Friday, August 9, 2013


Selectmen Meeting Monday August 12th the agenda is here

August 13, 2013– 5:30 p.m. TEMPLETON TOWN OFFICES


  1. For those who feel like education is going the way of the South Sea Bubble or other Ponzi schemes Templeton Times provides two articles on Ponzi schemes for the curious.

  2. Hopefully this goes better then past things and current things! Senator brewer will not put any more effort into Templeton if people do not start realizing other people's efforts to help this town! He's worked so hard to get us this elementary school!

    1. sorry to burst your bubble but mr brewer did not get you a elementary school ..he got you some land to build one on and if you think that is going to happen ya dreaming!!!!


    2. I think instead of a elementary school project we could turn 252 Baldwinsville rd. in to the best strip club around and make money ..there your school funding!!!

    3. I Know he got the land mike! I don't care if we have to cut every thing in this stubborn town! That school will be built!

    4. Did somebody call my name? Here to help in any way I can.

      Thought to get a new school built , the TOWN needed to support in a vote to raise their taxes for 20-25 years? Isn't that what happened with the high school/middle school project? After feasibility, it was brought before the voters in BOTH Templeton and Phillipston and both towns had to approve the spending on a new building. The voters had to agree to take on more debt. Without the voters, you got nothin.

      Poison Ivy -
      Looks like the townspeople are not supporting the school for whatever reason. Looks like you got a whole lot of nothin.

    5. Well shit Fairy that's all good! We shall see how the voters vote. They may not want on override but the parents do want a school. Since the current elementary schools are related to your edited name SHIT! :)

  3. Many, many others in town.

    Please VOTE NO on August 22nd

  4. Do we know how many school departments the DESE has come into and ruled that the towns must fund their budgets.

    1. State supports most school budgets. They have spoken with School Board and Ruth! The state seems pretty sure they are going to side with the school. In December/January that is! We have allot of poverty here in Templeton, and need Buisness desperately to take the burden off the tax payers.

  5. Oh Huff n puff

    Are you fibbing? I heard a different story about Wachusett. What happened at Quabbin?

    Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

    I have to wonder if Chapter 38 section 71 of the Acts of 2013 will be a game changer?

    1. And if your so against the school, why dont you just try to shut it down? That seems to be your ultimate goal. I guess if everyone leaves its easier to govern. Job security?

    2. I'm not against education or the school. I am against not listening to the voters who voted down an override for the SCHOOLS...TWICE

      Please VOTE NO on August 22nd

    3. STOP LYING! You SHOULD know that the school budget is virtually guaranteed! Ergo, the override was to ensure no cuts to cops because of that!

    4. Dear huff n puff

      I'm old enough to know there are NO guarantees in life. I don't know who is filling your head with misinformation, but this process we are on to vote for a school budget is not guaranteed either way.

      I think the lack of a guarnatee is why some districts- Ash/West took a very different approach after their override failed.

      FACT - NRSD certified their budget on June 12th ...thirteen days BEFORE the OVERRIDE on June 25th.
      FACT - the school committee, by its votes has set in motion this process.

      Please give the school committee a great big thank you for this Joint Town Meeting.

      Please VOTE NO on August 22nd

    5. FACT you haven't even spoken to Ruth MIss Farrell. I don't feel your trying for the whole town. Only your cause. Second part was my opinion.

    6. What do you think Mrs. Farrell"s cause is? I happen to believe it is to save the town from bankruptcy. That would be my guess. Now if that's not for the whole town then what is? You sure don't know her integrity. She doesn't have a "group" or "her people" or a "hidden agenda", as some have said. She has many who happen to agree with her so others want to call them "her people". That is not fair to her & the others who are trying to balance this OVERDRAWN budget we can't seem to balance. She did not do that but is willing to take her limited time to try to remedy the situation for everyone who lives here. As you already know, no one can please all the people all the time. It's just not going to happen, ever. There are some who are not willing to bend to help this town & that certainly is not Julie. I would never have been able to stay in the fight to save Templeton, as long as she has. I thank her for it & all the good she has done. Sorry there are those who do not see what she has put her efforts out there for. Again, I don't know what you think her "cause" is but I believe this mess we are in is not because of her actions yet some of those who were on the BOS previously & in other depts. & certain committees who are responsible for the many dilemmas we face as a town. And those who have voted against the override have not done so because they don't believe in education for the kids, as I've have heard & read on several occasions. It is the ADMINISTRATIVE costs that are out of hand. That old song & dance about, it's all for the kids & people don't care about them who vote no, has been beat to pieces & not true at all. There is a serious reality of a shrinking working tax base here (& all over the country for that matter) that underlies many of the decisions that the citizens of this town have had to make with a very heavy heart. If the downswing in the economy continues as it is, it will affect everyone sooner or later. At this point in time, these are not the days of old, when most everyone was working & making good money. That is not the people who have lost their jobs fault. It is a much bigger picture of a global economy that is struggling & it has hit "home" hard for a large segment of the population. We had become very "spoiled" as a society so now that there is a shift in income & there are those that have not been affected YET, who still cannot understand this. We need to stop the whining & do what is right for the community as a whole to survive. And that means everyone, including the school dept. People can feel this way & still be for the very best in education. Many just happen to feel that there are a host of places that can be looked at again & compromised on. These are my opinions as I see things today. Thank you!

    7. Stop blameing the economy. Unemployment is down, the Stock Market is hitting record highs, & intersest rates are low. If you cant find a job, thats because you arent looking hard enough. If I got it done, anybody can.

    8. I happen to have a very good job. I haven't made this economy this way. I am happy for you but many are struggling regardless & those are the facts. I don't make the economic tides turn.

    9. Poison Ivy -6:33 August 10th

      I have spoken with the Superintendent of schools. We met over February vacation on Feb 19th at 1:00 p.m at the Kitchen Garden.

      We discussed town finances and school finances. We also discussed the possibility of the school override on April 30th and the pros and cons of holding the ballot question before the ATM vote - both votes are necessary.

      Repeated override attempts for the same dollar figure are destined to fail. To chose to re-vote the same ballot figure of $691,000 on June 25th after the April 30th vote failed was a bad idea. Not illegal, just a really bad way to garner support for an override. I believe this is why the margin of defeat was greater than on April 30th.

      The bad feelings generated by this action as well as the course of action for a joint town meeting ; re-certifying a budget 13 days BEFORE the June 25th election and starting the 45 day window that would cause a default of $691,000 and draconian cuts to public safety are creating an atmosphere of ill will. The repercussions from these actions will be felt for a very long time in Templeton.

      I value education. I also value the votes taken at the ballot box. The voters have said NO twice at the ballot and in addition have voted down the school's budget request...twice at town meetings.

      So how do we move forward? I am still hopeful of a compromise figure from the school committee.

      Until a compromise is reached, please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

      If you value public safety in Templeton, please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

    10. That's interesting because she said you haven't contacted her or tried to work with the school at least as of recent. Jeff B. and Kenn R. Are the only two who have made an effort.

    11. PI maybe this should give you reason to question other things people have told you because obviously you are working with some information that is also not the truth.

  6. From what I understand, they never cut the school budget, just found it somewhere else.

    1. Are we talking magic here? They just found it somewhere else? Really? Can the school committee just FIND money somewhere else? How does one "find money somewhere else"?

      Please VOTE NO on August 22nd

    2. you have been doing it for years, you tell me.

  7. Mrs Farrell, lets call a truce for tonight. I need some sleep. Lets agree to disagree for now.

  8. Does everyone know how town finances work. Were you people at the May TM? The voters voted to fund all the town departments at the requested amount, they (voters) also voted to fund the school and they voted for an override for the schools (of course this lost at the polls) The override was for the school that was the legal wording. If this passes at the joint town meeting we will then have to go back to another town meeting to VOTE where the cuts will be.
    So what happened at Wachusett and Quabbin? and if we have a town where so many families with children are needing help - how can these families afford to pay more?

  9. I've seen the Truth Fairy and the @hit Fairy post comments on the blog. Is there a Money Fairy?

    Please VOTE NO on August 22nd
