Friday, July 26, 2013

CDBG grant phrase VI

From: "Town Coordinator" <>
Date: July 26, 2013 12:05:00 AM GMT+02:00
To: "'Michael Pingpank'" <>
Cc: <>, "'Kenn Robinson'" <>, <>, "'Julie Farrell'" <>
Subject: FW: CDBG Awards

Good Work!! Our hunch paid off and there WILL be a phase VI Back Bay project. I am already excited that we will actually FINISH something here in Templeton. Even if it took eleven years…

We’ll talk on Monday, for sure.

PS Selectboard: An announcement on Monday at the meeting is clearly in order.

From: Kelly, Meghan (SEN) []
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 5:13 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: CDBG Awards

Good Afternoon,

I wanted to contact you to let you know that tomorrow, Governor Patrick will formally announce the 2013 CDBG awards.  Templeton will be awarded a grant in the amount of $473,549 for the Memorial Street roadway, sidewalk, drainage and water improvements.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.

Take Care,


Meghan Kelly
Communications Director
Senate Committee on Ways and Means
Senator Stephen M. Brewer, Chair
State House, Room 212
Boston, MA 02133-1053
(617) 722-1540 ext. 1595 (t)
(617) 722-1078 (f)


  1. This is fantastic news! Congratulations to the people who had the foresight and determination to carry this project to its completion.

    1. With the lack of funds, we had better grab any grant money we can get. Good job guys!! Bev
