Saturday, July 6, 2013

For the People

Good-bye For The People

Your voice and opinions will be missed. The hope was to work together for the betterment of the Town as well as the school.

  1. Um I'm not Diane, Movin on! I'm a male, and your an ASS! Julie you don't fool me! You are trying to turn this town against the school just like the light and water! I was starting to like you then I see your true colors! It's too bad!
  2. FTP please don't stoop down to the level of others and begin name calling. Its not productive. I know its been said that that is all that occurs here on the blog but I've seen just as bad of name calling and misinformation on facebook too. Everyone is guilty of speaking with emotion instead of thinking first. Julie is an outstanding public servant and has saved us many many times from many dangerous actions. Her passion for this town is amazing. She has stood up to the biggest bullies and blowhards around. Much like any politician, I do not agree on everything she does or votes for. But her intentions are honest. She didn't "try" to turn the town against L&W. The L&W's actions did that all on their own. Accountability and transparency has been missing for at least a decade in this town and she is only trying to correct that. I do not believe you have lived here long enough to witness the entire backstory as to why the town is polarized as it is. I voted for both overrides because I feel our taxes have been way too ow to sustain the growth of our town. I was willing to cough up more money to support the schools and to keep our essential services in tact. But, the majority of voters turned down the override TWICE. It is the BOS's responsibility to respect the voters wishes and to protect the residents as best they can. Now that the overrides have failed and the school board has refused to look for more cuts in their budget and actually make the fight and the divide in the town we're faced with right now, I have to tell you I do not support the school budget any longer. If it means losing essential services in order to make sure the school gets what they want, it is unfair to the majority of the residents. Its dirty politics at its finest. I do not believe Julie had anything to do with fueling the fire. And I hate to tell you but the school supporters are simply pawns in a larger chess game and don't even know it. There are people who want to financially ruin this town and they are succeeding by supporting this school budget. Please watch more video, read deeper into the blog and talk to more people before you make accusations like the one above about Julie. I appreciate your comments in general. But, you're much better than to reduce them to name calling. It took me over 3 years to fully understand the intertwined story of Templeton politics after moving here. It is very complicated. And you cannot trust certain people who will smile in your face and then throw you under the bus. I will be voting no at the STM because I really want the state to come in and mediate. I do not want to lose the police/fire/rescue/highway in order to sustain govt mandates in the school. It now has become a life or death decision. The kids will survive with cuts to the budgets. I cannot say the same for the residents if we have no police/fire/rescue/highway to keep us safe.
  3. Great blog Templetonian!! You have gotten the story mostly right & that is more than a good many people know on the town politics show. Thank you for explaining how Julie has had the guts & determination to stand up to Extreme bullies & bullying & in the process of her steadfastness, bravery & true convictions has saved us all many times from those same bullies & their potentially harmful actions!! In my opinion, it is the school administration plus L&W themselves that have done more than enough polarizing for the entire state combined, let alone Templeton. Julie has nothing to do with their lousy decisions that only concern their own gluttony & not the best interests of the town. That is how I feel this day after years of watching & at times participating in the attempt to try to fix this horror show that is Templeton politics at it's worst. My opinion
  4. Templetonian I guess you are correct and with that my blogging is done. Farewell Pauly's Templeton Watch. I've Decided I'm way too passionate for politics. Sorry if I've offended anyone. I won't be pushing my thoughts of town and government anymore. It's not worth fighting the stone wall anymore! I'm usually a very nice person but these town politics get me more heaten then I like. Thank you for your time.


  1. Well, lets get one thing straight! You are not the only one who gets hurt feelings. More than once I have said to myself,"What the hell, why don't I just stay home?" That would be the easy way out. Julie does not deserve any of the abuse she gets..None of it ! She is in the position that she has to do what the majority of people, in this town have asked he to do. The majority said NO! Oh, she could vote the way she wants, but that would not be fair to the people in this town, the majority who said NO!! Our new selectman will find out how hard it is. You can stand for the school, but once you are in office, you represent everyone! You have sworn to do right by your town. Now the picture changes--Your special interest group, are but one limb of what is the town! What are we to do?? Kill the tree, to save one limb? Julie is the most intelligent person on that board. She has the experience of many years, in municipal government and some hard fought wars. I think men have a problem with her because she is so smart, and above all, she is honest! She will not compromise her values for any reason. It is no secret that this town is broke, except the School Committee and the Superintendent have not figured that one out. Julie has not convinced anyone to vote against the school. People are not dumb. They know what they can afford and what they can't. It was a mistake for the School Committee to not negotiate with the town, but that is their problem. As for the blog, it is good to see what other people think. It will open your world to what the rest of the town and its people are doing and thinking. Bev.

  2. For the People- I hope you will at least come back to the blog to read this comment. I am saddened to hear your blogging is over. The only way we as a community are going to solve our problems is for everyone to continue to share their thoughts and opinions--especially opposing opinions. That is the real issue here right now. If everyone on Pauly's blog shares the same opinion and everyone on Gansett Greatness FB page shares the same opinion, where's the interaction and working together for a common solution come in? Each group needs to converse respectfully together otherwise the divide in town will continue forever. Its not like this school issue is going to go away for FY15. It is a problem every single year. Last year, there was a joint override by both the school and the town. There was quite a discussion on exactly what "essential services" meant. The police chief stood next to Ms. Miller at a highly attended BOS meeting in order to convince the town to vote FOR the override. Even then it didn't pass. I think back to that night and wonder if the police chief shares the same position as he did a year ago. Would he be supporting Ms. Miller's position today now that the threat to eliminating his department is a reality. I applaud you being so passionate about town politics and supporting the school. And that passion is what needs to be ignited in many, many others in town if we are to find a way out of this mess. This isn't the time to retreat and refrain from commenting. Its the time to comment MORE. And its time to make sure that the conversation stays on finding a solution rather than pointing blame in multiple directions.

    Here's my opinion on what I've read from school serves no purpose to blame the BOS for any of this. The voters have defeated the override twice in 2 months time. If the BOS didn't violate the local bylaw by one day and hold a STM, then they would not be looking out for the best interest of the 8,000 residents--especially the ones who voted down the override. So, continuing to point out this violation serves no purpose and is erroneous in making any valid point. I believe Mr. Robinson explained very well this difficult position that faced the BOS at the emergency meeting this past Monday. What is right and ethical is for the town to have a say for a third time regarding the school budget and see what unfolds after that. To me, it would have been fine if the override passed, but it didn't. So, please someone explain how giving $700k to serve @1,100 students is a sound decision when that $700k will be taken from "essential services" that protects 8,000 residents? It becomes a real threat to all our safety. And, I don't know if anyone has noticed an uptick in drug related crimes in the past couple of months, but there has been. So, if you really want to do what's best "for the children" and "for the people" keep the police dept in tact. 8,000 residents NEED their protection more than funding unsustainable govt. education mandates in our school district.

  3. In my opinion the reason we are constantly fighting about money is because the money we have is always being inflated. The reason money gets inflated is because our monetary system is always printing more of it. With more money put into circulation the existing money loses value. We are basically stealing from those who have money saved. Those who run our money system know that we as a society will complain to our elected officials so that we can get the things that we want. In order to get the things we want the debt ceiling will be raised increasing inflation and putting our country further into debt to the International Bankers. The International Bankers will use our consent to increase the money supply as a fulcrum to erode our basic rights like they are doing with The Patiot Act, NDAA,and on ad nauteum. Not much has changed since the original signing of Declaration of Independence. Happy Fourth of July!!

  4. I would be very interested in seeing a line item of the School budget proposal. I don't think that the residence of the town have a full picture of what the school is saying is so important that the towns people should jeopardize our public safety by approving their budget for the year. With all government departments at many levels there is always the "ask for more, settle for less" attitude, but not with the School committee. I would be that there are several areas within their proposed budget that can be slim lined, will affect special programs more than likely yes but will it stop the children from learning? Yes sports programs are great but are they a necessity? Are the parents of atheletes willing to pay for their sports rather than increase their taxes? Does the School need both a Middle School principle and vice principle as well as one of each for the High School, can there be a Regional school principle to occupy the High School office and a Regional school vice principle to occupy the Middle school office? Ok so they will have to do a little more work tough happens to all of us workers at one time or another. I would wonder if other town residents would like to vote on each line of the school budget and decide what it is the towns residents can live without for their school children.

    1. If you look back in this blog to April 26th you will find links to FY13 budget an the FY14 budget request. It is interesting reading.

  5. I so glad I checked one last time for a response! Thank you Templetonian! I think the BOS are doing the best with what they have. I'm actually very disappointed with the school board. One in particular knew exactly what he was doing and even hung out side the emergency meeting. I support the over ride whole heartedly. I do not support dragging the town in the gutter to make a point. He may win the battle but will lose the war. I hope people know Gansett Greatness is made up of town people not boards. So that being said I'm in hopes that people will elect people who will help these boards and not trash the name of the good people who want the best for the town. The school board has decided to go a route that may destroy this town and I'm anything but in support of that! I'm not Gansett Greatness but I like what they stand for. Julie I've been hard on you lately and want to apologize. I can only imagine the stress you, kenn, and Doug are going threw. I will try to keep my head clear from here on in but can make no promises if im provoked! But I will do me best. Thank you for your time and I hope when it comes to building the elementary school we can all work together. Here's to a new beginning!

  6. FTP-
    I'm glad you're back. Together we can work for a better Templeton. When the Town gets back on its feet, then the school will benefit.
