Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Upcoming Meetings July

Upcoming Meetings

July 9, 2013

Planning Board 690 Patriots Rd  6:30 pm

July 10, 2013

Common Improvement 690 Patriots Rd  7:00 pm

July 11 2013

COA Board Meeting 690 Patriots Rd  1:00 p.m.

Cemetery and Parks 690 Patriots Rd 6:30 p.m.

July 15, 2013
Conservation Commission 690 patriots Rd 7:00

July 24, 2013

PRE-TOWN 690 Patriots Rd.

Advisory Board 690 Patriots Rd. 6:30 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. I wish some members at the ATM would spend time on the Advisory Board. This would give them a good understanding of how many hours are spent trying to make sure our money is spent in the best way possible. This has been a huge improvement over what took place with the Echo Hill bunch in control. Anyone want to talk about breaking bylaws!! They were the pros. How much was spent on the Conservation Agent, again?? Funny how the rules change! Planning Board members deserve a big hand for the job they have done. A large number of hours are put in there, also. The ability to handle sensitive problems, with out trouncing on any ones rights is not easy, but they have done a good job. These people do not get paid, they should, but you know how that goes! We are broke, and will be for a long time. So, it seems to me, if anyone stands up and makes really dumb comments at the Annual Town Meeting, about the Selectmen or the Advisory Board, they should have to serve on the Advisory Board for a year or two, or make them a Selectman for a year or two, just to see how they make out! Bev.
