Saturday, July 20, 2013

Gansett Greatness or Gansett Gluttony ?

Gansett Greatness

We call ourselves Community Advocates for 'Gansett Greatness. It is our desire to support all that is great about our schools, advocate change and improvement where appropriate, and work tirelessly to ensure that each and every student has the opportunity to reach his or her own greatness. It is for these reasons that we ask you to support and vote YES for the school budget next Friday, July 26th at 7:00pm at the Templeton Special Town Meeting.

By advocating a YES vote for the school budget we are not supporting cuts to other town departments. This is not an either-or situation, or a school versus the town situation, but a situation that demands that we come together as a town to recognize that we all have a responsibility to ensure each other's safety, education, and well being.

Let's come together next Friday in the NRMS Safka Auditorium to pass the school budget and then continue to work together afterward to prevent cuts to our other town departments and begin to rebuild our community.

Thank you,

'Gansett Greatness

As well as this gem:

Special Town Meeting is July 26th at 7pm in the Middle School Auditorium. The original school budget as certified will be voted on at town meeting. The school committee met this week and the following are the proposed budget cuts. The school committee voted to table this discussion as these are deep cuts that have far reaching affects for years to come for these students, staffing and for the school district as a whole. A great school district attracts new homeowners and keeps families that are here in our towns.

Middle School Sports $39,357.51

Junior Varsity Sports $48,613.88

Cheering (Trans/Cost for invitationals) $2,896.87

Music/Theater Transportation $3,542.25

Late Buses $16,750.00

TC Assisant Principal $8,000.00

Business Teacher $52,000.00

MS Assistant Principal $79,616.00

Band Uniforms $40,000.00

These are the cuts based on the 1/12 budget as given by the state. It is $350,000 less due to the fact there are 8 other districts also in the same position as NRSD.

Stand up for our Students ~ We are Their Voice.

NewsFlash! –

A “YES” vote = cuts to public service in the Town of Templeton. This IS an either/or vote.
Please attend the STM on July 26th.


  1. I know I am not going to make any friends from what I am going to say, but at this point, what will be will be! I can not, for the life of me, understand how the people who support the schools could have gone this long, with out a understanding of how our town government works!! Do you really think, the selectmen have not been "Listening to you"? Try for once to listen to what the people in this community have said to you. My neighbor came over tonight to tell me her husband is in the ICU at Heywood Hospital. She told me the rescue from town came to the hospital 5 or 6 times, in the short time she was there. Older people who are afraid to use fans because of their electric bills, had problems with the heat. What do they do when there is no one to help, because we do not have the money? Do I hear any ideas that make sense?? No that is what I thought!!. Shame on the people who are leading this group! John Columbus, why don't I ever see you at any other meetings ? How could anyone allow these people be lead down a rose colored path, giving people the impression that this is not going to harm our workers, who have been hurt enough already!!. knock your self out, blaming the Selectmen for "Not Listening To You", Gee, couldn't it be that they are responsible for the whole town, and they are doing their job!! When this is over, I only hope they do not cut Civics, because it is not just the kids that need to read that book. Bev.

  2. Administrative costs have been increasing at roughly 6% each year in this century. Overall spending is up a bit more than 4%. Cuts could be easily made that would not affect learning. Why is the threat always sports, drama etc and never the school psychologist, elementary school counselors, excess admin or other line items that have no support?

    1. Mark, I can not figure that one out either. This is "for the kids" I don't think so! How can this group allow sports to be taken away? I think it is back to the drawing board, for them. There is no problem with fighting for the kids. I think they should, Just do it in a constructive way. Bev.

  3. I agree with you, Bev & Mark, on all counts. In my opinion, nothing will ever get resolved on this, because the people making the decisions are the very ones that were sited. Now why would they be good enough to try to cut back anything from their budgets or pays, LIKE THE REST OF US HAVE HAD TO DO!! I don't think most of the younger parents get that we are not where we were, even 5 years ago. And I certainly KNOW that the school administration doesn't get it, nor does it look like they care about anybody but themselves. It is NOT for the Kids, as Bev says! The folks that worked hard for this community are now having to go to the hospital with heat stroke because they can't afford to use fans or A/Cs or take care of themselves in their own homes due to the high cost of living with no additional increases in income. How does anyone think they can afford to give more when they are hurting so much themselves. This economic bust is worse than many families realize & I believe it is only going to get worse before it gets better. I also feel that it is going to be a long long time, if ever, before we see any relief. That is my opinion as things stand today. I hope I am wrong.

  4. I think we're seeing the Lake Wobegon effect here in Templeton.
