Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Performance Contracting

Performance Contracting ...revisited.

The BOS just received a packet of information from the company Trane regarding a performance contracting project at Monty Tech. The $10,000,000 facility upgrade with NO CAPITAL OUTLAY from supporting communities will be paid using the resultant saving including more $360,000/year.

For more information on this project, please click here.

  Instead of voting and proposing 10 million dollars for improvements and passing the costs along to each member community, Monty Tech will have the improvements they need and not increase each town's assessment for these capital improvements.
The town may want to investigate performance contracting as an option to upgrade our existing town buildings as a means to improve our buildings without a capital debt exclusion.

My opinions...supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Last year there was someone doing an internship for the "Energy Management" program at Mount Wachusett Community College. He could have researched that type of information for you. Maybe that could be considered.

    1. Gee, it looks like Julie is right again!! This sounds like it is the most sensible thing we could do. We need to get out of the palace on the Athol Road. We would have time to get ready to move, while they were doing the work. It is time for the "good guys", like the people in Templeton, to make out once in a while. While we may not get marble stairs and gold bathroom fixtures, I am sure things would be fine. LOL, bEV.
