Friday, August 23, 2013

Upcoming Meetings

Selectmen's Meeting Monday, August 26th click here for the Agenda

Recreation Committee Monday August 26th click here for the Agenda

Planning Board Tuesday August 27th click here for the Agenda

And a reminder to stop all the Bu---- with the comments. Please everyone stop the personal attacks. We need to figure this out as a Town. We are sliding down a slippery slope, we need to dig our heels in and come up with solutions. So if you care about the town come to the Selectmen's meeting Monday night so we can figure this mess out.
Thank you!

In FY 2013 a dollar on the tax rate raised $542,840. The number will probably be a little lower for FY 2014. we will not have the town values certified by the DOR for a few more weeks. So a $551,000. override would be about $1.02 on the tax rate. So on a house assessed for $175,000 the increase in taxes would be about $178.50/yr.


  1. Thank you for the links and the tax rate information, I shared on the Gansett Greatness page and we will post the Monday meeting and encourage people to come.

  2. Please look at the agenda for what will be discussed and remember, we do not have an official starting point until the school committee meets and certifies a new number. It is part of the system and process. Yes I know we all know what was voted but those technicalities need to happen. The only thing about the school district that will be discussed is the snow plowing issue and as I have said, that is something that needs to be communicated to the district, it is a real possibility and the district should be prepared for it. I believe this is called planning.

    1. I'd like to restate my pre-JTM idea as it got lost in the shuffle.

      Could an option be splitting up the tax bill? I know other towns/ states do it & its seems to work well. The school bill & town bill are 2 seperate & distinct bills (& possibly rates but dont quote me). It doesnt add any taxes, just seperates them so us townspeople know where the money is going. Just my "out of the box" idea.

    2. Sorry HnP can't split the tax bill in Massachusetts.

  3. As some people on the GG side of this discussion have questioned the figure given for some of the school budget items, here are the line items from the budget given to the AB before our last meeting. Someone posted both here and on GG FB that it was incorrect, some positions had been eliminated. These numbers and the corresponding line items are from the docs given to the AB. If the positions have been eliminated, the budget has not been reduced accordingly. I know the budget has been passed, this is info in response to the posts I have read. Note that the budget is termed "AM's FY14 Projection with Adjustments".

    Budget Projection 3 AM's FY14 Projection with Adjustments
    001-10-1210-02-05-0-5100 SUPT SEC SAL FT $65,338.00
    001-10-1450-02-99-P-5101 TECHNOLOGY SEC $26,520.00
    001-20-2210-02-11-0-5110 SECRETARY SAL BES FT SAL $25,136.00
    001-20-2110-01-99-0-5100 SPED SECRETARIES SALARY FT $51,760.00
    001-20-2210-02-13-0-5110 SECRETARY SAL TC FT SAL $34,875.00
    001-20-2210-02-14-0-5110 SECRETARY SAL PMS FT SAL $25,843.00
    001-20-2210-02-26-0-5110 MID SCH SECRETARY FT SAL $63,226.00
    001-20-2210-02-37-0-5110 HIGH SCH SECRETARY FT SAL $65,229.00
    001-20-2340-03-37-0-5110 MEDIA CENTER SECRETARY $43,536.00
    001-20-2710-02-37-F-5100 GUIDANCE SEC SAL FT SAL $34,576.00


    Where are the eliminated secretaries?

    1. Ms. Haley Brooks - would you post this on GG, as it is important to get the correct info out there. Perhaps you could ask Ms. Miller about this issue. I have already, she seemed incredulous at the amount, and asked me where I got the $436,000 figure. She wrote the number down, after asking me to repeat it.

      If budgets are carefully prepared, the easily withstand critical scrutiny. Please keep this in mind for next year.

  4. I will send this to her and I will ask for explanation that we can post all together instead of just a portion as they get lost on the pages. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Diane.

      Keep in mind, this is the amount budgeted for salaries. If any of the positions are eliminated, the money was kept in the budget, which would require an explanation. Also, keep in mind that salary is only a portion of the cost of any employee. Typical total costs include insurance, vacation, sick time, medicare tax, unemployment tax, etc etc. Typical employee expenses are 1.25 to 1.4 times salary. That would make the total cost of this one item $545,000 to $610,000.

    2. Mark, I knew you joined the Advisory Board for a reason. A man good with numbers is a asset. It is good to have you and Will on the same team. Bev

  5. Mr. Barrieau, the School Committee is meeting this Wednesday in the KIVA at 6:30. I have been told there will be a budget there for review. Please come and then if there are questions they can be asked.
