Friday, August 30, 2013

We need to pass an override in Templeton

To the Editor: 8/30/2013
Lori Mattson

To the Editor:

I would like to thank the voting members of Phillipston and Templeton for advocating, supporting and eventually passing the Narragansett Regional School District’s FY14 budget. Although it was a very long, drawn out process, proving stressful for everyone involved, it was a legal process that the School Committee had the right to choose. There was no hidden agenda, no malicious plans and no schemes. Doing what’s best and just for the students attending NRSD is what’s right.

It is unfortunate the town of Templeton is so far off on finances and priorities. The joint town meeting was eye opening as both a selectmen and a finance committee member from Phillipston proudly made statements supporting education for all students. It was touching to hear one Phillipston resident state that she was torn as to how she would vote knowing that her yes vote could negatively impact so many Templeton residents. 

Then we had Templeton residents opposing the budget, not because they’re “against education,” but because they have been told the consequences of cuts to town services if the budget passed. One resident went so far as to address the voters twice with the same sentiment because she didn’t think those in attendance understood her point the first time.

We heard how the town of Templeton would face “devastating cuts” if the NRSD budget was passed. Did anyone think of the devastating cuts the school would have to make if that budget was not passed? It would be just as devastating.

I read a comment from a Templeton resident saying that people move to Templeton for the low taxes, not the schools. Really? That’s not why my family moved here 13 years ago. If that were a true statement, the school district’s school choice students coming to Narragansett should be low or zero. Believe it or not, we want school choice students. We want our schools to be fabulous so we don’t lose our resident students to other schools. School choice students coming into our district brought in approximately $860,000 last year. Narragansett students leaving the district cost the district approximately $670,000 last year. Why would anyone purposely make devastating cuts to the biggest business in town and risk losing our own students, thus costing the district more, while also turning away revenue?

Personally, I am fed up with the constant controversy between the school supporters and the town supporters. The school budget is part of the town budget just like the highway, police and fire departments are. It’s not its own budget.

This financial crisis Templeton is faced with is not a school issue, it’s a town issue. The town cannot cover its budget. It is obvious the town needs more income, either by way of big business or override. We must accommodate for inflation instead of cutting everything around it. Only so much can be cut in each department before it becomes devastating to all involved. I believe Templeton is at this point.

Templeton has cut back so much that we have elected town officials who are, for lack of a better word, volunteering their time on these boards and committees because a recommendation was made two years ago to cut salaries, stipends, hours and positions in an effort not to raise taxes. How did that help? Look where we are today because of it.

I believe our selectmen must  lead our town, not the advisory board. There have been ignorant and distasteful comments made since the passing of the school budget and it must come to an end. The school really needed the funding it asked for, which is why the school committee went through the process it did. Likewise, the town is in need of funding and the community must be willing to step up and increase the revenue. We need to take back our town, put pride back into our communities and pass an override for Templeton, which is long overdue.

Lori Mattson


  1. Lori Could you please read the next to the last paragraph of your letter. Do I understand that correctly? People volunteering got together and decided to work for free so that tax rates remained the same are the cause of the towns problems?
    You are pro school right?
    Interesting very interesting.

    1. lol. One would hope she's pro-school. She's on the SC.

  2. I remember clearly Mrs. Matson complaining the loudest about serving on the committee with no pay. Others were more than happy to serve their town they loved. So don't even say you voluntarily gave up your pay, that would be an outright lie. I believe it was even in the Gardner News so it could be looked up easily.

    1. Wait - This was from a grown up. I thought it was from one of the students. It still makes me wonder. I have read the article several times now. I will wait and see if Lori can elaborate on this before commenting further.

    2. Do is Stupid and Jim, Lori is correct it is ridiculous to expect everyone to work for free. Their should be a slight compensation for all the hard work our elected officials do for us.

    3. Wow I have been ridiculous as I also have put in many hours for free. Those folks doing all the free work up at Gilman are ridiculous. Hey the Peace Corps needs to change their policy as well. Well I am not convinced of that. Greed and corruption are the way to go. This explains a lot about how the gears turn on the head of the school machine. Is that what is being taught.
      As for the remaining and might I add growing number of non unionized people who give a tinkers hoot. We don't need no stinking pay. You cant stop us from doing what is right. We like being ridiculous and we have fun doing it.

      Those who take and do not give will have to get a grip. I predict that type of attitude and thinking will no longer be the standard operational procedure. It will not be tolerated. Slide of hand and shifting blame shall not get you election fame. I hope that kid is OK. Maybe they had to get permission from their mother to use the computer.

      Do not poke the sleeping bear as the season opens in the state of Massachusetts next Wednesday. See you in the woods.

    4. Jim a comment like that is a direct threat to Mrs Mattson! Freedom of speech only goes so far and referencing a deadly happening in the woods is out of line! You sir are starting to sound like Mrs. Farrell and her classy comment about what the school supporters have done to this town. I will not tolerate threat behavior! If this keeps up I will have this site investigated and shut down! Opinions are welcome from all sides and we can some times agree and other times agree to disagree. But let's try to play nice even when things do not go our way. Most of us want what is best for the town as a whole. Leave the threats at the door. Let's work together as a community.

    5. Jim, I feel your passion for this, as I believe I was brought up more the way you were when you often did things for people who needed help, freely & for free (yes, even at work sometimes)& not always Expecting some monetary compensation in return. It built good character & giving values, formed ethical morals & strong principled thinking. I remember many volunteer drives, booster events, as you mentioned, rallies, etc. for those uniforms & other things we enjoyed but did not Always get free yet worked for many times. I think this precious set of "Golden Rule" principles is getting lost a lot these days leading to much entitlement mentalities. I also think that this recent driving through of the school override (even if many thought it was necessary, they didn't work with the whole town) does not help to teach our kids those principles either. How can children get the work ethic & learn to wait for something when they see that all you have to do is keep pushing & pushing until you get what you want without regard for the full impact it will have in the long run. How is that teaching patience & discipline?, because it wasn't what they saw happen. I also don't believe students should ever be used to bring a letter home to their parents about anything. When I was in school they called that exploitation of youth. My opinion in agreement with you on this topic. Have a good weekend everyone.

    6. My Goodness, here we have the PC police out again. Is this part of the NSA? Really people, lighten up a bit about these phrases & metaphors or saying this will be investigated & lead to shutting the site down. You may find yourself after your free speech is gone, too, that you wished you hadn't have wanted the Govt. involved in your every move. Because that is Exactly what is happening, as we try to speak without "fearing" that every word will be jotted down & brought to the FBI for full screening. Lord God, can you please help us out because we all don't seem to be doing that well right now. My opinion or was that too religious for someone out there??

    7. Isteach I'm sorry but in the fast paced crazy world we live in everyone should be held accountable! That is what we call bullying! It's not ok! There clearly is a generational gap between you and myself. I know words can be destructive and hurtful! I believe there is no need for bullying! If we were to show the same respect in your direction you would not appreciate it! Funny how that works! I'm just making it clear that healthy debates are great, but keep it clean. I don't think that's too much to ask on a site that says its for Templeton as a whole.

    8. And on that First Lady, I do fully agree with you. Have a good night & grand weekend.

    9. Thank you FLT. I just wanted to point out one more thing. Jim is a veteran of the Navy who has fought for all of us to have that wonderful freedom of speech. Without personally knowing him, I am quite sure he meant only the best, as he has served this country & taken care of a lot of less fortunate people. We all need to find more peace within ourselves when we talk or read things. I do think you are right about this part of the generational gap. I was bullied a lot growing up but don't see everything that way that might be offensive to me. I think that is a key part of the communication breakdown everywhere. We were told to buck up & get strong or those words would buckle us under if we allowed ourselves to succumb to them. These days everything seems to be taken too literally. As you are growing toward my age I hope you can be more easy on how you view some things. It will give you more comfort through life. Again have a good weekend, too.

    10. With all due respect. I have asked for clarification and an explanation from Lori so that I could make an informed decision before running to my computer and commenting about what she had written and published in the paper. I did that so I could in fact get all the information before passing judgment or forming an opinion. The result was no answer from her or anyone associated with the school committee. I believe that was fair and reasonable. I did in fact try to use a little poking and off wall comment to get a response. One could say that it is unfair to compare her to a child. I agree to that and wanted readers to know what screen name she used so that we all know who is stating what on this blog. I am one of the many who are in the middle and need to know facts or ask questions so that I might understand all sides. That way I can make an informed decision. Time and time again I have solicited explanations so that I can understand the schools or comities point of view. While 99% of what I have to say is ignored ,I have found that when I get a response it is usually a quick we can’t do that, its not practical, we just need more or we will collapse and shut down. They usually zero in and find a way to dodge the issues. I still try to understand all sides of the issue and ask for clarifications or explanations. Usually I am just wasting my time. The deflector comes up and we are led to believe the gloom and doom story. I don’t want that and do expect a little more information. I will try to offer help or assistance whenever possible however, it is usually ignored.
      Comparison to Julie. I do in fact find that a complement. When I ask she explains. When I don’t get it she explains a little more. I do not agree with everything she dose or every position she takes but as I have stated she works hard for the good of the town and the inhabitants.
      Threats to an individual Boy that’s grasping for straws. This is in fact a public service announcement. Check out and look up hunting seasons. I wanted to let everyone know that it is in fact the opening of the bear season in Massachusetts. So be careful out there when you go walking that big black dog in the woods. Avoid hunting areas if possible during any hunting season. Put a bell on that dog . Wear something highly visible like blaze orange if you go into the woods. Leave that black coat or fir at home. During the deer season do the same keep that in mind if you have a brown or reddish animal.
      Don’t poke the sleeping bear. Hey that’s good advice again. I mean you could read something more into it if you want. One could interpret that to mean a lot of things. In a place where 25% of the people are over 65 and others like shut ins, disabled, single parents or the unemployed (to name a few groups) make up an additional percentage of the group living on fixed incomes, at or near the poverty level. Will they lend you their support for a tax hike? Hey I bet that would be somewhere near the 50% mark.
      So I think calling people names like Bully, ridicules and threatening to get an attorney to squash free speech will do nothing to support you cause. Convincing people on the fence and not yet decided would be your best bet. We are like weeds wasting your time attempting to get rid of us will not work. Admit it and please answer the questions. Tell the president I send my well wishes and wish him luck in these troubled times.

    11. As Jim so appropriately stated "In a place where 25% of the people are over 65 and others like shut ins, disabled, single parents or the unemployed (to name a few groups) make up an additional percentage of the group living on fixed incomes, at or near the poverty level. Will they lend you their support for a tax hike? Hey I bet that would be somewhere near the 50% mark."

      Why do we want to put a larger burden on these Templeton residents? Just to support an arrogant School Superintendent who did not want to work with the town? Oh and if you hadn't noticed the Superintendent doesn't live in Templeton so it does not affect her at all. But it does affect a large selection of this town. Do we hurt those who are already hurting? I think that is ethically wrong.

      VOTE NO on any override.

    12. Jim, do we know that Lori reads this blog? Have you called her or anyone else from the school committee? I would make that call once again and ask is all I am saying..that was not sarcasm at all as I know how things can be interpreted in writing. AND, people that volunteer do so because they feel it in their heart and it's the right thing to do. The elected officials were paid before and I think what she was saying was let's get back to giving them something as it was not a big stipend at all. I agree with let's give it back. Thanks again for sharing.

    13. Diane
      It looks like it to me. I could trace it down but that would be using my knowledge and expertise in an unfair and sinister way. I have the ethics to do no harm or to use what I know to belittle or slander anyone. I do know that people will follow her to the ends of the earth, and that they do read and contribute to this blog as well as talk to her. I do not find fault or issue with people for getting behind anyone, nor do I think that is is a bad thing at all. At least you know what direction you are heading. Besides, many of our founding fathers used pen names to protect themselves and their families from persecution. Realistically if I wrote a LTE as an elected official, I would want to know how it was received. Is it not logical to assume this is happening? Your response is well taken. I now know you have a mind of your own. I know also that you care and your heart is in the right place. We may not agree on everything, but I think we can talk, understand and respect each other’s opinions in a civil and constructive way.

      I was and continue to be willing to give up my life to defend the United States of America, the constitution, to defend freedom, to promote democracy and defend our citizens from all threats both foreign and domestic. I was trained to do the right thing for and defend all people regardless of their Race, religious, personal beliefs or their sexual orientation. It is my duty to stand up for those who can’t defend them self. For the people that have developmental or physical issues, the ones that are financially challenged and do not have smart phones, computers or internet access. The people society overlooks like the homeless and the undereducated. All of my brothers and sisters are welcome at my table, I will find a way. Failure is not an option for me. When provoked and forced to react, I will do so at a time and place of my choosing, when and where it is least expected, with overwhelming force. I will achieve calculated and predictable results. This is who I am and I will not change.

    14. This is not intended to be misconstrued as a threat to any one or the current situation. It is the way I am. You should know that before you agree with me. Many have informed me I am not like everyone else.

      Forced to react section would be if I observed someone in mortal danger. I might act like I was drunk for instance or maybe blind to prevent and assist the person in danger. Please do not read something into this that is not intended to portray.

    15. Jim, You are making all the sense in the world to me.

    16. Thanks phil. I realize that many people have a dislike of many special interest, a certain group or religions. That has not made me popular at times. For instance it should be obvious that I am a hunter. I take to the woods with sticks and strings (Passionate Bow hunter). That's all I use. I am also a still hunter. I move solely and try to sneak up or stalk. This puts me up close and on the games turf. It is not safe and you need to be sure of your shot and aware of what is behind what you shoot at. I practice all year and will not take an unethical shot one that will result in a quick kill. I have a deep respect for the outdoors. That hobby is taken as a deadly event and a threat. We call it hunting. Hunters pay tax on every thing we buy. We purchase licenses, permits and pay fees to preserve habitat and land. Google Pitman Robinson act. The land we set aside is used for free by bird watchers, hikers mountain bikers and many others. Yet this is taken for granted by those people entitled to use what would not be there if we were gone. For the record I have approximately a .02% chance of actually harvesting an animal. So for those of you that understand, I will see you in the woods. Thanks again.

    17. My father was a hunter and I respect that. I respect your passion for what you believe and all your have done for us for the freedom we have to speak here and elsewhere. I hope I did not offend in any way as that was not my intention. Again, I wrote it elsewhere, writing is not the same as talking in person so choosing words carefully and making sure you are understood is a challenge. I am curious from a person that was in the military, how do you feel about what is happening Syria and better yet, what the US may or may not do? I am not asking so I can debate I am asking to see what your feeling in on that. It's one thing to see it on TV and another to know how it will affect our military and their families and our country.

    18. Diane:
      As I stated above I have a better understanding of your position. I never find fault with someone who has a position that may not be the same as mine. I try to understand where they are coming from and want to hear what they have to say. It would be a boring world if we were all alike. I have never been offended by any of your comments. I know that your heart is in the right place. I know we can have a conversation and respect each others opinions.

      About current events, let me say that we do not have all the knowledge about world events. We are fed bits and pieces. There is a gap between what is told and what is known. Military people follow and obey any lawful order given and do so without question or hesitation. Or families are affected very much and also serve their country. A fact often overlooked. When we are deployed, a wife for instance, will take on the additional role of farther, she will run the house and will worry constantly. When we return, she assumes her usual role in the family. It is never a smooth transition. Divorce rates are high as you can imagine. Sometimes we sacrifice everything including our relationships, wealth, or life and limb. These decisions are in fact life changing. We will do everything to protect our comrades' that serve with us. We will risk our life to save them or to return them home for eternal rest. We do this because we love our country so much and believe in the principals that it was founded on. I could go on but you get the point. We follow directions of our elected officials' as they were elected by the people we ultimately serve. This can be directly linked to what is happening in town. We elected or voted for what we have now. It is a fair democratic process that got us where we are now. If we do not like it we can change it or attempt to at the next election. ONE PERSON,ONE VOTE. The key is to let your voices be heard. We have to trust and hold accountable these people we have elected. Weather it be the school or town side. They stood up, show up and honestly believe that what their doing is for the good of all the people. Yes we need to question and watch them. We need hold them accountable. We need to eliminate the ones that wish only to only look out for themselves, or their special interests. We may not like what happens the end of the day. but we have to respect the process In conclusion. Get the other half of the unregistered voters to participate so that they can be part of the process. You cant complain if you sat home and let others do your job for you. A lot of people gave everything so that you can have this basic right.

  3. Replies
    1. I hate to tell you but there has been one and only one First-Lady-Of-Templeton, and she does not contribute to this blog. Her stone is in front of the Historical Society. It is laughable that anyone could even think they can fill those shoes. The real First lady of Templeton was a teacher, but she would never put the town in this position! Never, ever!!! Bev.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Please, no disrespect but you my darling like to start trouble with anyone who posts. I am of sorts a First Lady and I need not explain myself to you. So please continue to disrespect and no one will take you serious. As for the position, this town allowed this to happen by cutting, cutting and what was that? Oh cutting!

    4. First, only in your dreams! To threaten anyone who says what you do not like, I see as Bullying. The actions taken by the School Committee are going to be a very hollow victory. The actions they took with no regard for the community will haunt them for years to come. I will continue to stand up for what is right, and for the workers of my town. Having delusions of gradnor is a treatable disorder, that can be treated by a good Doctor. Have a nice weekend, Bev.

    5. First, only in your dreams! To threaten anyone who says what you do not like, I see as Bullying. The actions taken by the School Committee are going to be a very hollow victory. The actions they took with no regard for the community will haunt them for years to come. I will continue to stand up for what is right, and for the workers of my town. Having delusions of gradnor is a treatable disorder, that can be treated by a good Doctor. Have a nice weekend, Bev.

    6. Bev, Bullying is a repeated offense after being asked to stop, not a one time offense. And YOUR town workers work at the school. Either we stand up for ALL of them, or we stand for none. You cant pick & choose.

    7. Martin Luther King also once had a dream Bev! I have many! Life is built on dreams! Susan B Anthony made it possible for women as well! Dreams and education! Remember that!

  4. Replies
    1. Vote yes to support Templeton! Vote No for those too dumb enough to cut off their nose to spite their face!

  5. Wow lori your nap did no good either. To start,the only sacrifice has been to the town regular employees,No raises,step raises. Elected non enterprise boards gave up their pay.Still light and water,sewer commissioners,school,would have no role to help Templeton out with the money end of things. When we talk about Templeton cutting back lets tell the truth about the matter. Some of Templeton cut back and without the rest of the town willing and able that was a failure. The one true part of you LTE is about the override. My calculator has a total of 1.25 million and if the school people won't support it being passed were in for some times Templeton has never seen before. One thing i will agree about your LTE is the financial issue is a town issue. I've been told time and time again by the previous chairman of the school committee Templetons tax rate was set artificially low when prop.2 1/2 went in. When the business in town went under we were stuck trying anything we could to make it work without a tax increase. Falling further and further behind as the old guard Echo hill people would not be questioned about it and people were told what needed to be told to get things quiet again.
    Laws were violated and payments made as the town was asleep and in no mode to care to listen to the minority selectmen's concerns. Quickly shot down about budget questions again and again,Julie has warned the previous majority about the day we are now in and without any help
    from the rest of the board she fell on deaf ears. As you look back at previous TMLWP pilot payments it will show when the money was needed to keep people happy the check was sent over and it made the budget from echo hill work. Now we have no cooperation with the TMLWP for the well now has run dry. Was that another law broken back when the call was made to increase the pilot payment as stated in chapter 164 laws,"YES". There are several reasons i prod at the TMLWP and as i have said all along it's all about the money and now more then ever!When the TMLWP chairmen Dana said to us the town should be run like a business he was correct. It use to be when the money was here. Now when a business struggles and needs to find ways to boost revenue. Some business downsize outsource or even evaluate closure time. The time will come soon for changes to be made and when you add it up what Templeton needs are the list only grows. There is one place to find it all and "we" own it. Templeton should be run like Dana said and let the evaluation start at the TMLWP asset value. They are optional to Templeton and before we put this all only on the taxpayer backs we need to know if just taxes can do the job we need for the Templeton future. We need more, everything,police station,town offices,fire equipment,ambulances,highway equipment, did i mention school? All this was asked for on override questions before and voters said no,No,No!
    Add it up my friends and if you want it all your tax rate will be about 10-15 higher or double the rate now. There is one place we as a business can get this amount and still live with low taxes and still have the power "on",to be Templeton again. Did i mention the chapter 164 laws provide a section on selling municipal owned electric departments. When will the TMLWP start to provide the documentation so the town that owns them can evaluate their worth.
    Has the general manager or the Light commission board complied with the law? Requesting these contracts is not a wish or want its a compliance of the ch 164 law. The laws being violated are putting Templeton at risk and is only one more reason to do business with them like a business.When i talk to other MLD and ask about their compliance it differs from TMLWP operating opinion. It shouldn't.

  6. I almost forgot about the school choice issue it's more a grandparent choice for they go to gram and gramps house to be watched after and before school. So!! Again !! The same Gram and gramp on a fixed income will pay the way again and again. They will be the one that will be hurt next.
    Other than that your LTE was a real piece of work, Did VW help?

    1. You are a cruel person Mr Smart! You should be nicer so people don't target you and your family. For a man that works for Templeton you should be grateful many of us support an override which will save your job.

  7. First Lori, Templeton will face “devastating cuts” because the NRSD budget was passed and if an override fails then we will all feel the pain when these cuts are made.

    Lori you are right that the school budget is part of the town budget just like the highway, police and fire departments are. But the town is limited to raising taxes by 2 1/2% a year (unless an override is approved). So Lori go back and look at the school budgets if those budget yearly increase is more than 2 1/2% then the schools are taking money from the highway, police and fire departments.

    If the BOS go for an override and it fails what do you propose we do?

    1. All I can say is every person who votes NO will be to blame. It's time for change. Support your town! Vote to save our services!

    2. In saying that I would add clearly I do not judge those who vote NO. But no means we cut the services that may save your life.

  8. The reality is that the school is its own independent budget. Unlike the fire, highway and police departments the town has no direct control over the school budget. It is a straight up Yes or NO vote with no control over the contents of the budget. When the town votes NO to the fire or police department budgets they are forced to live within those constraints. When the town votes NO to the school budget they can continue to force votes until they get their budget approved or it goes to the state.

    I will agree that the town now needs an override to be able to save even the most basic of services, and in reality, it has needed an influx of money for quite a while. BUT, had the school committee even shown a willingness to reduce their budget (10 secretaries making nearly a total of $500,000, really ?) I think that this entire process would have gone much smoother.

    1. I am not going to argue with you about it. After much time scouring the budget and looking at what is mandated and not mandated as well as what could have been done, I have formed my opinion and it will not be changed. The facts are the facts. They can be interpreted as you wish. By the way, I think you would find that most working people in this community do not make $50k annually.

    2. If its not the light and water. It's the school. Why do people like to destroy all that is good in this town? Their are no solutions on the blog or typed by those who scream cut cut cut. I can't afford an override is not a valid argument. Truth is the school is run much better then the town currently. I think the facts are right in front of everyone! The problem is we need to pay a little more to truly support this Town. Gardner is on its slippery slope and we could be next here in Templeton if we do not support this town as a whole.

  9. 4 weeks vacation time to start day one?
    benis also total cost per chairfull?
    75-80K + anyone have the full amount per secretary?

    1. If you are so upset how much a secretary may make, how about you get the credentials and apply for one of the jobs?

  10. great idea first-lady-of-templeton!!! That is creative thinking! We need more of this in Templeton!

    1. Thank you the truth! My thoughts on this issue are woulda coulda shoulda's. we need to move on. So many think every town department is a conspiracy when the truth is the town has been run bad for many years. Not by current boards I will add. We need to work together and not fight over things we may never understand. If the school board finds problems with school pay they will address it! I for one have checked the itemized paperwork and see nothing extreme.

  11. Im thinking that the first lady she run for the empty selectman's slot since she is so versed about what is best for Templeton. And to say that "I can't afford it" is a poor excuse for voting no on an override. Well lady it isn't a poor excuse for those who can not afford it. If you are rolling in that much money that its doesn't matter you pay more we will thank you.

    VOTE NO on any override

  12. You can feel free to vote NO. I'm just pointing out that saying I can't afford it is not a valid argument when it comes to running a town. I understand people are on a fixed income. That is why it is so important to get business in town to lift the tax burden. But that will not help us with this problem we have now which is we need an override to save our town employees. Now do I think it should be 1,000,000 dollars? Not at all! The BOS wouldn't even support 691,000 for the school! So if those are the numbers we were looking at, then the school lowered amount to $551,000 which they were granted. I'm interested to see what the BOS and Advisory Board come up with for actual figures which they will support for an override. I do find it interesting when the wind changes direction how people change their thoughts. I do hope with all my heart that the BOS and Advisory Board push these meetings along so we can have the opportunity to try and save our town. All eyes and ears are in their direction.

  13. The FACT is by keeping BOS and other committee members as UNPAID volunteers, you are more apt to get people that are really working for the town instead of the extra money running for those positions. Virginia couldn't handle volunteering and quit.

  14. Hey;First? Cruel truth is part of life/reality! I only state the truth and sign my name.Unlike you talking behind the backs of people who won't answer. I get a feeling you may be the revised "poison ivy". Does anyone know how many school choice kids are 4th grade and lower. 1st.lady it's must be easy to say what you say behind a stage name,like in a play or skit. Pony up and own your posts if you don't sign your just another piece of fiction,without any facts. No targeting of my family has happened and for you to put that out makes my resolve grow. Could be time for a L.T.E. thats way overdue.The 1.25million $ override was to fix this problem and not just another patch that will blow out when the greed of the school board cuts us again,only deeper next time. Without a override to fix this, Templeton will bleed out while the ambulance is on the way. One life from a car crash is not worth the lack of responsibility to do the right thing. Anyone living on a hill to get home in a snow/ice storm will know what i mean. Grey rd,South rd.,Dudley. try driving them on a snowy night. We don't have the option to experiment with Templeton safety. What we have now works and to change it is only a experiment. Templeton should know how important the basics are and support the vital parts of our town.I will help my neighbors in need,and have in the past. You all just need to do the same!

    1. I am all for the override first. But Im starting to tire of the scare tacticts. EMS is selfsufficent, they charge ins. companies. & the Hwy dept is allowed to go overbudget for snow removal. Theyve done it for what now, 10 years in a row? That said, I think this town needs a quick influx if cash to stabilize it, then get some business in.

    2. Just because you are allowed to go into debt or over spend does not mean you should, it has to be paid on the other end eventually.

    3. Agreed Jeff. I never said it was a good idea, just possible. Everyone keeps saying the entire town will be snowed in & nobody will be able to leave their houses when we both know thats just not true. Just tryin to keep the facts straight.

    4. Thank you huff and puff! Almost seems like some people are trying to create chaos.."the sky is falling the sky is falling" the roads won't get plowed?? This has happened???..............never!! It seems like all this "stuff" lately from anti-school budget people is trying to enrage the town or the very least seriously underestimates the intelligence of the townspeople.

    5. The part of the roads not getting plowed, just as I stated about the school, they would not get plowed in a timely manner, which could be days and they may well not be plowed as well as folks are use to. I also believe that back in 2003, there were very big, hard budget cuts made to the town and within a few months when reality sunk in and people actually saw the lack of service, there was a swell of concern and another STM held and the funding was provided by the taxpayers. Hope people will remember that and avoid going that route. Everyone made their case, one way or another, then finally voted for increase for school budget. Now that we are done with the oil & water, cats n' dogs etc. we can now come together and pass what everyone knows is required for more than one reason, we can get this done. As our town counsel as suggested and was met with skepticism, we have a tiered override question: $551,000.00 $700,000.00, $850,000.00 (or what ever dollar figured is agreed or recommended besides the required $551,000.00) Oh Truth, not sure how far you go back, but I go back a ways and I remember when town side roads always had a few inches of sand/snow on them which made travel a bit rough back then. Part of the reason was town snowplows had wheels on them that kept the cutting edge a few inches off the road surface, it both prevented wear and more than a couple roads were very uneven and rough. of course back then, everything was not 24/7 as it is today.

  15. What business are you dreaming about? Look around and see how many shops and other business have shuttered in this economy. Any place you drive put down your smart cell phones and look around and you will see the empty once were places of business. The dream you have woken up from must have been good to think there are businesses waiting to open in the times we live in.Get off the phones and drive. Some of your town employees lives depend on it. Give us a break! 8-out of 10 are talking dialing texting and as workers we have to watch what your doing now to be safe,THANKS!!!
    Be "SMART" Safety Matters Always Resist Temptation to talk on you cell phone while driving!

    1. I know that major companies, ie. Walmart, Price Chopper, Market Basket etc.., are all looking to put a distribution center in our area. That could be a perfect fit. Jobs & taxes.

  16. Wow I cannot believe how you all speak to one another. Mr. Smart there seem to be many on this blog that post under other names and why is that not ok? First Lady, you need to be careful with your words and Huff and if I am not mistaken Mrs. Farrell also. Why is ok to speak this way? I think I am going to think more carefully about writing here as the climate is so negative. These are tough times but the respect seems to be lost and it makes me sad to see it in print. Scare tactics ... Everyone can say the school did it but the town is not? It's tiring to hear and see. I will continue my resolve and passion for my community but probably not much here. I hope everyone thinks twice about words that you use because once they are out there you cannt take them back. Thank you for all the encouragement I was given and you all have good hearts and believe in your town and we should do well to remember that.

    1. Hi Diane - Didn't you remove something that someone posting as "Be Heard" put onto the Gansett Greatness FB page? I recall seeing some controversy about that earlier this year. I believe you threatened to remove the material they had posted unless they identified themselves.

      I don't think anonymous posting is helpful. Most of the worst offenders on this blog post under pseudonyms. Just my opinion, and a question as to why it was OK for an admin on GG FB to remove the posts of someone who was not identifying themselves. Now you have a different view?

    2. Mr. Barrieau, the group removed it. There is more than just me that did that and it's a group decision. Yes, we voted to not have pseudonyms on the FB page. Many comments have been removed aside from that one due to the negativeness and the Gansett kids don't need see it or read it as it was upsetting for many of them. If you look at the pages I admin, I do not allow negativity or disrespect to others and I have had many people thank me for that. It's thoughtful discussion.

      I will say that I support it here as there have been several that say they need to be anonymous for various reasons and that is fine correct? Again, it's about respect and what ones wishes are. It is not a different view as we will not allow that on our page, but it respecting what some want here. It is a page admins right to make the rules. It is a page admins right to keep or delete what they see fit.

      I do see what you mean about bloggers here wreaking havoc on occasion like Batman, but this is a tense time in Templeton and I think many choose to speak out and express their concern...I do not condone the language that is used and as I have said many times here (along with others) the negative tone and they way which people write to one another is disrespectful. I try my best to not speak that way to others as it devalues them and we all have value. I have written here and given my opinions and read what you all write and take it in. I, not unlike yourself, are entitled to exactly how we feel about any given subject and talking it out helps.

      I stated previously I would not support a million dollar override or anything above that, however if I said in a week that I do support that isn't that my right after reading all the commentary and looking at what is being said and finding out the facts? Isn't that the purpose of being here and asking? It's not a different view it's seeing things more clearly or again respecting others.

      I hope that clarifies things for you. Diane

    3. I would agree Diane, my temper can flair a bit. But I would say I'm not sure I'm out of line. People keep saying everyone should use their real name but when they do, They are torn apart, and Dave even insults people under his own name which surprised me. I'm not insulting Dave by saying that I'm just wanting to make a point that there seems to be allot of hate towards anyone who has an opinion that is not theirs. I do not feel this blog is equal to all, and open to discussion for everyone. Facts tend to be one sided. Clearly not everyone on here is closed to learning about the town. I only want what's best but I'm attacked and provoked every step of the way. I will aim my passions elsewhere since I feel they will never help in any way on here.

    4. Is what you are saying this?

      1) It is fine and dandy to ban anonymous posts on GG FB.
      2) Everyone should accept anonymous posts on this blog.

      I'm not trying to be argumentative here, just giving you a chance to explain. You took Mr. Smart to task for his comments about anonymous posts. I asked you why GG FB had a policy that forbade them, and you answered as I stated above. I don't think those positions are consistent.

      The premise that people are "afraid" to sign there real name is, in my opinion, bull. We have no history in Templeton of a mob appearing on someone's lawn with pitchforks and torches. Anonymous posting means people are free to throw terrible accusations and make awful personal attacks without owning their words. I would think that someone like yourself who preaches for respectful discourse would hold a position consistent with GG FB policy.

    5. Mark,

      I already explained above. I believe I have taken it to task that the rude posts are just that rude. If I took Mr. Smart to task for posting anonymously I apologize, but I think he posts under his own name. I already said after doing more reading I see why people post as another name. We are not accepting nameless or derogatory posts on FB GG page and that is the groups decision and I will stick with that. How is that not consistent with being respectful for me? I see isteach and Jim and I don't know who they are and they are respectful and it may have been one of them that said it I don't know and it doesn't matter. I am respectful and I follow my own advice and that for me is consistent with my values and my beliefs. It's also hard to follow all the posts here as there is not a notification system to state when something has been posted so I have missed some things. I hope that again clarifies things. Thank you for the other comments.

    6. I'll just say that I understand and agree with your GG FB practice. Since you ban anons on GG FB, I am surprised that you came out in support of them on this blog.

      "Mr. Smart there seem to be many on this blog that post under other names and why is that not ok?"

      I never said anything about Mr. Smart posting anonymously. I was refering to the quoted text above.

      Newspapers won't print letters that are anonymous. There's really no way to stop it on this blog. All anyone has to do is register a google account under some fictitious name. Then they can type nanananana nonsense, take anonymous potshots at people, answer themselves with multiple fake IDs. All of that does not contribute to moving forward, or to a discussion among interested residents.

      They were out in force immediately after the unfortunate JTM. Which, by the way, I agree with something that Julie said, about the system being broken. Now we'll deal with what we have, because the school got their money. When you say you support an override, keep in mind that it may be better to do it all at once. I thought the town needed an override for general government this year. Now we need an override to get the budget back to where it was. There were things cut from almost every department budget. If you supported the school budget, I would ask you to consider comparing department budgets within general government to some of the line items within the NRSD budget. To get the town on "equal footing" with the budget that 'Gansett is starting from would take more than $1,000,000. The $436,000 budgeted (I didn't say spent) for NRSD secretaries is about the same as the total for the following departments: Selectmen office, Town Accountant, Assessors, Treasurer, Collector and Clerk. Templeton's budget for those six departments is $453,379. That's the amount Templeton has available for the departments that collect and disburse our revenue stream (Assessor, Collector, Treasurer, Accountant), our Town Clerk as well as the Selectmen Office. You want to talk bare bones? NRSD was not bare bones, Templeton was. So please consider the town needs carefully, and don't rule out $1,000,000 or any other number too early.

    7. I will take that under advisement.

  17. Diane, This blog has been under attack before and with that i will say the ones who change stage names are the ones who carelessly put out the things that are cruel. Lies and cheats are all around on this blog and can not be helped but just think about it for a minute, who signs will be known and those who change stage names are playing games. They will eventually loose!

  18. Mr. Smart, this blog should not be "under attack" it should be a place to give and receive information. I don't feel that people have to post under their own name because when you do you are called out and not always in a nice way ~ with that being said I have no problem posting under my own name as it's already out there and I'm fine with that. I am only saying that we should think before we write about HOW we say things and HOW it comes across. Lies and cheats are not just on the blog they are out in the open. I don't know, I just am dismayed and was not ever brought up to talk how others talk here to one another. My parents would be appalled if I ever said even 1/8th of some of this stuff. I am praying this all works out for this town. I will stand by an override that makes sense and gives people back their livelihood and their hours and wages and there is a game plan for the future and before you state something I have already spoken to who needs to be talked to about the same issues with the school. Thanks again for writing and sharing.

  19. What Mr Smart means about being under attack is that this blog is usually pretty quiet. But a week or two before every election we get blasted with all theses fictitious names and off the wall comments and insults. It is pretty easy to fiqure where they come from.

  20. Thank you, "Do".
    I hope everyone checks out the article in the gardner news and see what our leadership has for a plan and i might add to get behind him and help out for our towns sake. I don't quit because knowing where the fiction people come from means nothing without the name to back it up!!!
    Thank you Chairman Bennett,For your service as always.

    1. I read today's paper and I didn't see any article in the Snooze...can it be posted here?

  21. Ok DO, I guess I will have to take that as I haven't been here on this blog long enough. Perhaps the people who are here really care and want to see their town flourish and help the ones that cannot help themselves. We are not all alike in our opinions and how we see things and that is what makes us stand up for what we each believe in and state our stance. I have seen some things in a better light by reading here and it makes me realize others things I need to do to help people. That's a great thing right? I hope that the bloggers will think before they press enter and really read what they are writing to see if it is respectful and to be sure it's not hurtful.

  22. I agree and am guilty of that. My posts come across so different than what I mean and who I am.
    I mean one thing and after I read my posted comment I see it differently. If that makes sense.

  23. You know it's hard to keep up on the blog to write back to people because there is no online mechanism to say that someone posted...that is frustrating to me. I want to answer if someone asks or speaks. Thanks for writing back to me. I also wanted to address this comment you made:

    DO is STUPIDAugust 31, 2013 at 8:40 AM
    The FACT is by keeping BOS and other committee members as UNPAID volunteers, you are more apt to get people that are really working for the town instead of the extra money running for those positions. Virginia couldn't handle volunteering and quit.

    I think volunteer is nice, I think these people that lead us deserve some stipend for the amount of time they do put in. I don't know that you would get less quality leaders, we would as a town be giving them some compensation because being on the BOS and other positions take time away from work, personal and family time.

    Virginia didn't quit because she couldn't handle the volunteer aspect of it. I think some things caught up to her and perhaps it was just going to be too much to handle. I know that I was not happy about an incident and I didn't hesitate to let a few folks know about it and that incident caused great turmoil with Gansett Greatness. It was not long after, I'm not good with time, that other things happened and were called out here on the blog I believe and then the resignation came.

    I just really believe that when we cut the workers hours, no raises and no equipment for the highway and other things...we took away people's livelihood and they had to worry about where they would going to make up that money and a couple have lost homes or are and that makes me furious and sad all at the same time. Didn't we have the value and foresight to know that would happen? How can we do that?

    Well, those are my thoughts and opinions. Thanks again DO for writing back and thinking about it.

  24. I do believe they deserve to be paid. I was trying to say that no pay would bring people that really wanted to help.

  25. I totally hear you there and I was only giving a different perspective. People help out of the goodness of their heart. They help because they feel that need to do so inside. Your a helper I am sure and your posts are informative and that's helpful too.

  26. Look again ! I think on pg.4 lower rh. fine print. "weekend edition".
    I think the 1 million dollar amount will also include to open and fund the senior center.
    I think we all knew it would cost money to run. Soon we will be asked to help people who work for the town in need,Mark and Marty are in a cancer battle and need our help. Please do what you can when asked or drop off what you can at the highway barn. Thank you for your help!

    1. David: Is anyone planning any events to help out. I would get behind any effort and would do whatever I could to assist. I not in the best financial position however, I have 2 strong hands.

  27. Thanks I found it. There is a new post from Pauly about Charity and giving and paying it forward.

  28. actually the million dollar number has nothing to do with the senior center. Point of that comment was if drastic budget cuts do happen, they may be no one to be there most of the week. That would mean we have a senior center with no one to staff it. That is just one more thing to consider that might happen or could happen. One of the snowball effect things to think of besides just thinking of tax increase. All the things that can happen with big budget cuts.

  29. Lori Mattson........lori mattson
    The lori Mattson who stated numerous times that "gansett sucks" at candidates night?
    That lori mattson?

  30. yup!!!

    JIM: Yes C4T is and will be held at Templeton Fish and game OCT. 12 Pig roast and a raffle table with many donations to win. The Fontaine family fund raiser went very well and as the town came out to support them it shows we are a great town who takes care of our own in need.Personally i know these town employees and their family. Also this will help Mary Amistardi
    The three family benefit will be allot of work for our group so we will hope to get a helping hand from those willing to step up.
    I like the idea of pay forward and that would be a great help.
    I will be going around getting donations from business willing to help out also.
    Thanks to all who help "C4T"

    1. David please post any info on planning or meetings prior to the event o that those who care can get involved. Perhaps Paul can provide a special blog section so we can rack and discus ideas.

  31. C4T will be filling in the blanks soon and will post full details.
    Contact info also will be provided for those willing to help with this effort in any way!

  32. This post is more of a general "ditto" than anything truly "meaningful", so my apologies if it seems out of place. Now that the NRSD FY14 Budget has passed, it is incredibly important that if/when an override is proposed for the TOWN, that all of our parents, teachers, school/community groups come out and vote for it. Just as education is essential for our future, services are required for the present.
