Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 5 BOS meeting

August 5, 2013 BOS Meeting

The BOS met last night at the same time as the school committee meeting. Hopefully, there will be an update in the newspaper on the school committee meeting.

FEMA grant for February 2013 Blizzard- the BOS voted the Chair to sign the FEMA documentation for costs related to the February blizzard. This will result in $2,700 coming back to the town. Good news! Thank you to Rich Curtis for processing this paperwork. Thank you to the highway department in keeping the roads clear in bad weather.

Open Meeting Law Complaint filed July 1, 2013 by Isaac Matson -
Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the OML complaint filed by Isaac Matson on July 1, 2013 with the Town Clerk.

Materials referenced during discussion –

Aside from a procedural error, where Mr. Matson filed his complaint with the Town Clerk, the BOS found that the original intent of the BOS in holding an emergency meeting was correct.

The Chairman (who was not present on July 1st) explained that according to the OML guide:

What are the requirements for posting notice of meetings?
Except in cases of emergency, a public body must provide the public with notice of its meeting 48 hours in advance, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. Notice of emergency meetings must be posted as soon as reasonably possible prior to the meeting. Also note that other laws, such as those governing procedures for public hearings, may require additional notice.

Virginia Wilder asked if there were a definition of “emergency”. There is in section 18:

“Emergency”, a sudden, generally unexpected occurrence or set of circumstances demanding immediate action.

The chairman then discussed the background information contained in the complaint, which specifically mentions Town meeting. On page 4 of the OML Guide specifically states that OML does not apply to Town meetings:

We have received several inquiries about the exception for Town Meeting, and whether it applies to deliberation by Town Meeting members outside of a session of Town Meeting, to meetings of committees created by Town Meeting that occur outside a session of Town Meeting, or to deliberation by members of a public body – such as a board of selectmen – during Town Meeting. The Attorney General interprets this exemption to mean that the Open Meeting Law does not reach any aspect of Town Meeting. Therefore, the Attorney General will not investigate complaints alleging violations in these situations. Note, however, that this is a matter of interpretation and future Attorneys General may choose to apply the law in such situations.

During discussion by BOS members who were present on July 1, 2013, the “emergency” was the default of $691,000 from the town budget if we failed to act and call for a STM within 45 days of June 12th.  The BOS needed to act quickly in order to meet state law that the STM be posted for 14 days.

While the local bylaw was violated regarding an additional 14-day posting, the BOS acted and voted out of concern for the welfare of the residents in Templeton. The impact of defaulting and cutting $691,000 from the FY 14 operating budget would have drastic impact on public safety in the Town of Templeton, hence the “emergency”.

The school committee could have asked for a waiver  - an extension -from the Commissioner of Education BEFORE certifying the budget on June 12, 2013. The school committee could have waited until AFTER the June 25th override to certify the budget. The 45-day timeframe begins as soon as the school committee re-certifies the budget. The school committee chose to re-certify the budget on June 12th, which placed the BOS in the position of calling for a STM within 45 days.

Within Mr. Matson’s complaint itself is a misstatement. Mr. Matson states: 

”.., many interested citizens nor the School Committee was aware of this important meeting.” Many people were aware of the July 1st Emergency meeting INCLUDING the former chairman of the school committee, Mr. John Columbus. ( see video of July 1st emergency meeting 7:40 into meeting is John Columbus in the doorway).

The BOS will compose a letter to Mr. Matson and the Attorney General’s Office and will strive to promote better communication between the school committee and other boards as a remedy to this complaint.

Discuss lease extension for 690 Patriots Rd.-
The BOS discussed and voted on a one-year lease extension for town offices at 690 Patriots Rd. Without a viable alternative and financial uncertainty due to the school budget, it was felt this was the best solution at this time.

Mr. Morrison expressed a desire to look into East Templeton as town office space. It is an asset and we should use it. It will take some time to explore the options of East Templeton and we are already into this fiscal year. I concur with Mr. Morrison’s assessment of the East Templeton building.

Discuss and sign contract for project Management Services for new elementary school-

Materials referenced during discussion:

Discussion by the BOS and residents regarding the elementary school building project.  It is clear in the vote in 2009 that this is a Templeton project. The TOWN through its BOS needs to sign the contracts for this project. This topic was taken under advisement until the August 12, 2013 BOS meeting.

Discuss recent guidance from Dept. of Revenue regarding Waivers to Educational Reform Spending Requirements and Minimum Required Local Contributions.

Materials referenced during discussion –

IGR Informational Guideline Release on Minimum Contributions.

I asked for this as an agenda item to discuss the possibility of lowering Templeton’s minimum contribution to NRSD. Lowering Templeton’s minimum contribution maybe a way to preserve public safety in Templeton.  Please read the section below:

4. Use of One-time Regional Revenues in the Prior Fiscal Year

If a regional school district used qualifying revenues in the prior fiscal year that will not be available in the current fiscal year, upon the request of the selectmen in a town, the city council in a Plan E city and the mayor in all other cities, in a majority of the member municipalities, the region must apply for a reduction to its net school spending and the minimum contributions of its members. Qualifying revenues include excess and deficiency, surplus and uncommitted reserves.

Data Required: A regional school balance sheet for the prior fiscal year for certification of excess and deficiency and the prior and current fiscal years’ assessment calculations showing revenues applied to the budget and the derivation of net school spending, capital and transportation assessments. 

This section may be justification to lower Templeton’s minimum contribution. There are other sections that may apply as well. This agenda item will be discussed on Monday August 12, 2013 at the BOS meeting.

Other news –
The official figure for Chapter 90 money is $342,945. This is a reduction of about $150,000 from the figure voted at town meeting in May.

The official notification of the CDBG grant in the amount of $538,272 to repair the infrastructure on Memorial St was officially announced!

The liquor license for Bubba’s Market dba Cote’s Market should be finalized shortly…only a year in the making, not bad for government!

The BOS has received a complaint from residents at Phoenix Court which will be discussed on August 12, 2013.

A question was raised about using Ch. 90 money for Baldwinville Rd. The Bald. Rd project is a federal project. Chapter 90 money was used for the engineering and to pay for legal fees associated with easements. The project scope was changed from a full depth road reconstruction to road resurfacing. The sidewalk is a federal requirement. This project should not require any more money from Chapter 90.  

Discussion is taking place on which entity pays for the Joint Town meeting – is it a school cost or a cost to the member towns. People were opposed to having the Joint Town meeting in the high school gym. The final decision on a the location of the Joint Town meeting rests with the school committee.


My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

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