Friday, August 16, 2013

The Advisory Board Meeeting

At last night's Advisory Board Meeting, Rob Hubbard, who will be the Moderator at the Joint Town Meeting on August 22  was in attendance. Thankfully he clarified some thinks.
A YES vote is not an override vote! A Yes vote will mean that we, Templeton will have to go back to another Special Town meeting to vote where we will have to make severe cuts from the Town. 
This is not a threat, this is the cold hard facts.The School Committee has certified the amount which includes the extra $691,000. Ms Miller stated the the motion would be read exactly at it has been posted. A Yes vote will not increased you taxes, the override is off the table. We will have to find the money else where. A NO vote will bring it back to the school committee. They can recertify  the budget again, same amount, lesser or more, and we will have to do this again.

I call you attention to the Budget v Actual. Look this over good. Look at the "ending" column that is what is left as of August 15th. Where the heck are we suppose to find $691,000. without it catastrophically affecting the town. Peoples lives and livelihoods will suffer.  Please remember that many of these departments were cut last year. Many town employees lost pay, had hours cut, but not the work load, the Union employees didn't take raises. All the Town employees pitched in last year to help out the budget.

 Should we wipe out the entire Police Department? There is $621,000 left as of yesterday. Good luck waiting for the State Police to come from Athol. We could do away with the Fire Dept but that would give us only about $255,000. so we would have to cut another department maybe the whole Cemetery Department that would give us $160,000 more. OOOps that's not enough.Oh wait let's layoff (wipeout) the Highway Department too! Ok I think we made it. Phew! Hope no one ever needs any of these departments.
Okay seriously folks this is a real problem.Where do we cut? Laying off all administrative assistants will only give us about $110,000. Does anyone care about these people losing their jobs? A few of them are sole support, one income families. They don't have any other income. Should we do away with the new Firefighters/EMTS? I know at least the full time one left a job somewhere else, do we say sorry you are laid off now?
Here is a letter sent to the Selectmen from Chief Whittaker on the impact this will have on the Police Dept. I have heard comments made that the school employees are "professionals" well aren't Templeton's finest, the Police  professionals? Don't these employees count. They live in town, have families, pay taxes. One Officer a local young man, who grew up and still lives in this town, graduated top in his class at the Police Academy and now he will be facing losing his job. Does anyone care? Well a lot of us do! I would like to put the names of the offices that will lose their jobs, so you all could have a face with the name. However I won't do that unless they email me with permission. But you can probably figure out who  they are- all young, all with mortgages, all with young families!

I don't want to make this blog too long, I will continue it later with more from the the other departments.
I guess my point is can't the school committee compromise?


  1. When the override did not pass the second time, the Advisory Board was unanimous in opposition to the motion for increasing the Templeton contribution at the latest special town meeting.

    Last night's meeting was very late in the process. Some interesting facts about the school budget were reviewed with Ms. Miller. It is hard to understand what is required (the famous "mandates" that "tie the administrators hands" and what is discretionary. In my opinion, there is much more discretionary spending in the NRSD budget than in any town budget.

    Spending $490,000 on guidance salaries, when the couselors are not mandated means it is not an unfunded state mandate. Social work is a state responsibility, and there are state resources that should lessen the burden at NRSD. Spending $430k on secretaries salaries is not a bare-bones budget. When questioned about an increase in budget for the Technology Director's secretary (from an obvious part-time position to an amount that was more than double), Ms. Miller explained it was a state requirement that they do some extra reporting. OK, I get it, the state gave the NRSD more reporting work. But if the NRSD were truly looking to save money, they would have shifted this work onto one of the other 9 secretaries the district employs. Travel budgets are still in the 'Gansett budget. That's usually the first thing a company cuts when times are hard.

    I understand, Ms. Miller and the NRSD school committee are trying to do the very best job that they can. I understand they feel that the NRSD has been squeezed the last few years. But I don't agree that the NRSD budget is "bare-bones", that nothing could be cut except for the often threatened programs and classes that are popular. Nobody ever threatens to cut half the guidance staff, or to reduce the secretarial staff. I'm not against either of these professions, believe me. But when the choice is between public safety and these positions that make things run smoother, I would say most folks would choose public safety.

    As a town, it is time for Templeton to consider an override for general government. We have cuts that were made to our financial team that need to be restored. Templeton's revenue stream is through the Assesor Office, the Collector office and the Treasurer office. We recently received a gentle slap on the wrist because our financial dealings are not in order. This is something that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. The town budget is too low, has far less fat than the NRSD budget. Giving the schools more money is fine, as long as voters agree to pay the additional taxes. Well, the voters said no, twice. We cannot take from a skeletal budget and give to a relatively fat budget.

  2. I believe it is time that the TOWN have the school audited by the DESE and DOR. Yes I am sure that there are mandates for additional reporting that does not mean that you add on employees or give them raises, it means you find a way to make those reports within.

    There seems to be many areas within the Schools proposed budget that they can cut without cutting teachers or programs, it is that the SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT is arrogant and does not want to work with the town, it is HER WAY OR NO WAY. I am surprised that there aren't more parents that are irate at the actions of the School Committee and School Superintendent.

    I would think at this point the town would be better served by having a DOR take a good look at the incomes of the TOWN'S PEOPLE. Or here is a good answer, raise the property taxes according to the household income only, then those who have the ability to afford this increase will taxed higher than they many elderly citizens that we have on a fixed income. But I know this would not be popular with the higher incomed individuals.

    But until the School Committee and School Superintendent show a willingness to work with the town and look at real cuts within their budget I will continue to vote NO and champion the cause to vote NO.

    1. I dont think the town can have the DESE come in. But dont worry, theyll be here in December. Thats the whole reason for this process. But careful what you wish for, because they usually side with the school.

      Again, every no vote puts us deeper into debt.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Perhaps Poison Ivy can share who you talked with and exactly what they said to you.

  3. All 8,000 residents--whether they're registered voters or not, have kids in the school system or not, own homes or rent--use the services of Police, Fire, Highway, and Town clerical. Only 1,100 children use the services of NRSD. It is completely illogical and irresponsible to cut money from services 8,000 people use to appease the school system. Mark is right. There are all sorts of non-mandated expenses remaining in the school budget that could be cut that would NOT affect the quality of education or harm the children. Travel expenses and professional development for starters. Its been a long running fact that schools cut teachers according to the economy. Why are people acting like this is only happening at NRSD? New Bedford just cut 200 teaching jobs. I know its a larger school district. It just a point. Re-read the articles posted here a couple of days ago and see what has happened in other school districts. Its happening everywhere. Why can't the school make the cuts for this year and continue to work with the town to solve this problem once and for all? This will happen again next years regardless of the yes/no vote next week. And why aren't cuts being made anyway to abide by the 1/12th budget?

    1. A better question is, If 'Draconion ' cuts to town services will be needed if the school budget gets funded, why havent they started due to the 1/12 budget?

  4. Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

    VOTE NO to preserve public safety in Templeton

  5. With the tax rate we have they will all be cut anyway. Empty threats!

    1. The Town budget was voted on in May and included all the positions we currently have. Public safety has been funded until June 30, 2014 unless the school district wipes out the town.

      The Town has chosen to live within its means BECAUSE the voters did not vote an override. If it were not for the uncompromising demands of the school district, the town would be on the path to financial solvency.

      Instead, we are still having town meetings, emergency meetings, joint special town meetings BECAUSE OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT!

      Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

      VOTE NO to preserve public safety in Templeton

    2. Ok, this ones gonna be a bit niave so bear with me plz Mrs Farrell.

      Isnt a town budget just like my household budget? You base your budget off the big bill, not the small ones. I pay the mortgage first, then work everything around that. I dont fund next May's light bill before tbis months mortgage. So if the school is more than 50% of the towns budget, wouldnt it make sense to plan that first?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Again, perhaps Poison Ivy could share with us the exact numbers and where you got them, as in who from, so we all could know who to speak to on this issues so if anyone wishes to, they can help out.

    2. FyI poison ivy, It was Ms. Miller who told us last year we had 40 homeless kids in the school system. It does not matter if we have one, or one hundred. No child should live in those conditions. It is a fact, that some kids go to school dirty and hungry. The School Nurse can give them some socks or a jacket. If the situation is not what the School Nurse feel is safe for the child, then she should call Children's Services. Bev.

  7. Also I'm donating cloths, food and back to school stuff, so I'm doing my part! Also voting YES!

  8. Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

    VOTE NO to preserve public safety in Templeton

  9. Food for thought

    Superintendent wants a Technology Sec 110% raise from $12,580 to $26,520 ? states that there are more reports? How many more? How long will they take to do? Is it one report, one line on a report, 100 reports, this needs to be quantified to be justified.

    Eliminate the Middle school principle and vice principle would save $173,880. Put High School Vice Priniciple in Middle school office and handle discipline for both.

    Eliminate middle school secretary save $58,591

    Renegotiate raise for teachers to NO raise or no new hires save $60,161

    Renegotiate for special ed teachers BES salary NO raise or no new hires save $42,219

    Same for TC NO raise or no new hires save $66,194

    Same for Middle school NO raise or no new hires save $12,286

    Same for SN teacher District NO raise or no new hires save $26,708

    No increase on Extended school year salary saves $6,500

    Aides SN PT no raise or new hires saves $22,163

    Eliminate Elementary School Guidance Counselor save $96,889

    Elementary School Nurse NO raise or new hires save $40,135

    All custodial salaries for all schools NO raise or new hires save $146,224

    Add up all the savings and it comes to $760,040 with NO TEACHERS RELEASED, SPECIAL PROGRAMS OR SPORTS ELIMINATED.

    The School Committee and Superintendent have lots of room to work on cutting extra NICE to have raises and still provide all the students with a good education. The School budget is posted for all to read and look at if you look at the Current Adj Budget vs the Superint Budget you will see that there is room for cuts and compromises that does not affect the children in any manner.

    1. Some good ideas ND. One question though. If you get rid of the Middle School Principle, Vice Principle, &secretary..... who runs the school? Who does scheduling, reporting, time keeping? Hell, who answers the phone? Whos in charge? We just going to let the kids figure it out for themselves?

  10. Lets see, who is in charge, school committee, superintendent, HS principle, HS vice principle and there will of course still be one secretary to answer the phones. There will still be someone in the central office. It is all about the will to do more with less. Very simple really, if you wish to get the job done with fewer people, the person in charge adjusts the schedule and assignment of duties, so now, someone who has had to do a, b, c now has to do d & e as well. Because I thought that is why you pay the superintendent the big bucks. The principal should be able to adjust duties and schedules because I thought that was part of his official duties. Just my observation.

    1. There IS only one MS secretary now. And the Hs & MS are two completely different schools. The HS principle has nothing to do with the MS. That would be like making the Hwy supt. in charge of the police dept.

    2. I don't think that analogy is very true. And FYI, the same principal oversaw both schools before the addition of grades 5-6.

  11. But the HS principal could have something to do with the MS, all it takes is the will to do it. Today, with the internet and communication systems that are in place, I do believe it could work. We are talking schools here so a MS or a HS I would think would not be that big of a deal for a HS principal. Quite different from highway & Police, really big difference there. That is just my take on how things could go if there was the will to make it happen.

  12. Another thought on this. I thought one of the "towns" argument was if the budget got approved, then townspeople lose their jobs. Well these people that you want to cut live & work in town too. What about their families? Their mortgages? Their lives? They are real life people too. Dont just put a name & face on the "town" people that could get cut without doing the same for the "school" people. After all, we are ALL town people.

  13. In the past, there was only one principal at the high school/junior high. Some may recall when our 7th and 8th grade students were allowed to practice with the cross country team. There was a time when that stopped, and I believe it was when they added a principal for the younger grades. At that point, the younger students could no longer participate.
