Saturday, August 24, 2013

Joint Town Meeting...the movie

 Joint Town Meeting...the movie

The audio is not that great. You may need to adjust the volume as you listen along with the video.


  1. This is interesting to watch, even if you had been there. I feel Ms. Miller was successful at threatening the parents with cuts, especially to sports. Vague answers did the trick, and she seemed to deny it, but there was a story in TGN, that middle school sports would be cut. She played these parents like a violin. I don't know if anyone saw the comment that the School Committee did not expect to win on Thursday night. They were expecting to come back with different numbers, but the younger people caved like a tent in a tsunami. The lack of understanding of politics is frightening. If a override failed four times, what makes them think it will pass this time? Don't they think they have any pull with the School Committee? The School Committee fail the town by playing games. Give us a real number, not one of 3, or one of 5. As for me, any credibility Ms. Miller had is gone. As for Columbus and Mason, you have outlived your usefulness. We will see where this leads us. It is important to note, Phillipston had nothing to loose this year, but it will catch up with them sooner or later. This is not the way towns should run, by dishonest numbers, and threats. It makes me wonder, just how many of the people in that room, really looked at the School budget. My guess would be very few. My opinion, Bev.

  2. For those of you who do not receive the Senior Sentinel from Templeton Council on Aging here is some important facts.

    With a town population of just over
    8,000, the statistics for 2012 for
    those receiving Food Pantry items
    are staggering:
    # Templeton Households 864
    # Children 0-17 750
    # of Adults 18-64 508

    1. Now it will be more important than ever for our residents of templeton to help support the food pantry. The next time you go grocery shopping buy a bag or two for the pantry, it will not only be appreciated it will be used for a good cause. Oh you say you can't afford a bag or two of groceries? Then remember this fact when the topic of an override comes up, because if you can't afford some extra food now you certainly won't be able to after your taxes are raised. Many of you may have not paid much attention to your groceries bills, but you don't get as much for your buck anymore.

    2. Maybe Ruth Miller could find it in her heart to donate to those who will suffer the most. After all she takes it from them.

    3. I think it is very difficult for people who have money to relate to people who are poor. Even if you were poor once, people forget fast. As much as food is going to be a problem, the cost of heating this winter is going to be much harder than it was last winter. We can thank Wall Street for that. I do not have any answers, but I think the economy will suffer until oil and gas go down. Bev.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.
