Monday, July 29, 2013

Just a Note

I strongly suggest that everyone attend the joint meeting on Wednesday July 31 at 6:30pm in the NMS auditorium. Hopefully we can get answers and move forward to solve this dilemma.  I do ask for everybody to be respectful of each other. we are all allowed to have our own opinions. This blog was created for information, questions, concerns, and opinions, but please play nice. My opinion is that it was not the school committee's job to say where the funding was to come from. It was the BOS and yes there was only two choices - an  override or vote to amend the town dept budgets and take it from there. As I have stated before you can only raise what can be raised - more than that you need an override. Unfortunately with no override it will have to come from the town side. And where did I get my opinion - from the Mass Dept of Revenue Division of Finance Law.  So Selectmen Bennett, Farrell, Robinson and Morrison what do you all suggest?? end of story.
Thanks for reading my opinions - Pauly


  1. It is time that people stop heckling at these meetings. I did not realize it but the nonvoting section needs to know when to zip it. I do not know why the moderator did not have them removed, maybe he was trying to be nice. I guess nice does not work. I went to a town meeting in Phillipston, and saw none of this behavior. You may feel one way and your neighbor may feel another, this does not mean you leave you manners at home, and are free to act like a bunch of fools. As nonvoting guests, can be asked to leave, so think before you speak, or better yet, ZIP IT !!, Bev.

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