Thursday, August 15, 2013

Another comment that deserves a Blog in itself

J has left a new comment on your post "some more notes":

I have been reading this blog since it started and I can say I am ashamed and embarrassed by the negativity regarding the school budget. I have to admit that I have not been to any of the school committee meetings, but I did have two children graduate from Narragansett, I graduated from Narragansett and I was very involved with many activities within the school district, from the PTG to the Athletics. I have seen many changes over the past 10 years and they have not all been positive ones. I should've gone to meetings to suggest cuts that would not affect teaching or the kids, such as eliminate one principal at either the High School or Middle School, keep one vice principal at each school - the vice principal handles disciplinary actions and the principal handles administrative issues - it appears that one principal could manage both schools. eliminate the two adjustment counselors - these positions were "created" and i'm sure some kids use them, but if there are issues at home, or at the
school, the teachers can talk to them or if there are major issues, DYS could/should get involved-that is what the agency is there for-use them. some of the topics discussed with these counselors are not even kept confidential like they are suppose to be. also, is there really a need for a police officer to be at the school all day? eliminate curriculum director, or whatever the position is called now. just eliminating those 5 positions could save at least $400,000 or $500,000. is there a mandate that department heads get more pay, is that in the union contract? the school committee should've negotiated with the union to freeze pays, they new this was coming for at least two years. by eliminating 5 positions, you almost have all the funds needed. other options could be going to a 4 day school week, save on food, electricity, heat...high school kids are out of school at 2:00 PM, the issue could be busing, which is another issue, I've seen many school buses with only 5 or 10 kids on it, is that bus necessary? when working with budgets cuts you start at the top, it is best eliminate the higher paying salaried employees then you only need to eliminate a few rather than 15 lower paying employees. I would also like to mention/note that the 15 positions that they claim have been already cut, i'd like to know the names and titles, rumor is that they were just moved to different titles, so it "appears" that they were eliminated, but the people still have jobs. some people really need to not be so trusting and believe every word spoken from the school committee nor the superintendent. if they can show the actual names and titles and then see that they are NOT on the payroll anywhere else within the school district, I will apologize for that statement, but until it is in writing, I believe that this is exactly what is happening. I need written facts before I believe anything.


  1. After tonights' meeting with the Advisory board, I have no illusions that the School Committee will change their request for money. Not one dime can be spared by the schools?? Give me a break! I will admit, at this point I am totally pissed, and if Ms. Miller has not figures it out, she has a problem. Wall street hit the skids today, sales are poor! Can you imagine that? Seems to me sales should have picked up, with school starting soon. Macys is down from what they expected, as well as Kohls. Could it be the people are trying to figure out how they will pay for oil?? When the food pantry use has been at a all time high,this past year, why can't the people who work with kids read the writing on the wall?? I was right when I figured the thing the school people wanted was for the Selectmen to push for a override. If the people on the Board of Selectmen thought we could have gotten a override through, wouldn't they have done that instead of cutting the hours of the town workers?? I think one of the people on the School Committee from Phillipston, tried to get changes made to the school budget, but no one would support him. J, I agree with everything you have written. This is pretty much what most of us have been working for, since the start of this mess. At this point, I guess I will go to the joint Town Meeting, vote no, and go from there. My opinion, and by the way, Gansett has always been great, since day one. Bev.

  2. Replies
    1. Hey Puff you need to start listening to the WHOLE story and not just what the Superintendent and School Committee want you to hear!!!

  3. I agree with you Bev, if the BOS thought that the town would agree with an override, they would've supported it. like I mentioned above there are areas that can be cut that will not affect the teaching or the kids, but it is just another example how the school committee and the superintendent just want their way. after reading comments from Poison Ivy and others, I was totally disgusted with the way they think money will just appear and that they will get what they want. I too will be at the joint town meeting and voting no. my no vote does not indicate that i do not support the kids in the school district, but simply means we cannot afford it and that they need to compromise, in life you need to learn to compromise, it is always a give and take, not just take take take... i again want to state that i'd like to see the names and titles that they have claimed to have already cut, and then see the "after" list - i betcha many names will still be on the list just in different titles. just my opinions until i see it in writing. Vote no!

    1. In my opinion, Ms. Miller has developed the art of the perfect spin. It is sad, but I do not see any incentive to make any concessions at all. I think they want to wear everyone down, with constant town meetings, until December. As for huff and puff, no I do not go to School Committee Meetings. I have spent a good amount of time attending Selectmen's Meetings, and also try not to miss Water and Light meetings, but you know all about that. Just because I do not attend the School Committee Meetings, does not mean I do not care about the schools. FYI, and for the record, When Gladys started the Craft Fair, she had very little help. I was her Campaign Manager, and her friend. I helped her mark lines on the common on Friday nights, with Stephen and a few others. We cut onions and peppers in her mother's kitchen, I worked in the food tent, ran the baby show. I helped with the table where she had the Chinese auction, and picked up papers off the common, on Sunday night. I was a lot healthier back then, but things change. When I met Bart, we were busy in Leominster, running our business and doing Farmers Markets. Bob Sobolefski was the first to help, and slowly others joined in. So, I have done my share, and now I plant the flowers in front of her stone. every year, and will until I can't do it any more. She was a colorful person in life, so I try to make the beautiful stone, as colorful as she was. It does not hurt to have new people help at these events, because it helps them connect with the community. It is important for them to know they are not the first to stand up for the schools, or to have done things for the town, and its departments, and people. Gansett was great, a long time ago, and it still is. Money does not make Gansett Great, the people do! My opinion, Bev.

  4. Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

    Please preserve public safety in the Town of Templeton.

  5. OK LETS TAKE THIS ONE BY ONE, seeing as you folks like to come here & complain but never go to a meeting.
    1. They have already cut the Muddle School Vice-Principal. I guess they will never need discipline. Not to mention the Foreign Language teacher that was just cut. So even though every college requires 2years of a FL, we only now offer 1 language.

    2. The adjustment counselors are either state mandated or in response to the very same people on here complaining, that nicknamed the school ,Suicide High'..... oh yeah, remember those fun days?

    3. The Dare Officer I believe is split between the town & the school, but dont quote me on that. He is also the only armed individual protecting our kids behind those glass doors. Can we say Sandy Hook? He costs us little & is invaluable.

    4. Ad previousely mentioned, bussing is mandatory in a regional school district.

    5. The school employs 19 less people than it did 10 years ago......FACT ;-)

    Keep voteing no & we keep going further into debt while on the 1/12 budget. We have already guaranteed cuts to the town.


    1. Forgot ti mention, I totally agree with renegotiation with the union.

    2. To reply to your comment about doing your homework......I have done mine and I have done a very thorough job of it. Because I DID do my homework I am definitely voting NO. And yes, there was a time some years ago when I did attend some of the school committee meetings AND I did even try to make suggestions about the budget and was basically brushed off.

    3. huff you puffing too hard take a deep breath, and look at the Mass laws again. Bussing is NOT required for Regional Schools, so don't know where you get that. Although the Officer at school is not required, if you read the letter from the Police Chief that Officer will be needed to patrol our streets and respond to 911 calls should the school budget get approved. We have a Middle School/High School in one building with what 600 students. There are High Schools across the country and in MASS that have over 3000 students and they survive with ONE PRINCIPLE and ONE VICE PRINCIPLE, you would think that one principle and one vice principle for 600 students would be plenty.

      huff you only see this situation through dark glasses. It isn't that any of the responders here don't care about the children's education. But there is a larger picture. You like to say that $20 won't make a difference but it does to many. You want the TOWN to make cuts to allow the School to have their way, but again what about the School compromising. Compromising does not mean eliminate teachers, it means look at the budget and see where actual cuts can be made. It means working with the Union on salary increases, if the teachers and school superintendent are not willing to work with the TOWN then you can blame their arrogance for this situation not the TOWNS PEOPLE for trying to stay solvent.

      If more parents would address their anger at the SCHOOL for not playing nice in the sandbox maybe this could be resolved. But until then I will VOTE NO and continue to VOTE NO everytime this issue is brought to a town vote.

    4. huff and puff: I will respond to your issues 1 by 1:
      1) are you sure the VP of middle school was eliminated or was he just moved to another position? if you read my post, I suggested the principal, not the VP, I understand discipline is needed and that is the responsibility of the VP, not the principal. When I attended NRHS, we only had one foreign language and we all were accepted to colleges.
      2) I have been involved in the school district in one way or another for over 20 years and I have never ever heard it been referred to as the "suicide high". The adjustment counselors were just added to the staff in 2009 I believe, I could be wrong with the exact year. I believe those positions could be eliminated without it affecting teaching the kids.
      3) I personally do not like the idea of an "armed" person in any high school. I do remember the tragic event at Sandy Hook and I pray to God every day that nothing like that would ever happen within our school district and I certainly am not naïve to think that it can't, but when you are looking at where you can cut that will not affect teaching and extra curriculum activities, that is one position.
      4) I don't think busing is mandatory.
      5) what titles or should I say names have been eliminated in the last 10 years?

      I do not attend the school committee meetings and i never will, because I feel that even if I did and made these suggestions, they would fall on deaf ears - my opinion.

      the statistic show that tax payers in Templeton average income is $28,000 - $28,000 and not to mention senior citizens who are trying to survive on social security, i'm glad that SOME people make more than $28,000 per year but that is not the norm.

      How about this one... if you make over $50,000 per year you pay more for your children to go school? (this is a joke by the way) base your tax rate on income. now wouldn't that be interesting if you could do that.

      i will be at the joint meeting and i will vote NO.

    5. one more comment - arrogance is not becoming of a person. to quote you "the school WILL get its budget" is very arrogant.

    6. its not arrogance J, its the fact that I have done my homework & know that the DESE comes in & sides with the schools. Thats what there job IS.

  6. Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

    Please vote to preserve public safety in Templeton.
    A "NO" vote may force the school committee and superintendent to REDUCE THEIR Request which is bankrupting the Town of Templeton.

    Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

  7. WOW! Good job not responding to a single point i made. As for bussing, it is in fact mandatory & reimbursed, so cutting it would have no effect.

    I advocate for the override, not cuts. As I have been stateing for awhile now, the BOS was warned this would happen without an override, yet they chose to ignore it. The school WILL get its budget, the override is to ensure no cuts to the town because of that.
    I agree with renegiotiateing the union contracts, but nobody seems to be able to say where else to cut. All they say is cut. Ok. Where?
    And I am not the one with glasses on, you all are. I am one of the few in here looking for change. You guys just want more of the same. Thats what got us into this mess in the first place. An inability to listen.

    Mrs Farrell. It is the town that is bankrupting the town, not the school. You were told this would happen, yet didnt advocate for the override. Take some blame.

    Everytime the town votes "NO" we go deeper &deeper into debt.

    1. Busing can be scaled back, made more efficient, if someone bothered to try. When I was in school, a couple of classes from Baldwinville went to Templeton Center. Going home, they had to ride all the way to the end of South Road. The bus then turned around, and took them to Baldwinville. On our way home when I was in high school, we stopped in the school yard at TC and waited until the grammar school kids got out, and we all went home. None of these things hurt us at all. I see the bus bringing one kid home, only to see another bus, a few minutes later, with one kid??
      The bus company will take as much money as you want to hand them. I am not crazy about the kids walking alone on the back roads. There are too many nuts running loose. The late bus only brought us to the center of Templeton. I waited for my dad to pick me up when he was going home from work. Blame no one but yourselves! The selectmen know where the town people stands financially. Having them cheer for a override, when there has been NO attempt to make any changes to save, not one dam dime!! Sorry Puffy, It seems you are having delusions. I think there is medication for that. As a matter of fact, there is a very good Mental Health organization in Gardner, who could help the children in our schools, much cheaper than the people the School Department has chosen to hire. By the way, what don't you understand about the word NO?? This is my opinion, Bev.

    2. How exactly did the BOS not advocate for the override? Just wondering specifically what they did or did not do. Thank you.

    3. Ill pick one from each.

      J. Id rather have a trained armed police officer, who is only costing the school half, to build positive relationships, & god forbid protect them if the need arises, THAN CHEERLEADING! Get real!

      Bev. You went to school 65 years ago. No comparison to today is even plausable.

      Temp. They didnt tell the town what the consequences were for a no vote on the override. They continue to say it is for the school when in fact it is to ensure no cuts to the rest of the town when the school budget comes in.

    4. It seems to me, like the school supporters wanted the BOS to stand up during a meeting and tell the voters of this town, that a override was a absolute necessity. I guess the people on the board were supposed to ignore the fact that the Food Pantry had a record year, and provided for a record number of people, not all of them elderly. It seems to me, even if they had done what the school supporters, and Ms. Miller wanted, I doubt it would have done much good. I guess if everyone had a income high enough, and the cost of gas, oil, and food was not so costly, then we would be all set! But in the real world, things are not peachy, and the Selectmen did what they thought was best for everyone in our town. A little reality, and effort to clean up the budget on the school's part would have been appreciated by myself, and a lot of people I have spoken with. So now the School Department and the School Committee has made their bed, so they will live with the results. Bev.

    5. ....The School will live with there budget, the Town will live with the results.

    6. out of everything i wrote, you compare an armed police officer to cheerleading? who needs to "get real" and how exactly is an armed officer building positive relationships?

      the over ride WAS for the school budget - NOT for the town. the town already had it's balanced budget. it was so the town could give the SCHOOL the school committee and superintendent certified budget. you are twisting it around to make it look like it was for the towns budget.

      If the superintendent cannot balance a budget that the town can afford, she should be fired.

      the town said NO to giving the school the extra funds, I've said and many have said it, what does it take for people to understand that the town has said NO to the certified school budget.

    7. Please continue to VOTE NO as often as necessary .

      Please preserve public safety in Templeton.

      That ALL you really need to know.

    8. If the school budget is the biggest part of the towns budget, how can the town have a balanced budget before the school portion comes in?

      And the cop just walking around talking to the kids builds relationships. Try talking to the kids& you would know that.

    9. see Julie's comment below - received the re-certified budget 13 days before the override! really, now tell me that wasn't planned.

      a "cop" walking around talking to kids does build a relationship, but isn't the school about learning, not just about building relationships? i have two kids, i do know and yes they all like him, i have nothing against him, he is a great guy, but when you have to make cuts you look at every position and ask "can we do without this position".. the teachers are there too talking and building relationships with the kids.

    10. my implication was that his role is much more important than any extracurriculars. Any sport, pick one.

    11. sorry but i disagree. his role may be important to some, but sports, drama, clubs, all extra curricula is looked at when applying at colleges, not if you had a relationship with the "cop" who walked around talking to you. What the extra curricula also does is keeps kids involved, doing something, learning sportsmanship, staying active and healthy to just name a few.

    12. I completely agree with all of that, except for the fact of their safety. I wont compromise on my kids safety. Plus the fact that the school only pays half his salary. Its not a cost effective cut.

    13. the kids safety is always a priority, and before they had an officer there all day, there were plans in place for emergencies and i'm sure they are still in place and can be implemented God forbid if needed. and yes, the school only pays half his salary, but you mentioned above that everyone always says "cut" but gives no suggestions to cut, i have given 5 of them in my original post that would not impact on actual teaching. any place that you can save is cost effective.

    14. not to be negative, but that remark "not a cost effective cut" is an example of how the school committee/superintendent will not compromise on any cuts.

  8. Huff regarding your comment that the override was for the town's benefit, you are delusional.

    1. How is that delusional when the school budget is effectively guaranteed by the state? When the DESE comes in, they could care less if we have a Hwy Dept. I care. The DESE has a record of implimenting the certified budgets.

  9. Re-certified 13 days BEFORE an override election?

    Please continue to VOTE NO as often as necessary .

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton.

    That ALL you really need to know.

    1. Mrs. Farrell please stop blaming the school board! The reason you want to lower the minumum contribution is so you can have the pleasure telling them they now get to tell the state the town wants to lower their budget! Sounds like a fun plan of revenge to me. All week the talk has not been in favor of this idea. The 22 should be interesting! :) the children will suffer! Not a good idea! For this alone I'm voting yes, I'm aware this town needs an override with or without the school budget. The school shouldn't wrongfully take the blame for a poorly run town. I pray this upcoming year things get better. It is a shame.

  10. Here is some food for thought for all of you -

    Superintendent wants a Technology Sec 110% raise from $12,580 to $26,520 ? states that there are more reports? How many more? How long will they take to do? Is it one report, one line on a report, 100 reports, this needs to be quantified to be justified.

    Eliminate the Middle school principle and vice principle would save $173,880.

    Put High School Vice Priniciple in Middle school office and handle discipline for both.

    Eliminate middle school secretary save $58,591

    Renegotiate raise for teachers to NO raise or no new hires save $60,161

    Renegotiate for special ed teachers BES salary NO raise or no new hires save $42,219

    Same for TC NO raise or no new hires save $66,194

    Same for Middle school NO raise or no new hires save $12,286

    Same for SN teacher District NO raise or no new hires save $26,708

    No increase on Extended school year salary saves $6,500

    Aides SN PT no raise or new hires saves $22,163

    Eliminate Elementary School Guidance Counselor save $96,889

    Elementary School Nurse NO raise or new hires save $40,135

    All custodial salaries for all schools NO raise or new hires save $146,224

    Add up all the savings and it comes to $760,040 with NO TEACHERS RELEASED, SPECIAL PROGRAMS OR SPORTS ELIMINATED.

    The School Committee and Superintendent have lots of room to work on cutting extra NICE to have raises and still provide all the students with a good education. The School budget is posted for all to read and look at if you look at the Current Adj Budget vs the Superint Budget you will see that there is room for cuts and compromises that does not affect the children in any manner.

    1. these are great ideas/suggestions, another one too (because they will claim that the contract is already signed and binding, therefore, raises must occur), they could enforce furlough days to everyone, superintendent down to the custodians. I belong to a union and we had to have furlough days. the amount of days was based upon your salary, the more you made, the more days you had to work for no pay. furlough days can be negotiated with the union at any time, it does not need to "wait until the next contract". but, hey, this is to simple and again, they will not compromise, very arrogant people and they want what they want and will not give up anything. I had NO raises, nada, not one penny for an entire 3 year contract. I got my first raise in three years in January 2013 and it was only 1.5 percent. AND I work all year, not only 180 days per year. people need to remember that teachers salaries listed should be divided by 180, that is their daily wage, then you divide that by 7 because most only work 7-2 or 8-3, that is their hourly wage, our teachers make pretty good money already.

    2. Ever been or known a teacher? MOST work till 6-8pm on their own time to get all the work done. They also spend thousands of their own money to supply their classrooms.

    3. yes I know many teachers and I am aware that they put in hours after the school day, but to say they work till 6-8 at night is stretching it. Teachers are out the door right at 2:00 or 3:00, go home, and maybe after dinner do an hour of work, or are you saying they go home at 2 or 3, and start right away working at home until 6 or 8? if that is what you claim, than I really find that hard to believe. Maybe if they stayed at the school and worked 8 hours a day (meaning stay until 3 or 4-depending on if they are in elementary, middle school or high school), they could get the work done. I also know that they have "free time" during the school day, this is where they should be taking advantage of the time to do the things that they do after hours. teachers are assigned to study hall time, right? what do they do during that time? the kids are suppose to be studying, the teachers should be working on their work too. I know that some teachers spend time on the computer, on the internet, chatting doing personal things. I know that many parents help to supply the classrooms and didn't I read somewhere that this year they don't want assistance from families?

      If the budget was completed correctly, they would ensure that there is enough funds in the budget to supply classrooms - it is not right that teachers or parents need to purchase supplies - I agree with that. the line by line items in the budget should account for enough funds for supplies and if that means cutting somewhere else, than they need to cut.

    4. as far as I know, teachers get 1 period of "prep" time, which is what, 40 minutes? And during study hall, who do you think watvhes and helps the kids? The teacher.

  11. Somebody needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

  12. "these are great ideas/suggestions, another one too (because they will claim that the contract is already signed and binding, therefore, raises must occur)"

    You say this as if "signed contracts" aren't a real thing LOL As if signed contracts aren't binding. As if the contract wouldn't have to be opened and renegotiated and then ratified by the entire union. LOL

    Once again, this entire thread proves that most people who blog on here have absolutely no clue what they're talking about! Our friend "J" here is one of those people who sounds like he/she knows what he/she is talking about and sounds like he/she has some sort of inside scoop on what it takes to run a classroom or a school or a school district. When in fact, he/she doesn't really have any idea. The statements made in the original blog are just someone's opinion and that's all it is. It's not accurate or even factual.

    Just sayin

    1. And so is everything you say...just an opinion.

      If you think everyone is so misguided that writes here, then why bother to come here and write yourself? Would that not make you misguided as well? What Templeton needs is more communication. How can anyone communicate and seek solutions if they don't voice their opinion? Obviously someone is going to be right and be wrong. But we would never know which if no one opens their mouth. Stop attacking people personally for not sharing the same opinions as yourself and focus on sharing valuable information and suggestions. You may not like what J says, but at least they're trying to seek solutions. Give them respect for caring enough about their town to take the time to comment. Your opinion is also welcomed as long as you are respectful.

    2. "Stop attacking people personally for not sharing the same opinions as yourself...Your opinion is also welcomed as long as you are respectful."

      Are you even serious right now??? This entire blog was started with the purpose of assassinating the character of certain people in town (Skelton, Wilder, etc). Go back in the archives and read for yourself exactly how disrespectful this blog and the comments are meant to be. In fact, recently there was a blog posted about a former selectman having to pay a fine. It was posted so that the regular bloggers on here could revel in their "victory" and comment as such...and I quote,

      "Well, well, well, about time for sure!! Dennis called all of the voters in Templeton, stupid in a School Committee Meeting on camera ! Now I think that was stupid !! But even more stupid was what he did..."

      Does that sound respectful to you? Is it respectful to say such things about your neighbor? Because that's what everyone in this town is...your neighbor. Comments like this are made every single day on this blog. But suddenly when someone has a different opinion (yes, I agree that opinion is the only thing written on this blog) it's disrespectful?

      Sounds to me like a serious case of the pot calling the kettle black.

      Just sayin

    3. I am serious right now. VERY SERIOUS. People from all sides of every issue have said rude things and made personal insults on this blog, on facebook, in person at meetings, on the street and in the newspaper. We ALL are at fault and it needs to stop somewhere. The only way it will stop is if everyone consciously changes their behavior. You can help with that change by either #1 stop coming to the blog. Ignore it. #2 start your own blog. #3 change the tone of your posts. Its a very sweeping statement to say that everything here is not factual and no one know what they're talking about. The example you use of Mr. O'Brien getting fined for his ethics violation--well do you know why everyone was using the word stupid in their comments? Because he called the whole town stupid on camera at a school building committee meeting. You can't call the whole town stupid and not expect some backlash. Much like the makeup of Templeton's population, some are more intelligent than others. Some do their research more than others. With a blog like this, you're going to get a wide range of opinions and comments. This blog HAS been very, very useful at getting the word out on so many issues. If you want to be part of keeping it fair and useful, then curb your own comments. Don't get frustrated so easily with people who don't "get it". An educator doesn't call their students stupid or idiots for not understanding a lesson. They have to have a lot of patience to repeat information. Some people may take a while to understand certain issues. So, why don't you act more like an educator and exercise some patience. No one is better than anyone else. I do not claim to be better than you or anyone. I am simply trying to get people to stop the attacks and take ownership of their words. I will repeat that message as many times as ti takes until it sinks in. I hope you have a wonderful evening. Its beautiful outside. Go enjoy it with your loved ones. I certainly will.

    4. "The only way it will stop is if everyone consciously changes their behavior."

      Then maybe this blog should start taking EVERYONE to task who says anything at all that is disrespectful...and not just because they have a different opinion than your own.

      Just sayin

  13. i agree the term "claim" was not appropriate because yes I do know that once a union contract is signed, it is a legal and binding contract unless it is ratified and voted on by the union members. I belong to a union, so I know exactly how they work - poor choice in terminology.

    as far as my initial comment, yes those were my opinions on areas that could be cut. all of my other comments were in response to comments made by others. I do not claim to know how to run a classroom or a school district, but I do know a little something about budgets. One aspect of my job is managing a budget and not just a few hundred dollars but thousands and thousands, and I also know quite a bit about when budgets are cut, my budget has been cut over the past 5 years and some people have had to be "let go", to lay employees off is never ever an easy thing to do, it affects many people, but sometimes you have to do it.

    this blog is open for all comments and opinions and I will continue to state my opinions and one of them is that I do not trust or believe a word the superintendent says - If I can see the names of people that she reports were let go, and compare the list to current employees, then I will have been proven wrong and will admit it. when i'm wrong I admit I am wrong.

    so please tell me what part of my original blog was not accurate or even factual?

    just asking....

    1. "it appears that one principal could manage both schools. eliminate the two adjustment counselors - these positions were "created" and i'm sure some kids use them, but if there are issues at home, or at the
      school, the teachers can talk to them or if there are major issues, DYS could/should get involved...some of the topics discussed with these counselors are not even kept confidential like they are suppose to be. also, is there really a need for a police officer to be at the school all day? eliminate curriculum director, or whatever the position is called now. just eliminating those 5 positions could save at least $400,000 or $500,000."

      First of all, the dollar amounts here are seriously inflated and not accurate. Secondly, if you don't even know the correct title for a position or why the position is needed then don't say anything about it at all.

      This particular blog and many, many others are simply rumors and opinions. Yet they are stated and believed as fact. And THAT is the biggest problem our beautiful, little town has. If the loudest people actually knew what they were talking about then maybe, just maybe, the voting masses would be able to make truly informed decisions.

      I think TempletonWatch could absolutely be a great place for people in town to get long as it's CORRECT information...information free of personal opinion and rumor mill tailings.

      Just sayin

    2. okay, here goes:

      Fact - one principal could manage both schools - why not?
      Fact - the high school adjustment counselor position was created between the time that Mr. J left and Mr. Rickan became principal.
      Fact - the middle school adjustment counselor position was created sometime after the high school adjustment counselor position was created.
      Fact - I have been told directly from a parent that was told something confidential about another family that was discussed with the high school adjustment counselor. I will not state names because it is confidential and I respect other families privacy.
      Fact - the state agencies are there for help when there are issues within homes, they should be utilized.
      Fact - the Dare officer was assigned to the school full time around the same time the high school adjustment counselor position was created

      I have learned that I need to use my words very wisely because if the words are not used properly, than they are twisted or misconstrued to mean something else.

      so how about this in regard to the dollar amount statement I made:

      no matter what the salaries are of these 5 positions, there will be a dramatic cost savings.

      how about this in regard to the curriculum director position:

      there is at least one position within the administration office that could be eliminated that would assist with the cost savings.

      Fact: this blog is about opinions and that is what is so great about it, people should have and are protected by laws to have their own opinions. This blog also is for the community to find facts and if some people want to read other opinions and place them as facts, than that is not my problem.

      I have read over and over that the school superintendent welcomes suggestions on where to cut the budget, I gave my opinions/suggestions on where to cut.

      just one more OPINION: the school should never have used it's rainy day fund or excess funds. They should've been working with the unions and making cuts when the last override failed (approx. 2 years ago)but instead of working with the budget that the town approved, they spent their excess funds.

      I'm curious where they got all the excess funds.

      ps: I read this earlier and started to reply but was interrupted and i'm glad to see that the "batman" repeated comments have been deleted - was that really necessary Batman?

    3. one more OPINION: by eliminating those 5 positions, there will be affect on teaching or extra curricula activities.

    4. "Fact - one principal could manage both schools - why not?"

      Sorry but that's an opinion and not a fact...unless of course you are one of the principals and you are saying you can do the job of two.

      "Fact - the Dare officer was assigned to the school full time around the same time the high school adjustment counselor position was created"

      This statement is incorrect so therefore it is not fact.

      "how about this in regard to the curriculum director position:
      there is at least one position within the administration office that could be eliminated that would assist with the cost savings"

      Again, opinion and not fact...unless of course you are currently doing that job and agree that there is no need for curriculum development and professional development.

      All of this just proves my point. People are welcome to come on this blog and state their opinion. However, others reading those opinions are beginning to take them as fact. And then they go around to all their friends repeating those opinions as fact. So by the time we are done with this game of telephone, actual facts are not whats being spread around to the voting masses.

      It's time to start using this blog as a vehicle for accurate information free of personal opinion and rumor mill tailings.

      Just sayin

    5. okay, so I guess I didn't write the word 'opinion" before I wrote the comment about the position within the administration office. again, to prove my point that how you say things can be twisted. if you notice, I didn't write "fact" or "opinion", so you can't assume that I meant it to be a fact.

      when was the dare officer assigned full time in the school? please give me the date so I have the facts.

      after my comment about the principal - I also wrote "why not?" so it is a fact it can be done, but I asked why people think it cannot.

    6. I disagree that this blog should be free of personal opinions, it should be for opinions, facts and suggestions of how to improve our great town of templeton. I am not being sarcastic, I love the town, I have lived my entire life here. yes, there are major budget issues but if everyone works together and makes compromises on both sides, hopefully some of these issues can be resolved.

      I know for myself when I make any comments in the future here, I will start it with "fact" or "opinion" so that it is clear to anyone who reads it if it is fact or opinion. if I make a comment and state it as a fact and it is not accurate, I encourage people to correct me. I can handle it when i'm wrong, and I will admit when i'm wrong.

      see you all tonight...
