Monday, July 29, 2013

Templeton Light Debt

Here is information that Dave S received from the Light Dept  regarding their nuclear debt. 


  1. Can someone (smarter than me) explain what this is showing? I do not understand.

    1. It is my guess, but I think it is what the Light Company has invested when they bought into energy from the nuclear companies. They must have paid up front, or taken some big loans. Someone who knows more, will fill us in tomorrow. I hope we will learn how bad we are on the hook for that wind turbine. Those figures were supposed to be ready last May. It seems our Light and Water manager, just can't get this done. All I know is, we better hope the wind mill does not stop turning. If it does, that is another nail in the town's coffin. Bev.

    2. Just because it is turning, does not mean it is producing any usable power! I have worked in industry, and occasionally we made machines run just so management thought we were busy!

    3. I told my husband that exact thing, just the other night. The Light and Water management must be thrilled the spot light is off them. I hope they don't worry, they are not on the back burner, for long. I wonder when they are having another meeting? The last one was in May, so if they are doing things right, they should have a lot to cover. I suppose if they don't meet, they can avoid answering questions about the reports that were due in May, that have been put off more than once. All of the money problems the town is having, just point out another reason to have a PILOT agreement with them. Maybe the state will have something to say about that. The DOR had already said this should happen, so there is just another reason to push to get done. Bev.

  2. When I asked about the wind turbine renewable energy credits being used for the future cost of decommissioning the nuke plants we co own,the question led to how far we are in debt to the involvement of the 5 reactors we are responsible for.Like our wind energy co-op with Princeton we are in debt deeper than people think. Or may want to know.This all leads back the MMWEC monopoly and is a state controlled money tool for municipal light plants. They control the power,VIA Money and electricity.The Laws they help write cover the power structure and keep private providers in check with rates and other obstacle and restrictions to compete. They keep the net metering at bay due to the profit margins would suffer if allowed to be introduced. Some company selling solar and lease it would not come to Templeton because of the Municipal electric co we are. Only one reason for us to ask questions about who is getting the better deal,if we are restricted from net metering and selling back excess solar power. Solar is as you have seen booming and very problem free and noninvasive to the people living near it. No noise no Electromagnetic field problems. There are people in Templeton that cannot go to the school due to the EMF around the wind turbine. It's known and documented to cause migraine headache and other health problems. Just the facts and people don't know who to ask or turn too.Anyone who has experienced any symptoms can get info and devices for protection from a catalog or go to their web pg there is help or email them at Your not crazy or ill,Your being saturated with a giant magnet and like many cell phone towers are exposed to something new to humans and like i have said from the get go ITS all about the "money". Many cell phone towers are being turned up to a higher power to cover a wider range and if you can see the tower it is a factor to your health. You can't make this stuff up. don't take my word check it out yourself and join me and others pushing legislation to fund Turbine decommissioning/relocation/victim funds.
    Our efforts combined with will help people who were not made aware of the dangers of power generation.
    If we only knew then whats known now,things would have been done much different than they were.It's not just about the money anymore,we learn more every day. Governor Patrick has said to get the legislation to him and he will sign it. That means allot for the people on fern drive and others around the state suffering. Other things like a commission to study the the cost and efficiency of the source is also being introduced and have bill numbers and motivated,dedicated people working to get attention on these issues.Check out see for yourself it's more than just some Templeton highway worker guy causing trouble. It's about righting a wrong for those who are being harmed every day. Try to sell your house with a turbine in the back yard. It would be a good place to live if you were deaf and blind. Why we still don't have a cost certification audit result is a answer we need to hear. Do your own investigation and see for yourself. See the true safety issues and listen to the people that have and are living with Turbine madness. Turbines ruin peoples lives and devalue the castles they live in.But the powers cheap and green,NOT! "PEOPLE FIRST"
