doing his job! This is just the top of what these guys have done, that you have no idea of! Ruining the town, wasn't that what Echo Hill said that he would do, because his wife was fired!! I think the Commissioners thought they were going to straighten us out. Guess that didn't work. We need to resolve these questions, with out it costing the town more than it has. I will put my money on our town council. I did not like their lawyer threatening us, one bit. Shame on JD and the rest of them, that was the dumbest thing they could say. Do something like shutting off the water, and any support they have will desolve like sugar in water. My opinion, Bev.

  8. Lets think about this "what if" lawsuit "threat" from the water dept and or light & water dept. Basically, someone suing themselves, but there could be some interesting reading available, like cel phone records to include those of Randy Brown who also happens to be a constable present at town elections. I wonder what numbers would show up at what times. Not saying that would happen but it would be an interesting question to bring up if a lawsuit were to happen. Maybe we could finally get some things on the official record as in if you lie, perjury. Looks like the folks at water to include the elected commissioners have already been caught fibbing (my opinion) so lets see these dice get rolled. We have the potential for the investigation of town business by the legislature, the possible examine of the school district books and records and now perhaps the court and the state looking into the records of Templeton light & water. All this openess may not be such a bad thing after all.

    1. Get out the dustpan and brush! Time to clean house. Like Bart said, the Red Sox were sucking seaweed, and out with the manager and a few of the players, and they are on the right track again. If it worked for them, it may work for us. It is nice to see Bubba and company were there to bring back a report to their leader. In all seriousness, if, like Dana said the Light Dept. is only responsible to make sure the electricity is on, then why bother have our own business? We could get that from any of the bigger companies. Do the Light and Water Commissioners think this is their own private business, whose aim it is to make the people who work there rich? I don't think so! The Lawyer they have, thinks he is going to be rolling in dough. I think we should demand the Light and Water work with the selectmen to get this stuff straight, with out us being more broke, than we are. Any of the departments and boards in town, should work for the people in this town, or get out. Sounds rash? I do not think so! As rate payers, we have been hit with extra charges. The water customers get hit with a Customer Charge. This charge can go up whenever they feel like it, with no input from any of you. Something for the L&W Council to think about. No budget, means no pay for him, until things get straightened out. My opinion, Bev.

  9. I think a big reason to drop the commission vote this time would be a better BOS able to handle the situation.Also as Jeff has stated we know more of the lies told and will be hard to cover the tracks We have not had a board like this in the past. Thank you again Templeton Board of Selectmen! Fine job for your town last night. You have more insight than the L+W commission ever will!

    1. A good Board of Selectmen tries to protect their town and by doing that, looks for a way to find a solution, to problems in a common sense way. This "power struggle" in a court of law, will make the lawyers wealthy, and the town poorer. Think about this, if we get to court, we will pay our lawyer, by paying our taxes. We will also pay their lawyer, through the light bill, or water bill. Oh, how will you know if you are paying three times, if you have lights, water and taxes through the town?? Just give it up, and let the thing be settled by the Attorney General. Our town council would be fine with this, not the guy for L&W. I agree with Dave, it is so good to see a board working for the people. I will be glad to see Jeff come home. Bev.
