Friday, July 26, 2013

Sorry missed this - Thursday LTE

Cuts to all areas in education will have major impact on children
To the Editor: 7/25/2013
Diane Haley Brooks Mike Gary and members of 'Gansett Greatness

To the Editor:

We talk about budget cuts that will have the least impact on children, but how do we know this?

Who knows if a child will grow up to be an NBA star or the CEO to Nike’s branch in Shanghai? What if that one theater competition helps inspire a child to pursue the dream of being an actor or actress? What about a child that is bullied and scared to come to school, but develops a relationship with their assistant principal and in doing so feels safe and finds success because they know someone is watching out for them. What happens when children that need extra help in math, science or English yet can’t stay after school because the only way home would have been a late bus? This causes them to fall farther behind which only adds to their frustration level.  Then the work isn’t completed at home because the understanding isn’t there and they need more one on one time outside the classroom.  

How about not offering a business program and that child now cannot have the opportunity to be trained in the field they wanted to pursue right out of high school. What about the child that was in trouble and another classmate asks him/her to join the team. In turn, they find their way out of the street and into a group that helps them and this causes their studies along with their self-esteem to improve?

We make a difference one child at a time as a teacher, a parent, a guardian, district and more importantly an entire community. This has so much to do with the experiences they have that help shape them.

Children grow and discover themselves through music, sports, theater, community service, educational classes they have chosen along with the teachers and administrators they are involved with. It is truly amazing the impact schools have on all children.

Let’s stand up of for our children because they cannot. They don’t have a voice in the budget or the cuts or how it will impact them — we do. We decide what their future is and they are caught in the crossfire. The children are the ones affected as we tell them what teachers and administrators are cut, what programs are lost and what support services they will not have in order to make their overall educational experience all it should be. This is not about level funding, it’s about the level of service they need.

The Narragansett Regional School District currently does not have an approved budget and is functioning on 1/12 allotment or in other words a monthly allotment that is assigned by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This allotment is insufficient to fund the school’s operating costs and was required to be assigned as the School Committee’s certified budget did not pass at the Annual Town Meeting. Without the district’s full budget, the proposed cuts that are on the table totaling over $290,000 will need to be made and the impact on our students and our community as a whole will be worse than we could ever imagine. Any cut at this point is going to leave a scar that will take many, many years to heal.

These kids only have one opportunity for the kind of education they deserve.

We call ourselves Community Advocates for 'Gansett Greatness. It is our desire to support all that is great about our schools, advocate change and improvement where appropriate, and work tirelessly to ensure that each and every student has the opportunity to reach his or her own greatness. By advocating a yes vote for the school budget, we are not supporting cuts to other town departments. This is not an either-or situation, or a school versus the town situation, but a situation that demands that we come together as a community to recognize that we all have a responsibility to ensure each other's safety, education, and well being.

Let's come together this Friday in the NRMS Safka Auditorium for the Special Town Meeting at 7 p.m. and begin to rebuild our community.

Diane Haley Brooks
Mike Gary and members of ’Gansett Greatness


  1. ITS SIMPLE DIANE, DON'T CUT THOSE that you mentioned and keep threatening the town with. CUT the fat from administration and aides, full time police officer sitting in an office at the school all day BS, The teachers being paid to teach DO NOT need an aide to do their work. GET IT!

    1. Cut the fat is all I hear! Movin on you are clearly ignorant and not worth my time but I need to vent on occasion so here it is! There is a group of Templetonians that are cheap and selfish clearly you being one! Gansett Greatness is a wonderful group that I respect! Always positive!

    2. cheap and selfish is that what you call the retired people in this town who are living on $25,000. or less paying for medical expenses that Medicare has cut. Or paying for that spouse in the nursing home. Worked hard all their lives and have paid taxes for years and years to this town. Some people just cannot afford it sorry.

    3. My question is a simple one and granted, late and off topic of the school budget but I believe needs asking. The agreement states the school committee shall be responsible for all costs for insurance, maintenance and repair. So when was the last time was the outside wood work on the Templeton Center School painted? If the total costs of painting that woodwork is over 5 thousand dollars then the agreement states it shall be the responsibility of the town in which the school building is located. The roof leaked for a while on the TC school and I saw the school district try to get a new roof put on it but I did not see repeated efforts to repair it so the leaks would have been stopped. If what we have was taken care of properly or at least effort made then perhaps the people of Templeton would be willing to give up some money for new projects. As I pointed out Monday, we need to have these conversations soon and begin to talk about many things, the school budget being one of them. By being Chairman of the BOS, my hope is to lead the BOS in the direction of having these talks and to solve these problems before we get to next years town meeting. I hope to see many citizens there as well.

  2. They claim that the average income in Templeton is $23,000 a year. Hard to explain to person trying to survive and bring up a family on that amount, why a teacher, making close to $50,000 a year and having summers off, needs to have an aide in the classroom. I am an advocate for good teachers, however, times are tough. There is no money.
    As far as the NBA goes, how do you explain all the players who come from the inner cities that have the worst schools and become players in the NBA. The person who is going to be the CEO of Nike needs a great education in math, languages and the sciences. Baseball and theater are not getting him/her there. As far as the bullying goes, I never had to go any further than my teacher to resolve any of these kind of issues. Bullying has been around for a long time.

    Desire to achieve starts in the home and is nourished in the school. Involved parents and good teachers are the key, not sports. I believe kids need something to do and sports, clubs, etc. are good, but when the money isn't there I firmly believe that is where the cuts have to be made, especially if the system will not make cuts in the administration. Sorry to see this become such an issue, but there are people in this town that are struggling to hang on to their homes and feed their children. It is hard for them to care if your kids can play sports or be provided with a late bus. Parents will have to find a way to get the job done for their children and not depend on the school or the town.

    All the people putting their time and energy into Gansett Greatness should consider putting their time into fundraisers, etc. to support the programs they don't want cut. Some of you with nice homes, good incomes, etc. live in a different world than the people in the $23,000 bracket and it's time that you considered them. It's not as easy as you make it sound. Maybe you all should get as involved in the town's interests as you are in the school's and you would have a better understanding of the problems.

  3. The majority of those aides are in the classrooms to comply with the requirements of the Federal No Child Left Behind Act (we can thank George W for that). I know that years ago when you were in school kids came in, the teachers taught, and the kids went home. It's not like that anymore. There are literally THOUSANDS of state and federal regulations and requirements with which schools must comply. The vast majority of these madates are unfunded by the state and federal entities that create and order them. Therefore, they have to be funded by someone and that someone is us. If you don't like it, vote for state and federal officials who believe in either eliminating the mandates or fudning them.

    1. I read last week that the Federal Government was going to eliminate the No Child Left Behind act, because the government never funded it. If a child is having a problem with bullying, having a over paid protector is not going to help. This child needs to go to a qualified mental health person, to learn how to deal with people like these. People who bully, will be in a persons life forever, so everyone needs to learn skills to cope. Gansett Greatness, says "by advocating a yes vote, for the school budget, they do not support cuts to the town budget.". Oh my, does that mean they don't want to get blamed!!! No way, is your group getting away with that ! Enough people have told your group what this vote will do to all of the town departments!! We as a town, do not earn enough to support what you want..Do you get it yet. Shame on you Dianne, you know what this town has been through, but I have not seen you, or anyone else in your group at a meeting in the last year! THE SCHOOL IS NOT THE TOWN, IT IS A BRANCH OF THE TOWN !! CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?? Until the town is healthy, nothing is going to thrive. Why would anyone want to kill what little we have gained??(other than Echo Hill people) Gansett Greatness needs to grow up, and be responsible.! . Bev

    2. Well said BOB! Bev they haven't cut the act yet so that doesn't help us now. Bev you always say you speak for those that can't! I find you rude and ridiculous! Diane is wonderful and has gone to plenty of meetings! When was the last time the selectman went to a school meeting!? I've seen Mr Robinson there! I've seen Mrs Wilder there which your group conveniently ran off the board! I've seen Julie absent at Mondays meeting! I've seen Doug sit on the board and not say much! I've seen Jeff give many opinion from afar when he could do no real help for the town! I respect him being in the military but that was a choice! He should have resigned to put a person on that board that could make a difference in his absence! Your GROUP as you like to point at others, are nothing but a bunch of bully's and that's why you care not about bullying in school because you all live it now! Sorry to call you out Jeff but after Mondays meeting myself and many others aren't particularly impressed with your ability to run a meeting! I know Mr Robinson is a tough act to follow but I'm losing faith in the BOS again! Very one sided!

    3. For the people for your assessment of the discussion on Monday evening. Many people said to me afterwards that they felt it was a good discussion. It was posted and it was public (recorded) There were no formal decisions that were to be made that night, it was a time for talking and that is what people did, on the topic that was on the agenda, which was not pot stores, business etc. Hope you keep watching and attending.

    4. I will keep watching, you seem like a nice man Jeff and I mean no disrespect! These are troubling times! After tonight's meeting I think we need a new lawyer which I've thought since I met the man! He knows town law about as good as Paris Hilton! Jeff Ridder over steps his bounds too! I went to a huge gathering after the meeting and the towns people are ready to do whatever they legally can to remove them for disrespecting the towns people and trying to make their agenda work!

    5. You mean like trying to shove the override down the townspeople's throats. Like the people who have been stomping their feet like spoiled brats & not stopping their whining until they get what they want on the other side of this issue. Do you mean like that? And do you mean like Ms. Miller who will not bend to the needs of the town when she is well compensated to look further than the end of her nose? You mean like that? Also, you think that other people here have not worked as hard as you to get ahead in life? Many have & have lost their jobs anyway. Feel blessed that has not happened to you yet. As Templetonian says, when you finally see what the real story is the very people you claim are trying to push their agendas through will be the very ones who will be there for you to try to keep this town afloat. I sometimes feel like what planet are you living on? Not what town. Sorry but it does seem like you are very biased as well as all those you claim are being unfair. Why is it okay for your ideas to be the right ones? I am just asking what makes you think this is okay when facts to the contrary of what you espouse have been shown to be true. Not meant to be provocative but am wondering why you think it is okay to call people in this town ignorant? Questions I have for you. Thank you for your consideration & clarification if you feel you want to. If not, I understand that, too. I know you feel passionate about this cause but reality is we are not where you think we are. My opinion as I see it this day.

    6. Ill say it again, I support the raising of taxes because I feel it's in the best interest! What I'm not in support of is how this blog thinks it makes the town go round but its more of the Jerry springer focus center. I've lost my cool because i see some of these bloggers at meetings, hear what they say and am disgusted how they treat the people supporting the schools! I haven't started my family yet but It will be a cold day in hell when some of these towns people talk to me with disrespect and the chairs of the boards don't silence the ignorance! Every person has the right to their opinion! This is America, land of the free! It's not just mine or yours its ours! I think it will be many years before this town will work well together!

  4. The biggest problem is the arrogance of Ms. Miller who refuses to work with the town on budget issues. Ms. Miller wants a school that runs on a Boston budget on a Templeton income and that can't happen. To demand that the town fully fund the school at the expense of the TOWN's safety is inconceivable. Ms. Miller's motive is to have the DESE come in an MAKE the town fund the budget. So I hope that all the town's residents understand that when they call 911 for help they will get help it just won't be fast if there are no police in town to respond, that means state police have to be notified and they will come when they can. Hope the school and parents are proud of their superintendent and how she wants to ruin the town.

    1. The town needs an override to keep its services! Face it! If it wasn't because the school needed money it would be because someone else needed money! Things don't get cheaper or do they!? Oh yeah my taxes just went down because this town is losing value! Great lets race to the bottom all because people don't want to pay taxes! That's a rich thought! Or maybe that's it! If I'm cheap ill get rich! Who needs an education! Lets not work as a community like we have been and see how rock bottom we can get! LAME!

  5. Some good comments here. So GG you are assuming that you will never need to call the police, fire , rescue for your family? Take the blinders off and look at the town report on police calls page 85/86
    think rapes, etc. don't happen here. think again. Over 13,000 calls to dispatch in fy2012, restraining orders, drugs etc. Think we don't have fires in town - just ask the people on Lake Ave, or the people who lived in the house across from the Candlelite or better yet ask the members of the Otter River Sportmens Club. Yes education is important but at what cost to the town?

  6. I know Jeff talked about starting this process earlier in the year. I do not think that would work, as Ms.Miller was not willing to back down from what she wanted. It has not been until recently, like last week, that she was willing to compromise, but not much. I say let the State come in and look at both budgets!! It may be what she is afraid of !! Bev.

  7. It never ceases to amaze me that people who have absolutely no idea of how to run a school or what it takes to run a school, have the most to say about running a school.

    Props to you, Gansett Greatness, for continuing to remain positive in the face of such ignorance. But then again...ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

    1. Why not post with your real name?

    2. It's actually not very hard to figure out. Figure out where the name comes from and look for the matching tattoo I have :)

    3. Same reason I won't! There are allot of ignorant people in this town!

    4. The last name in particular is what will give you the clue.

    5. Gina you make me laugh!

    6. FTP, I know you are a better person than the hurtful words you are saying out of emotion right now. One day, you are going to need these "ignorant people" and see where that leaves you. These "ignorant people" are town employees, firefighters, police, teachers and many others that make up a community. I hope you make a living outside of town because if you don't, then you rely on these "ignorant people" to make money. If you think your neighbors are so ignorant, then maybe you should find another town to live in. And if you consider yourself far superior to your neighbors, then you would understand the history that has occurred here and why people are so upset and reacting the way they are.

    7. Another Excellent Blog, Templetonian. You have hit the nail on the head in all your blogs in this segment!! Thank you so much for setting the record straight on these issues that others are spouting off on who have no idea of the heartache & history that has gone on unchecked for far too long. Blessings for a job well done!!These are my thoughts & opinions for this day in total concurrence with you!

    8. Templetonian, I am mad and people saw tonight my writings on this blog are getting more clear! I may run next election for selectman or maybe even moderator to replace that ridiculous thing we call the advisory board! The town lawyer isn't equipped for the job and Jeff Ridder needs replacing as well! This town saw the true colors on that stage tonight! I think the only one that wouldn't have had tomatoes tossed at him was Mr Robinson! Changes are definitely coming! This town is sick of being treated like they aren't bright enough to see what is happening! Wrong we do! I'm sure Mrs Julie pushed the town lawyer to add that over ride in the article! At least that's what all the people in the audience were saying! That's people who were voting yes and voting no! I saw great passion for truth tonight and they got it, trust none on that state!

    9. Isteach the record is not straight! This blog can be very one sided! Like I said people are in an uproar and we will be making changes!

    10. People should NOT have to be voting a FOURTH time for the SAME override. Now, who should be in an uproar???

    11. WOW, For the People, you have serious issues you need to address before you snap. YOU show your true colors when you don't get your way as is evident in print tonight.

    12. Gina-
      It is absolutely amazing to me that some people have no idea how town government works.

      It is amazing to me that some people have no idea that a finding source needs to be identified in order to increase the assessment to NRSD.

      Absolutely amazing.

    13. Mrs Farrell,

      It is for TOWNSPEOPLE to decide the source of funding, not YOU.

      It is AMAZING to me how disrespectfully and snidely you speak to anyone in town who doesn't agree with you! I know you have good intentions, but when you roll your eyes, sigh and generally act that anyone with a differing opinion has that opinion because they aren't bright enough to understand the process, it weakens the very stances you fight for!

    14. Hi Bob,
      Did you offer a substitute motion to fund the school assessment? You know, YOU?

      For the record, I was not at the STM on Friday night. You would need extraordinary eyesight to see me roll my eyes.

      So how come I'm not permitted to be amazed? From afar?

    15. An override is a funding source.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. Mrs. Farrell,

      I didn't "offer a substitute motion" because:

      1) That's why we elect a BOS. You ask for our votes then expect us to do your due diligence?

      2) I'm not Town Counsel. The town doesn't pay me $200+ an hour to write appropriate motions.

      3) The advisory board should be giving imput about funding sources. They couldnt' because they were caught just as off guard as the rest of us by the last minute changes by the BOS.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. $700,000.00 was wasted on the mess of 252 Baldwinville Rd by Mr Ob, Mr Skelton, Mr Columbus all former Selectmen. There's the money for the school. oh yeh let's bring these people back. Not!

  10. No wonder no one wants to post their real names! I would recommend against it...once the blog group gets a hold of your name they attack you for everything. The "Echo Hill Gang" = a bunch of bullies, but the "Blog Gang" is no better! The way both sides roll their eyes, interrupt people while they're speaking and make rude comments - it's no wonder no one without an agenda wants to run for office in this Town. You people should really watch the meetings on the local channel that you've attended and see how rude and disrespectful you are!

  11. Down hear on the lower forty we got a saying, its hard to remember your initial objective was to let the water out of the swamp when you are up to your butt in alligators. Hopefully we can work this out together and pay more attention to local politics in the future.

    1. Everyone has really lost sight of the real issue here. This is not an argument on whether education is important or not. This come down to a financial issue & how to cope during a real hardship that the town has found itself in. Not only are we trying to recover from a worldwide recession we are also suffering from bad decisions made by town officials from 2000-2011. Its all coming to a head at once. Now it has finally affected enough people that they have woken up & are upset. This is also not a fight between old & young, rich & poor. So please stop making it one. Its pointless & harmful. We all live in this town for one reason or another. Some have lived here all their lives, some have chosen to live here. Some may choose to leave, some may not have that choice even if they want to. Templeton is a very beautiful rural town. It has not been treated with respect for a long time. We all have to share the blame for it. If you want to know why the town has fallen on hard times, then take the time to EDUCATE YOURSELF on the factual occurrences of the past decade. Watch the previous BOS meetings. Read the official documents at town offices or read the copies made available here on Pauly’s blog. Read the accounts of past events from various people here on the blog or on other social media. If you want to find someone to blame and channel your frustration & anger to, find a mirror & look in it. You, me, WE did not pay close ENOUGH attention to what occurred here in the past decade. A handful of people did, however & tried to raise concern. Pauly Cosentino, Sr. was one of those people. This is why he started this blog & it actually worked! He raised awareness of what had been happening & more & more people began to listen, question, & pay attention for themselves. It is all documented in this blog & in the boxes of paperwork he collected. Guess what? His accusations were correct. This is why there was such turnover in town government. People were found to be paying their friends over the correct pay grade. People were found in violation of Ethics. People were found guilty of harassment. People were found to be ignoring the law. Hundreds and thousands of dollars (if not millions) have been wasted in Templeton. Now these people have been voted out of office & its up to the brave individuals who stepped up to take office & try to begin to fix the mess. This is why there is a state investigation into the wrongdoings in town.

    2. I sure hope that all of you have gotten your tantrums out of your system here today & you do not act like this tonight at the meeting. I expect grown ups to show up & have a civil discussion. Our town’s safety & future are on the line. This is so much bigger than “the children” or “education”. Its about rebuilding our community in a responsible way. Gansett Greatness was formed with the best intentions. Do not put down Ms. Haley Brooks or any of her supporters. Do not put down our seniors who have lived longer than us & are much wiser to the world than the rest of us. We do not respect our elders the way other cultures do. Instead, we try to push them aside and value youth over wisdom. The seniors in this town are a wealth of knowledge & history & are our community’s biggest teachers. Talk to them, listen, & learn. The only thing I will take issue on with Gansett Greatness is the We vs. Me. If you truly believe that, then you would vote no tonight in order for “we” or all of us to sit down at the table & work this out together. If you vote yes, then “me” wins. Basically the school gets all the money & cripples the rest of the town. It is selfish & very shortsighted for GG supporters to push forward with this. Didn’t Selectman Robinson state Monday night that the school board found they could reduce the town’s amount? But to do so, a no vote has to happen. Please, everyone, take a deep breath & think about what you say very carefully. You can’t take back what you say once it said. You can’t take back your vote once its made.

    3. Excellent Blogs Templetonian!! So well written & with such knowledge, wisdom & care. Absolutely wonderfully said!! Thank you for taking the time to put this down on paper what many of us have been trying to say for years that often seems to have fallen on deaf ears. I couldn't have written a better synopsis if I tried!! Hope everyone who is able to attend the meeting will & heed your advice. Again, thanks for such superb postings!

    4. Tonight's meeting was a mess! Thank god mr. Robinson was there! Jeff Ridder and the town lawyer and I'm sure Julie supported the idea to sneak in the over ride vote! We will be asking for resignations when we are done! Shame on the non transparent people on that stage! The whole room was pissed at them for trying to fool the town! We get the facts we know the truth and WE are not done with this yet! Many saw how Jeff Ridder and the town lawyer think the towns people are stupid! Thank god for kirks outburst to get people to see this was a cheap blow! You have had your day and lost now wait for ours! WE THE PEOPLE saw templeton's finest choke up and show there true colors! Thank you Mr Robinson for not lying and for being transparent on that stage!

    5. The People spoke......AGAIN. GET IT!!!! go back to your city if you don't like it and quit your whining

  12. Wow, somebody didn't get their way, right AJ.?...oh I mean FTP.

    There is nothing great about Gansett Greatness...cute slogan but no substance. Instead of asking for resignations, you could always go for a recall. Instead of looking for solutions let's expend a ton of negative energy and put the town and the schools further behind.

    I agree with you that the town needs to raise its taxes, that our taxes are too low.
    I disagree on how to achieve that goal especially after two failed override attempts.
    There are no easy answers here. In my opinion, attorney Paul DeRensis and town coordinator Jeff Ritter are the reasons the town still has a chance of financial solvency.

    I would like to thank the people who attended yet another STM to participate in the process that is town government.

    1. Julie - now would be the time for the NRSD School Board to vote to certify the budget without the additional $691k (or without the additional money of their alterante motion tonight).

      They might gain some goodwill with townspeople who are tired of voting on the same issue again and again. They would also prevent the town from expending additional money on Special Elections and meetings.

      One danger they could consider is the possibility of an alternate motion at the joint meeting with Phillipston. Can substitute motions be offered? I would guess that would be a yes. I think the voters present at the STM on July 26 were of a mind to end this un-democratic process. Maybe a cut to the NRSD budget could be the result of such a meeting. The NRSD could end up with less than has already been approved.

      Last night, there were two opportunities to vote. Both articles ended up identical. But the people clearly spoke. Gansett Greatness should have no complaints. If anything, the article as read provided them with a second choice gave them an additional opportunity to get their way. FTP, calm down and think about what really happened. Your posts are very emotional and contain little factual substance. Take a deep breath.

    2. Wrong again Julie! But nice try! I do know of him! Don't worry you can play your guessing game ill reveal when the time is wright! I'm sure he will love that you tried to call him out! Ill be sure to let him know!

    3. Mark you are correct my post are emotional! As they should be! Most of what this blog posts as facts are little bits of research not the whole story! As for Gansett Greatness they are happy about the outcome! They are glad people came out to vote either way. But head of state education will decide in the end. I don't think they are stamping their feet with these numbers. This is the state process to step in and trying to slip that over ride in the article was bad form! People are very angry about that and I only can wonder who's idea that was!?

    4. I was at the meeting last night, and I cannot agree that any shady dealing were effected.
      1) The motion, which included the override, was made and seconded.
      2) Immediately, the chair of the NRSD School Committee made a substitute motion for the lesser figure. This substitute motion was NOT contingent on a Prop. 2 1/2 override.
      3) The substitute motion was defeated, by a wide margin.
      4) The chair of NRSD School Committee then offered an amendment to the original motion. The amendment made this motion exactly as the one that was defeated on the first vote.
      5) Again, this motion was defeated.

      The people in favor of the additional money for the school had two opportunities to vote. I can't see how anyone would be upset with the procedure of the STM last night. Mr. Bergeron gave everyone an opportunity to have their say.

      If the NRSD School Committee received a message last night, I would hope it would be to certify a budget without additional money over that which has already been appropriated for NRSD.

      If the School Committee proceeds to a joint town meeting, I believe anyone could offer an amended article that allows for a lower budget for NRSD. The voters, in my opinion, have taken offense to the tactics of the NRSD School Committee. They've taken time to vote NO on three occasions. Sometimes, the vote doesn't go your way. To complain about the procedure or the article as read is really moot. You lost, get over it. Take the message to heart, and lobby the NRSD to spare the voters another drawn out night of histrionics.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. "There is nothing great about Gansett Greatness...cute slogan but no substance."

      Well said from someone that's never been to a Gansett Greatness meeting and heard directly from that group what it's about, what it's purpose is and how many hours people actually put into it.

      Opinion unsupported by facts is a slippery slope.

    7. BTW Julie I think the town is asking what is great about Julie Farrell! In response to your Gansett Greatness bash! I'm not apart of that group as I said before but if the choice is you or them? I choose them! They are transparent, maybe not going for what you would like but they are transparent! It's sad you give a person a little bit of power and clearly we can see what you do with it! Sorry you couldn't make the meeting last night you missed quite the show!

    8. Mark I know you were there! You are on what we call the advisory board! You should know that this is all the process for the state to get the budget for the school or the school to get the budget passed by the state. We aren't going to get over it. The meetings aren't transparent and that's not right! Things were called out at the annual town meeting and last night as well! You can't slide things in to catch people unprepared and expect them to vote on it! They WON'T! That's fact because they didn't. I don't care to debate with you on this since we will never agree. We will have to agree to disagree!

    9. Hi Mark,
      Sorry for the delay, spotty Internet connection. I don't think a joint town meeting can be avoided. It is the next step in the process.

      I hope the Templeton BOS and the school committee can come to some kind of agreement before that meeting takes place.

      I hope people keep in mind that when a motion is made that will increase Templeton's assessment to NRSD a source of funds MUST be identified to fund that increase. The source of funds has to be identified- whether the funds come from the elimination of the police department or a combination of cuts from fire, police and highway, the source of funds to pay for the increase in the assessment must be identified...or as distasteful as it is an override or modified override.

      I don't remember a joint town meeting being held. This is uncharted territory for most people including the school committee and both boards of selectmen.

      Whether good bad or indifferent, I believe DESE will ultimately determine Templeton's assessment to NRSD. I don't see this as a bad thing, just inevitable. The sooner DESE steps in the better, but we have to go through the process.

    10. Thank you for the response, Julie.

      Why couldn't the NRSD meet and certify the number already approved by voters at ATM? Oakmont avoided the joint town meeting.

      I think it's only the next step in the process if the NRSD insists it is the next step.

    11. Mark,
      You miss the whole point! People were outraged because of the last minute addition of the override contingency! I would make the argument that by adding the contingency we didn't vote on the school budget up or down as required by DESE within 45 days and as such the school would have gotten their budget by default People nearly rioted because they felt they were being duped...people on BOTH sides!

    12. Further Mark, as your statements show, YOU don't understand the process! If we don't hold the joint meeting, the DESE (aka the Dept of EDUCATION) sets the budget. While the school likely won't get all they're asking for, they will likely get some of it, and even $150,000 more than last year will result in layoffs to public safety. Are you willing to risk that by not holding a joint meeting?

    13. Oakmont avoided a joint town meeting. Since you are solo smart, explain why they could and we cannot. Then, explain who's fault that is.

    14. I will reiterate and expand upon what I stated to Mr. Smart below.

      Oakmont didn't have members of the Advisory Board and the BOS bashing members of the community and school committee publically in a blog. You, "Bev Bart," Mr. Smart and Mrs. Farrell have bashed GG, the School Committee and members of the administration by name on this blog. On what planet do you live on where treating people like crap encourages them to compromise and work with you? You people who bash members of the community on this blog by name because you don't agree with them are the ones who make compromise so much more difficult.

      Dianne, Mr. Gary and AJ have all been bashed by name on this blog. They are community members who don't work for the school or the school committee and are just trying to participate and advocate for what they believe. For them to be personally attacked on this blog is disgusting. No wonder no one in their right mind would run for BOS!

    15. Well "Bob Greene", I'm done with you. You avoid the question I asked, after yelling at me for not understanding that we HAD to have a joint town meeting. Now you are just plain posting falsehoods.

    16. To more clearly answer your question, they avoided the joint meeting by the school committee backing down. That won't happen here because of the behavior discussed above.

  13. Consider this; a warrant is really nothing more than an agenda for a town meeting, be it the one annual or a special town meeting. Articles are a warning or a heads up on what will be asked. Within state law, a motion does not have to mirror or be the exact wording of an article as long as it is in the scope of the article, as in funding the school. Asking towns people to vote on a money motion without a funding source is the same as writing a check without sufficient funds and I believe that is illegal. We now get to talk and the date will be announced at Monday selectmen meeting. One thing that needs to be talked about is the funding of the town, the school and where will that funding come from. People move here or live here and enjoy low taxes then say the reason they moved here is because of a good school system but turn around and refuse to fund it. It is also the responsibility of the town when an override passes to fund the school that just because the law says the override money only gets guaranteed to the school for one year does not mean you (the town) take that money the following years and use it to pay for jobs simply created for friends or to artificially keep the taxrate low. That increase should continue to go to the school every year as in a good faith honest intention of providing the additional funding for more than one year. That is one point the school committee has made and it is a valid one. In my view, this blog has become almost counter productive in that is has become less of a place for factual information and more of like a cable op ed show such as the O'Rielly factor, Rachael Maddow or take your pick of any number of them. And I get it is a sounding board and a place to vent and publicly ask. I don't think this is what Pauly intended as it has created more us versus them rather than simply us as a whole. Perhaps time to look in the mirror and see if we have become via the blog what we were/are against. See you Monday night. Oh, please go by Gilman Waite to see the new playground which is now open, some good news.

    1. I definitely get they did nothing wrong, but I will say I know people on that stage lost most last night! I will keep attending the meetings even with little faith, I'm sure more last minute articles and warrants in the future will be slipped in to do what is best but not understood or going to be excepted by this town because it IS divided and until that mend is made and things are 100% transparent that will never change. Have a great weekend Jeff! See you at next meeting!

    2. Jeff, if a source of funding was necessary for the article to be legal, then it should have been included when the article was drafted. Between not advising the BOS on when the 45 days began and allowing the BOS to post what you called an illegal warrant, what are the taxpayers getting for $7,000 a month? I don't know about you, but if I made two major mistakes in two months' time, I'd be out of a job.

    3. I am not aware of a $7,000.00 per month salary for anyone or anything. But I will look over invoices to inform you what was spent on what. If you speak on legal, there is 52 thousand budgeted. Ensuring a motion is legal is not what I call a mistake. You may wish to go to 690 Patriots Road today and ask Denise Andrews why the statehouse continues to pass mandates for the Dept. of Education but fails to fund them.

    4. He should have ensured it was legal WHEN HE REVIEWED IT over a month ago, not the day of the Special Town Meeting!


  15. It should have been no surprise if the warrant had raise above the 2014 appropriation it would be a 2 1/2 override. The thing that gets me is if we voted yes to another ballot vote it would push the outcome down the road further. The confusion was on key for a Templeton town meeting lately. I would like to thank the voters for the large turnout and for the senior citizens for the large turnout. Thank you Mrs. Langlois for your input,insight,and guts to speak out.I think NRSD needs to take note what the towns of ashburnham/westminster decided to do. Cut and level fund and see you next year sooner,stay involved. Keep the voters informed and thank us for the support we give you,every year.Year after Year. As i was leaving last night a lady was talking about the rude people in Templeton not supporting the school system and how shocked she was. I couldn't help but remark the tax payers support the school every year with 1/2 of the money we give to the town for taxes. I would call that support.

    1. On what planet do you bash people on a blog and then expect them to work with you and compromise? Not on the one I live on.

    2. Then you should lead by example and not do it either.

    3. Pointing out flaws in other's arguments or in their treatment of others is not bashing.

  16. Jeff, you make some very good points. Thank you for your comments. For me, last evening’s meeting was the last straw. Where was the transparency when the article read, once again, was changed so that the voting body didn’t understand what we were voting on. Wasn’t it decided by the BOS that the warrants passed out would finally reflect what we would be deciding upon? We went to the meeting to vote for or against the school budget, not for an override. I am glad that it was straightened out in the end but I understand why people were so upset.
    I was handed some materials regarding the school budget last evening and the steps the town has to go through and it looks as though it is back to the drawing board. We may not like the process of attending meeting after meeting but if neither side can come to an agreement on something that will work for both, together, and in a civil manner, it looks as though we have more meetings to come. Eventually the state will come in and put us all out of this misery but they make sure the process is long and painful, forcing both sides to come together, until they will ultimately decide for us.
    Attempting to live within our means is understandable but as the town grows we service more people with less. Instead of arguing, this town needs to figure out how to provide it’s people with what they need whether it be fire, police, new roads, better schools, etc. and the answer is not telling people to “move back to the city”. We have had some “new” additions to town that are working to try to improve our situation here. The people spoke to have a new selectmen join the BOS and I know I was impressed by his courage to speak up and clarify what was going on last evening. I do hope the entire town can move past last evening and begin to work together. I know speaking for myself, it will take a bit of time to trust again.

  17. Mike Gary has a bit of lag time to process when talking last night. When he was asked about the comment at the BOS meeting he made about 18 teachers being cut he couldn't answer how many were hired back. So i wonder how many were permanent. I would have thought the GG crowd would tell us how bad we have let the school system down in the past and without the support we didn't give in the past what a poor school it now is. Gansett is and always has been great. It doesn't need a new click to get great or stay great. It's what the kids make of it. All the money in the world won't change the facts and money doesn't make the kids learn.The past overrides show they could do better without the money.The track teams have proven that ask Mrs.Capps about her children.The process needs to keep people involved to better Templeton. Not just the ones that take time to only care about the focus they have on what they want from Templeton. Be part of The whole Templeton for Templeton. 58DanK was in that material a way for us to avoid the joint town meeting. If not you only got a partial pile.
    The drawing board for who and for what.The drawing board would be to list the 18 less teachers.
    The cutting board is more like whats needed,don't you think! We need to get Templeton out of the hole were in before we are caught in a sink hole we are unable to get out of. That's why town employees have no raises and less hours,unlike "school and light and water" we are helping Templeton and not digging it in deeper.They need a shovel not a drawing board. If the people haven't woken up yet about the mess Templeton is in with money they just don't care. Or you could say,"Could Care Less".

  18. By bashing Gansett Greatness you are guaranteeing that no parent will support your L&W initiatives in the future.

    And the fact that you, of all people, would bash Mr. Gary for having "lag time" when he spoke is mind blowing.

    1. You've hit the nail on the head of exactly why is wrong with this town. People vote on important issues based on their personal relationships and biases. I've witnessed this town voting time and time again on issues "as revenge" instead of weighing each issue objectively and for what is overall best for the town. Until this attitude changes, the town will remain dysfunctional and we all will contribute to the demise of Templeton. I hope people do not vote against the new elementary school because of this school budget issue. I hope people do not vote against repairing a town owned building (ET school) because residents didn't vote for the original school budget. I hope people don't ignore L&W issues because they're "tired" of hearing about them. There has been personality "bashing" on all sides of every issue in Templeton. It is not right. But no one is innocent. And until we all take ownership of this inappropriate behavior and begin to change the knee jerk reaction to point fingers at everyone except ourselves, nothing will change.

  19. Our initiatives in the past and future are for us all. I stand to gain little and work to set the record straight. When i'm lied to or here things not on the up and up. I sort of call them out on it and always give the chance to explain. Who wer the 18 and how many were hired back?
    If bashing is asking who, what, where, and when so be it.
    I'll wait for the reply. And your all welcome for the 12.00 per year reduction in your customer charge. That was true bashing at the light dept. Why it was ever 4.00 to begin with is because there was no Dave Smart asking Questions.
    I was only pointing out Mr. Gary was not spot on when the meeting started to turn into another Templeton shit show. I think if people were at the Annual town meeting they would be a little set back by the crowd and the way they acted.

  20. Why are you calling out a citizen, PERIOD? He isn't an elected or appointed official, nor is he a town employee. Instead of expecting him to answer your question, why don't you pick up the phone and call Ruth?

  21. He chose to bring the information to meetings. He chose to be the person to talk. I only ask to verify the information that he is basing the percentage we are giving the school. In 2 different issues he has been asked and he continues to still give false information. If he wants to voice his opinion that's fine with me, present facts for a group looking for more money from the town for whatever reason and not telling the truth after being corrected is not a argument he will ever win.If your support was so great answer me why the vote was less than 165. I've been called a sore looser and i know one when read from one.Welcome bob columbuss. You found your way back!

    1. Dont quote me, but I believe it was 18 teacher positions that have been cut, not necessarily specific people. Some were spots that were not filled upon retirements etc...

    2. Before you accuse someone of giving false information, check your facts. The information he presented was printed directly from DESE - the people who will determine the school's budget on Dec. 1. So it doesn't matter what Mr. Spring thinks the correct number is or what you think the correct number is - neither of you will be setting the school's budget. So if he is showing you a print-out from DESE that states what DESE thinks the figure is, that is the only figure that matters.

      I know that the Advisory Board means well, but by telling people the number is wrong and they shouldn't listen to the DESE figure, it is really not preparing people for the reality of the situation. Everyone is putting their heads in the sand.

      I have read on this blog numerous times, that the state won't come in, they don't have that power - guess who ordered the Town how much we paid the school for July - THE STATE. And guess who will be ordering how much the Town pays the school in August - THE STATE. So as your previous advisors have proven themselves to be inaccurate in the past, I suggest you get new ones.

  22. I find it so hypocritical that the members of the C4T group that post on this blog would attack GG for bringing up the same budget again and again after the people have spoken when that seems to be your bread and butter. We have to sit through all of those citizens' petitions that are put on the warrant year after year when they are repeatedly voted down. Can we say fluoride?

    The people have spoken pretty clearly about L&W - leave it alone. You don't seem to pick up on that either and we have to sit through diatribe after diatribe.

    So if your arguement on the school budget is generally that the people have spoken on the issue so go away, I would suggest you do the same regarding L&W.

    1. So, let me try to understand your viewpoint here...its okay for the town residents to demand transparency in local government. Its okay for town residents to demand town officials follow the law. But those demands have to stop when it comes to the L&W dept? We can scrutinize every penny spent in every department except L&W according to your philosophy. By asking for clarification on some issues at L&W by some concerned citizens it is viewed as causing trouble. Are we not entitled to review cost analysis and reports on our municipal L&W depts? Should we just "let it go" when reports that have been promised to us are months and months late? It is fiscally irresponsible to have one set of rules and morals for certain parts of town government and completely ignore them for another. Have you read the DOR report from 2009 when the state gave suggestions on how Templeton could improve their operation and finances? If you haven't, I suggest reading it. Because what people are asking for from the L&W dept are the same things that are in said report from the state. Why is that considered outrageous behavior?

    2. Excellent post once more!! These are things a few of us have asked for years & were gone after or bullied in one way or the other, when they didn't like what we had to say. Absolutely correct, why is that right? We need to question ALL depts. on ALL things when it comes to the taxpayers inquiries, voting patterns & of course wallets!! And as I have been also trying to point out on Pauly's site many times over to the zealots who feel that we have an endless supply of cash flow, the average yearly salary when the DOR did that report in 2009 was ONLY $23,000. That is not much these days when all costs are skyrocketing yet NO increase in these pays, if you are still lucky enough to have a job. I had one blogger reply to this statistic with a blog about, who ever said $23,000 was okay & something to shoot for? That let me know there are still a few who do not get the full decline of the economy, as it stands today. No one said that was okay. It was pointed out that this was the situation at this moment in time. Many well educated people, including several in my own family, have lost good paying jobs to this market crash. That is why people are voting NO on these requests to increase budgets that are already inflated & could run very well within that scope to this day if they were willing to actually view what many of their tax based residents were grappling with. But, and this is not a bash on teachers, there are a few in academia who do not live in the real world. Particularly in the Administrative positions. When your general population has voted an article down several times they are trying to tell you something & it is NOT that they don't care about kid's education. That is a propagandist lie that is spewed forth to try to create guilt in the community to get the vote to swing the way the school dept. wants. That is just one example but it is a current one that gets beat to pieces & concerns me when I see the democratic process being abused to the point of disregarding all that has gone on before. As Templetonian has said, as long as this kind of behavior continues we will never resolve anything. That is how I feel today. I am not saying I am right either on all the issues & do always enjoy reading other respectful opinions. Have a great day everyone!!

    3. My point is only that many have made the argument that because an override and the school budget have been voted down twice, the people have spoken and GG should just accept defeat.

      Using that argument, the people have voted that they do not want a take-over of L&W by the BOS, they do not want a revision to the by-laws to "clarify" the relationship between the Town and L&W, they do not want to spend money on ET Elementary School, they like having fluoride in their water, etc. Should the people who put forth those citizen's petitions just accept defeat the way GG should?

      We are obviously all free to have our own opinions, but being hypocritical and illogical doesn't help anything.

    4. Mr. Greene, that is absolutely spot on. Being hypocritical & illogical does not help anything at all. Those are 2 traits I have seen on both sides, as well. I guess we all just have to keep trying to do the best we can as we see fit in our hearts & logical minds to do so. Wouldn't that be great in all aspects if a more profound agreement could be set forth. Then there would be happy days for most everyone. Ahh, the challenges in this life in the pursuit of happiness & harmony!! Trouble is, everyone's idea of that is different. But that is what makes a free thinking society so much better. None of us has to be forced to think as the "opposition" does. So, it is always back to the drawing board. At least we still have that option, unlike many countries. It is getting harder to hold onto those ideals but we must, as the Republic stands or we are completely doomed. Here's hoping & praying for the best as that being the wishes of the majority. Just my opinion. Thank you for yours.

    5. I certainly do not think GG should accept defeat. Just like any other citizens petition or serious issue that has to come up over and over again. This is how our democracy is formed...for and by the people. I voted for the school override twice even though I can't afford it. I did not vote for the school override at Fri's town meeting as it would have devastated the town financially. If another override vote goes to ballot vote, I will again vote for it. As many times as I have to vote on anything, I will and will appreciate the fact that I have that opportunity without any compaints. Many people in this world do not have that option. If someone feels passionate enough to submit a citizens petition or if the BOS submit an article time and time again, it is their right to do so and No one should complain. Does everyone remember how many times the previous municipal building committee submitted articles for 252 Bald. Road, even trying to get approval to use the Pajari money on the project? WE voted time and again on that issue. The L&W articles will also continue until the transparency and accounting questions are resolved. More ET school articles will come at next town meeting because the town HAS to deal with the issue one way or another. The school budget issue will continue as well until a resolution is found. I'm sorry people feel its annoying or obnoxious to vote multiple times. It is. But that's how it is going to be until we all decide to act like grown ups and deal with these issues and stop voting out of spite. Maybe then we can vote on an issue once and find a sufficient solution on the first try.
