Friday, September 6, 2013

Important override for town of Templeton

Important override for town of Templeton

To the Editor: 9/6/2013
Jeffrey Bennett

To the Editor:

Having read a couple letters to the editor in The Gardner News (TGN), I decided to reply and pose questions and thought. 

I do not think a public school district should be in the business of trying to lure children away from their local schools. Schools should concentrate on educating children rather than using them as financial pawns. In the end, the school district now has more kids so we need more guidance counselors and teachers so we need more money. If you simply concentrate on having and maintaining a great school system, the children would be better off. A better school system and you perhaps lose fewer children to school choice. As far as I know, you cannot prevent children from going out of the district by way of school choice, but the district can opt to not take part in receiving students from school choice. 

Lori Mattson made the statement in her LTE on 8/30/2013, “Why would anyone purposely make budget cuts to the biggest business in town …?” Please remember that all those students who come to NRHS by way of school choice means that there is loss of money out of another school’s budget, thereby reducing their student population, which also reduces their Chapter 70 aid from the state. Why would NRHS or any school district be in the business of trying to intentionally hurt another school district or another town’s budget for that matter?

To Virginia Wilder, I would simply pose the question that if you have great concern for the finances of Templeton, why did you quit when it looked as the road would be getting a little rough? It is very easy to finger point and to Monday morning quarterback, but as a former selectmen and advisory committee member and chairman of that committee, I would think you would know whose role it is to bring forth a budget. Templeton bylaws, article 3 — town officers; selectmen shall have the general direction and management of the property and affairs of the town in all matters not otherwise provided for in laws or bylaws.

Article IV – advisory committee; section 4, it shall be the duty of the advisory committee annually to consider the expenditures in previous years and estimated requirements for the ensuing year of the boards, officers and committees of the town, as prepared by them in form and such detail as may be prescribed by said committee. The said committee shall add to such statement of expenditures and estimates another column, giving the amounts which in its opinion should be appropriated for the ensuing year, and shall further add thereto such explanations and suggestions relating to the proposed appropriations as it may deem expedient and report thereon as provided in section 5 of article. Section 5; in the discharge of its duty, said committee shall have free access to all books of record and accounts, bills and vouchers on which money has been or may be paid from the town treasury. Officers, boards and committees of the town shall upon request, furnish said committee with facts, figures and any other information pertaining to their several activities.

MGL, chapter 39, section 16  — appropriation, advisory or finance committees, appointments, tenure, power and duties. Every town whose valuation for the purpose of apportioning the state tax exceeds one million dollars shall, and any other town may, by by-law provide for the election or appointment and duties of appropriation, advisory or finance committees, who shall consider any or all municipal questions for the purpose of making reports or recommendations to the town and such bylaws may provide that committees so appointed or elected may continue in office for terms not exceeding three years from date of appointment or election. In every town, having a committee appointed under authority of this section, such committee or the selectmen if authorized by a bylaw of the town (which Templeton does not have) and in any town not having such a committee (Templeton does have an advisory committee) the selectmen, shall submit a budget at the annual town meeting. 

Templeton has a valuation of over $1 million and has an advisory committee, so it is their duty by MGL to submit a budget at the annual town meeting. Just because the budget in Templeton in the past may have been drawn up by the town accountant and town coordinator does not make it correct or legal.

Ms. Wilder had her chance to help work through this whole process and with her past service on the advisory committee, one would think she could have been a great help, but she chose to quit. Sitting in the audience the night of Aug. 22, 2013, I was able to speak and listen to many people who sat near me and I learned that whether selectmen sat on the stage or in the seats, these people at least had made up their minds. 

More than one voice spoke of not spending all night talking. “We know what we are here for, give us a number so we can vote.” That evening was the voter’s time to tell us if we were to sink or swim. They said let’s swim and now we have to pay for the pool. Selectmen have ideas and taxpayers have ideas as well. Now we decide on the ones to put forth along with the consequences that will happen or can happen. I believe for many people it has sunk in. When there are meetings to discuss this most important item, I ask you to attend, I beg you to attend, and you need to attend.

I compare this upcoming question and vote to the recent accomplishment of a  64-year-old distance swimmer who, after a few failed attempts, finally conquered her goal. She stated that when she saw the lights from shore, she got the determination to finish this time and win. I hope this is the time Templeton voters see the lights and they finish and win by voting for an override for the town of Templeton, for which so many claim to care so much about. 

By the time you read this, there should be a dollar figure available to you, but it should not really matter too much what it is. It simply has to happen. It has to pass for Templeton to be able to continue to swim for no one wishes to sink into the arms of state officials in the ocean of receivership. Do not think it cannot happen, it can. 

Please support an override for the sake of Templeton, its employees and for you, its most important ingredient, the residents of Templeton.

Jeffrey Bennett


  1. Thank you Chairman Bennett. Templeton is now at the intersection where we need to figure out if we go forward or turn and go down a road we have never been on before.
    I vote to go forward and pass a override that Templeton has put off for a long time.
    The days of calling the light department for extra funds to transfer are no longer an option as it was to fix the tax rates. If the pilot payment was the proper amount we would not have this low tax rate. The old way of fixing the tax rate has come to roost and we have the echo hill gang to thank for that. Look back in the town report and see the extra "transfers" from the light dept to the town to fix the tax rate. We pay one way or the other. That old way worked and nobody questions whats working do they? Time to look at the way business was done back then and why it is not done that way now. Was it legal to transfer from light dept reserves? Chapter 164 says no. Only surplus for the year can be a transfer for the pilot.I hope our team in place now can get to the bottom of it all and get the mess fixed. It's no surprise Wilder quit there is no way to cover up any longer. Keep up the good work Mr.Chairman!

    1. A town is only as good as the people who run it. For to many years money was sucked out of free cash, and stabilization accounts to "fix the tax rate". When the tax rate should have been increased, it wasn't. It looked good for the selectmen to make magic, "another year with NO NEW TAXES". In reality, we could have been able to pay more then, say 2004. The country was doing well, people were working. Instead we have to deal with the results of this poor planning now, when oil and gas are at a all time high. If there is no one watching over money and how things are spent, any town or company would end up in the same place we are. I have a problem with the DOR allowing things like this to take place. There may be a good question to ask the right people. It looks to me like the Light Company was more than free to hand out money to help fix the tax rates back then. Why arn't they willing to give us a PILOT now? It will all come out in the wash. Bev.

    2. I want to add something. The people who work hard for the town, are as important as anyone else that works in this town. I am afraid they will loose big time, if the override is not passed. I did not want to go down this road, but we are here, and there is no going back. Please support these people. They deserve to have your support. Please do this, so we can get other things done. The road back is all up hill, but with the support from everyone, we will be ok. Bev.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very well said, Jeff. Thank you for your words. I think its sad that primary services like education and healthcare have been turned into for-profit business ventures. I really hope that this situation is a wake up call to take a deeper dive into government mandates in education. There are many for-profit education companies (Houghton Mifflin, Pearson, etc.) that lobby for these mandates--especially the assessments of students and teachers. Then, they profit from receiving government contracts to provide said assessments. Its not far off from the problems with the healthcare system. I hope this whole financial mess has been a learning experience for everyone and the next round of budget talks will happen earlier and with everyone at the table working together. Maybe even people like Ms. Wilder will be less confused, have a better understanding of how things work, and will begin to offer solutions instead of simply criticizing people that are working hard to solve the problems.

  3. Yes, there are many "for-profit" companies out there..however, in the elementary educational system today, they have moved past that and are offering a curriculum that does not rely on such companies...the teachers are the ones who are DOING the teaching with such things as Reading, Writing, and Math Workshop, which allows for children to be able to learn through self-inquiry and guidance from the teacher...please read up on this before you state things you are not aware of... I will agree that federal mandates on the educational system do hinder towns throughout the United States, however, the schools need to continue to oblige to these laws and are working very hard to make sure that ALL our children are qualified to succeed in a GLOBAL society..not just in Templeton..I think sometimes people do not realize what they say on this blog can be interpreted as something else...and the teachers of this town are not in it for the money...the bottom line is today's educational system requires far more than a teacher showing up and lecturing! (it is NOT like that's teachers do not mearly stand in front of a class and read from a text book!!) and that is the truth! And I will vote yes on an override, as long as the money is being used correctly! I hope they do not ask for a ridiculous amount because they can...and by the way, are we not where we were before??? I mean, we are right back at an override, but this time they are asking for more money? Did they need this much before? Did they make cuts and that is why they didn't ask for it? I am just wondering? For many of you on this blog, it was NO NO NO, but now all I read is YES YES YES, I am confused...why the change? we could have done this from the beginning and we wouldn't have had to waste the taxpayers' money on numerous town elections and meetings...right now all I am doing is thinking out loud through this keyboard, knowing I will have many replies from the "blog blob" or maybe from the "echo hill gang" it seems there are two groups here, and you may deny it, but I have gone back and read all the past blogs as asked to do so, and I have come up with the same conclusion...the town meetings are divided amoung two groups, those who do and those who don't and it doesn't matter what side you are on because if you don't like someone from the echo hill gang, than you will vote the other way, and if you don't like someone from the blog blob then you will vote from the other way. And if someone tries to offer a different simply say they must belong to the "other" group of supporters...these are words to think about for I am not a member of either group!

    1. This is my view on your question as to why I said no, when the question of a override was first brought up. First of all, our town's people voted no twice by a ballot vote, and twice at the Special Town Meetings. Ms. Miller had no intention of working with the Selectmen, and did not bother to ask for a smaller amount. It was no secret that the town was in having financial problems. Mr. Spring asked the School Committee to consider a level funded budget, did that happen?? No, not even close. Oh my, if you do not think money is a factor, think again. Now, I will be asked, as a tax payer, to vote for a override. Overrides are very hard to come by in this town. I did not want the town to be in this position, because I understood what it would do to our town workers and it's services. I have been active politically long enough, to see the big picture, one the younger people did not understand. As a person who has worked hard with other people, some who do write on this blog, I did not want all the work we have done to move the town forward to vanish, with the school taking money away from the town. That is the reason I said to vote NO. Do I trust the people from Echo Hill, absolutely not. Do I have good reason, yes I do. Why do you suppose Ms. Wilder was pushing all of you to take money from the town? She knew what the results would be. Why do you think she wrote that tearful letter about her concern for the town workers, leaving you guys holding the bag?Looked like cover your butt time, for her!! At any rate, this is my opinion, our town workers, the people who had their hours cut, and worked doing as much for less, deserve to have the money they lost back, and the money they missed out on included with it. Oh give them just what the school people took! No way, At this point the school has given raises, no one has had to do with less, why should our town workers wait longer? I have what I want, now you guys can pound sand?? We need to do this for them, because this may be the only override that will pass for a good long time. It is clear as glass why this override needs to pass, that is why I will say vote yes now. My mother had a saying, "You made your bed, now lay in it." This is my opinion, Bev.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sign your real name if you want anyone to take what you say to heart.

  4. Oh, I will also say that 750,000 is a VERY reasonable amount..incase you might have thought I was saying else wise with my previous post...

    1. to Simpletonian, truth be known, from my point of view is this: I pressed for a no vote on the original override in hopes the school committee would take a second look at the district budget and perhaps compromise and slice a little bit off it. They did not and the conflicting mass. general laws came to light. One thing good was more chapt. 70 aid came to be so the Templeton assessment was lowered and the lowered amount passed at the joint town meeting. That battle is over for this year, period. Now since we have to ask for another override ballot question, my thought is perhaps it is a good time to ask for some additional monies to bring our town employees up a little on the pay scale. Since the number passed at JTM and things seemed to have calmed down, perhaps some additional monies could be sought. Yes this money was needed back in May but because of the way the whole school budget process began and how it seemed one former select person was working both sides of the street, well it was not the time to ask for more. As for sides or groups, I work for one, the taxpayers of Templeton, whether you believe that or not is up to you. Now on an issue that brings division, take the building on 252 Baldwinville road. Please ask yourself this question; why was a transaction for a building that was bought & paid for by taxpayer monies completed in an office rather than at an open public meeting of the selectmen? The authorization to sign a check and send it to the seller of the building was stamped and signed by 3 selectmen just as if they were signing off on buying office supplies. An email no less was stamped with lines for selectmen to sign. Should this have been done at a public meeting; ok people, we are completing the purchase of 252 for the amount of $399,000.00 and we are here tonight to vote on it and if passed, all selectmen will have the opportunity to sign off on it. This did not happen, why is that? Now since it is a building designed for manufacturing and not occupation by people and I believe it should be sold and put back on the tax rolls, apparently I am on this side and totally against that side. Again, I am trying to be on the side of the taxpayer. Hope that is an acceptable explanation on my position (s)

    2. "I pressed for a no vote on the original override in hopes the school committee would take a second look at the district budget and perhaps compromise and slice a little bit off it."

      Mr. Bennett, compromise means BOTH sides make concessions and meet in the middle. If only one party makes a concession than it's not a compromise.

      Constantly making the SC and NRSD out to be the bad guy that wouldn't "compromise" is only continuing to help keep our town divided. And when the leaders of this town are the ones using words like "compromise" incorrectly and purposely gives me no hope that we will ever be able to bring everyone together in the future.

      Just sayin

  5. Well said simpletonian775....thank you!! : )

  6. Great blog simpletonian775. I agree that it continues to be about the two groups. All the "echo hill gang" and "enough" statements are about driving me batty! Unfortunately the result of this is that the town is not able to move forward...I think maybe both sides get a kick out of zinging the other side. Again, this does not move the town forward...keeps it stuck in the past and continues to incite and divide. Just my opinion based on my opinion...I too am not a member of either group!

    1. I want both of you people to think about something, I am going to tell you. I have asked myself more times than I care to think about. Why bother trying to battle to keep the town out of the pit, that our friends at echo hill has dragged our town into. The answer is very simple. There is no end to this small but resilient bunch will do to drag the town down again. Simple as that. I have worked to hard to ever back down, because I know what will happen. Why do you think our friends have a problem with Julie? She is too smart, asks to many questions, and will not go away when they want her to. Why don't we have money in our free cash? Why don't we have the money Phillipston does? One hint, not our group, we did not do this. I will confess the only mistake the people in this town made was having trust, and or blind faith in the wrong people. The town will and was moving forward, this school situation did not help, but in the end if it brings you younger people out to have a good understanding of where we are, and where we need to go, we will be ok. Bev.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. To VOR, Simpletonian775, truth,

    The issue of the override isn't about two warring factions, unless you want it to be. You could just consider the facts. Like Mr. Bennett, I have always been on the side of the taxpayer. I have a deeply held belief that overseeing taxpayer money is a sacred trust. If I hear of a proposal or activity that betrays that trust, I'll let people know about it. And I will back up my position with FACTS.

    The override that is currently proposed is for the town. I strongly urged people to vote no for the school override. If people voted no enough times, then DESE would have stepped in and set the school budget. I truly believe DESE would NOT have given the school $691,000. I knew DESE would not recommend zero dollars either. BECAUSE the school committee and superintendent would not compromise, I felt a no vote was in the best interest of the town as a whole - for all 8,000 people. The result of that YES vote on August 22nd puts public safety at risk for everyone in Templeton.

    So now the Town of Templeton has the option of an override or 30% cuts to public safety.

    I will be posting information under a separate blog later today comparing town contracts vs. school contracts. I hope you take the time to read these contracts.

    Have a great day!

    1. So your going to continue to pit school v. town? Why instigate more trouble? You might as well title it, "Gang Rapers v. Farrells Old Folks."

    2. Puff it sounds like you are picking on the elderly now.

    3. Nope. Just Julie. Unless your calling her old

    4. Hnp
      Time to gather a sack of sighs and a flask of tears for you choose to wallow in your angst like Belinda.

    5. least be original, c'mon...

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. sorry folks for my tasteless comment I mean no disrespect and I would erase it if I could but lets pray for the little ones !!!

  9. OK Julie, let me ask you this; Why do you continue to alienate your biggest constinuency, parents(ie. taxpayers), when, once aware of the dire need for an override ( thanks to the SC), came out in force at the JTM & OVERWHELMINGLY passed the budget knowing full well that an override vote would follow & will support that? Nobody wants to lose services in town. That was the whole purpose. This town has needed to pass an override for years, & the only way to get that done is to make aware & involve the parents. Without the largest group in town voteing, there will never be new hwy equipment, or the public safety complex, or even better roads. Yet you continue to try to alienate us. Why is that?

    When this override passes, I hope all the people who get their hours & pay back remember to thank the School Committee.

    1. LMAO, We are IN this mess because of the actions the School Committee and others that work like them.

    2. No DO, WE are in this mess because the tax rate has been kept artificially low for too long, with no public oversight. Hopefully with more involvement, we can move forward.

    3. thank you huff n puff!! Julie will continue to play her little games, until the town votes her out!!!

  10. OK Puffy,

    Let me set the record straight. The need for an override has been apparent to many, including myself, for years. There has been public scrutiny and oversight of the actions of the BOS - not so much for the SC.

    How many overrides have passed since you first gained consciousness of Templeton politics? I'll venture a guess - NONE. There is a reason for that.

    The actions and votes of the school committee have alienated many voters in the Town of Templeton. I grew up with the belief that when I voted, my vote counted; it MATTERED. There are many voters in Templeton who labored under similar delusions. The actions and votes of the school committee have pissed off many voters in Templeton...the people who regularly vote and attend town meetings.

    You want me to thank the school committee? Here it is:

    Thank YOU NRSD Committee! Thank you, for your votes and actions that have placed public safety in jeopardy for 8,000 residents! Thank you for your total disregard of 2 NO VOTES at the ballot box. Thank you for royally pissing off the voters of Templeton while forcing a much-needed override on these same voters to PRESERVE PUBLIC SAFETY!

    Thank you school committee! Your vote to re-certify a budget on June 12th was a brilliant tactic! That vote set in motion the most irresponsible action I have seen in a long time (and that is saying something!) I feel it is irresponsible; I feel it is reprehensible to jeopardize public safety for 8,000 residents. The school committee took a gamble and that gamble may result in loss of public safety for Templeton.

    I suspect many people, including school committee members, were misled or duped in thinking this was the correct way to get an override for the town. I believe the methods used are a violation of the trust placed in elected officials; a violation to gamble with public monies and with public services at stake.

    I expect the full cooperation of the school community to pass this override. God help us, if this override does not pass.

    Please vote YES for the override. Please support the override.

    1. Very well said Julie, most of the town understands the whole story, with the exception of the Puffer and a few others.

    2. "How many overrides have passed since you first gained consciousness of Templeton politics? I'll venture a guess - NONE."

      Mrs. Farrell, just because someone has a different opinion than your own doesn't mean they don't understand the situation or haven't been involved for years. Please stop talking down to voters that have a different opinion than you. You make yourself look bad by doing so and you continue to keep the town divided.

      If everyone, including the leaders of our town, would STOP dwelling on the past and inserting their own opinion of the situation as FACT, then we might be able to actually move forward.

      Today is not yesterday or 3 months ago or 5 years ago. Today is September 9, 2013. So let's start looking to the future, put aside our personal opinions, work together and move FORWARD for the good of the whole town.

      And please, once and for all, stop talking to us (as in those of us that have a differing opinions than yours) as if we're children that need a scolding. We've heard all your opinions loud and clear...we just don't agree.

      Just sayin

    3. Thanks for the story Julie, but you still never answered my question. Why do you alienate us?

      Also, I dont want you to say thank you, you already make more than enough money. I want the townspeople who get their hours & pay back to say thank you. They deserve this.

    4. Oh my, hnp, just how short sighted can you be? You have alienated yourselves! The same goes for Taking it back. Julie is right about the things she said. Just because you did not have the intelligence to figure that your move to fix the town, just might fall apart, then who has to pick up the pieces? My guess is the Selectmen. How far will you people run? It is not the job of the School Committee to make the town right. It is the job of the School Committee to work with the town, and they failed. You do not want to be "talked down to", then you should have listened to the people who tried to tell you many times not to put the other town departments in the position they are in now. Your actions put this town in very dire straights. Once again, the past is with us every day, because all that the town needs and does is effected by the debt we owe, and the deals that were made, not in the best interest of the tax payers. To ignore the past is like paying bills with a empty check book. The people in this town, who do not write on this blog are very angry. Your doing will show when they vote. The increased tax rate touches every person in this town. The people who have money and those who do not. Nothing takes away their right to vote. It will all come out in the wash. Bev.

    5. Bev; unlike Julie, you were there at the JTM. The voters OVERWHELMINGLY approved the budget. Even without Phillipston it wouldnt have been close. How is that shortsighted? Instead of trying to keep things quiet & only getting certain "folks" to vote, the SC involved the whole town. How can more voters possibly be a bad thing? Oh, I know, because you didnt get your way. Stop kicking your feer & appreciate the fact that this town will finally be able to get something done.

    6. Wow. You really are in your own fantasy world. You seem to think you and a chosen few are the saviors that Templeton has been waiting for. FACT is, where the hell you been the last ten or so years. Thank god for people like Jeff and Julie who care about my wallet as much as theirs.
      Huff. And Puff, the name fits you like a glove.

    7. Nice story Mrs.Farrell.... you are forgetting something, just because you think it is true doesn't make it FACT!! just look at your fluoride & conspiracy joe but thank you for assuming you are smarter than the taxpayers!

  11. huff and puff you are on FIRE this week!! Solid points front to back!good stuff
