Thursday, August 15, 2013

BOS Meeting ...the movie

August 12 2013 BOS Meeting…the movie

Part 1 of the August 12, 2013 BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the August 12, 2013 BOS Meeting

Part 3 of the August 12, 2013 BOS Meeting



  1. It is beyond me how many times we try to explain to these people, the only they will get money is a override, (they have been told no so many times, I have lost count,) or through cuts to the town departments. The girl sitting next to me was so angry, it was not funny. I asked her when so many of the kids in this town are using drugs, heroin being one of them, did she really want to loose our Police Department? Her answer was "cut, all you people want to do is cut"! It is not our fault that the people on the School Committee did not listen to Mr. Spring, when he asked them to level fund their budget, because our town is in trouble. Now we have to deal with a mess that has hurt everyone in our town. As for any discussion, we could not have a discussion earlier, because the "School Department has had no interest in changing anything at all, so what is there to discuss? Through all of this, I have finally figured out what they want...A OVERRIDE These people are angry that the Selectmen have not pushed the rest of the town to vote for a OVERRIDE !!! What part of NO can't they understand?? I understand, maybe more than most, the responsibility of the Selectmen in this town is to watch out for all of the Boards and Departments. The majority of the people who have voted, sent a clear message. It is not the selectmen's job to ignore the majority who have voted. This is a tough job, and sometimes you need to put your feelings aside, and do what is right, for the total town. That is my opinion, Bev.

  2. As a resident of Templeton and a member of the BOS, all I am looking for is some give and take to reach a compromise number that will not bankrupt the town.

    All I see is "take, take , take" on the part of the superintendent and school committee.

    Please join me and VOTE NO on August 22, 2013.

    VOTE NO to preserve public safety in Templeton!

  3. Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

    Please vote to preserve public safety in Templeton.
    A "NO" vote may force the school committee and superintendent to REDUCE THEIR Request which is bankrupting the Town of Templeton.

    Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.
