Friday, September 6, 2013

Selectman: Town must prioritize business

Selectman: Town must prioritize business

Officials supportive, but cite prior efforts
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — With a Proposition 2 1/2 override likely to go before voters following approval of an increase in the town’s contribution to the Narragansett Regional School District, Selectman Kenneth Robinson says the community must prioritize drawing businesses to support its tax base.

“We have to focus on how to get out of this for the long term so we can stop arguing about being broke,” he said. “I just wish we hadn’t gotten into the situation of needing this override.”

Mr. Robinson said Templeton has positive attributes — such as a relatively low tax rate of $14.12 per $1,000 of assessed property value and highway proximity — that the town should be marketing. 

“Businesses should be begging to come to Templeton,” he said. 

“What is under our control is how much positive, responsible business we have in town to reduce our tax burden. I’m talking about consumer-based business like a grocery store — there are none in this area — (or) like a distribution house for Walmart in Gardner or a Target or Trader Joe’s.”

While stating support for Mr. Robinson’s initiative, Planning Board Chairman Kirk Moschetti pointed out that efforts have been made for years to bring commercial development to a location off Route 2’s exit 19.

“Myself and several others have been working on it for over five years,” he said.

Plans to construct a 270,000-square-foot development at that site were announced in October 2010, but the project has since stalled.

The select board has unanimously agreed to draft a letter to send out to local businesses, highlighting the town’s willingness to work with them.


  1. I do not think that the exit 19 project has stalled. I think it has been blocked from happening by someone who does not want it in their backyard. Is there or is there not some sort of law suit from a resident claiming that the replication of wetlands on the property will affect some kind of wildlife?

  2. Templeton has a 12 thousand sq. ft. commercial building on 3 acres for sale with virtually instant on off access to route 2. A building made for manufacturing rather than for occupation of people.

  3. The problem is that this is not a quick fix. In order to draw a business to town you need to offer incentives like tax breaks for several years. Other towns offer these and have economic development divisions dedicated to offer businesses what they need. As a former business owner I ask, why should I start or relocate a business here? If you read the paper and look at possible places to establish a business wouldn't you think of other surrounding areas. Areas that have a dedicated business location that are begging for you to move there? If the tax rate is lower with a stable government that is not advocating for a high business tax to cover their budget shortage, I would move my operation there instead of Templeton. In fact I was giving serious thought to opening a business and Gardner , Athol and Winchendon looked like better choices. I hate to say it but the reality is that the surrounding areas all have better more stable options for a startup or relocating business. The only thing the 252 Baldwinville road has to offer is a site Where I have to pay to tear down a useless building, Pay to haul away who knows what from that site. Then put up a prefab, up to code office building. Add to that, that I know for sure my taxes will be sky high and will continue to increase. Not to mention what looks like an out of control system that can spend more that it can take in. How many houses are vacant that this town is counting on for the tax base? Looks like people are moving out and that trend will continue. This will only decrease all property values, including my new building. That's from a business prospective not from a dream factory where someone thinks voting to raise taxes will attract business. I hate again to say it but this plan sounds flawed.

    1. 252 is a useless building if you want a building to house people. It is a good building for manufacturing, warehouse or industrial use and there is route 2 access that is closer than those other cities towns you mention. Remember too, it seems every time there is a business who wants to come to Templeton, there are a few who say not here. Mclean treatment, exit 19 and dunkin donut in Baldwinville. So here again, people must decide what they want and they seem to say they want business until that business shows up then it is all no no no. Also remember the very large fee system that was in place when exit 19 project began and the big retailer ended up down the road in Athol because of one low fee and other better options. Just like people say to selectmen, sell town surplus property then when we begin to do it, they come yelling what are you doing, do not sell that one, blow 4 million dollars on it to house people. But just so you know, 252 is for sale

    2. The Exit 19 project - The Templeton Mall project- is a good project. The drawback for that project is a septic system. The developer originally proposed that the town would take over the operation of septic system. After a review of the pitfalls of that idea, the next proposal was to apply for a MassWorks grant to connect the site to the town's WWTP. The grant proposed extending the sewer line from Templeton Center, down Patriots Road to the site of the proposed mall. The estimated cost was in the 8-9 million dollar range and was not selected as a MassWorks project. The town does not have resources to fund this sewer extension. The Sewer Commissioners have to deal with the DEP consent order issues at the treatment plant. I think it will be a long time before there are any requests for a sewer extension in Templeton.

      252 Baldwinville has town sewer and town water and excellent access to route 2. I agree with Mr. Bennett that it is a good building for manufacturing, or industrial use. It is not an appropriate building for office space. I believe the best option for the town is to sell 252 Baldwinville Rd and put it back on the tax roll. Baldwinville Rd is the trunk line for the Mass Broadband project. in my opinion, high speed broadband is another selling point for 252 Baldwinville Rd.

      In summary, Templeton is open for business.

    3. With all due respect to both of you. Manufacturing at 252 will encounter the same issue that the town has with the property. It is not up to current standards and code. It would cost more to bring it up to code than to tear it down. It could then be replaced with an up to code steel building that is not a quarter of a century old. If someone purchases this property their is a possible liability issue to the new owner. You would be responsible for what previous owner have possibly put their. Unless you can forgive them of that why take a chance? We need a mechanism in place to mitigate that risk. If you check with the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)The town can establish a reuse committee That can waiver such risks to potential new owners. This would help with sites such as the Baldwinville paper mill (Asbestos and other contaminants) and The Temple Stuart property (contaminated with PCB's). That mechanism is not in place in this town at this time. These things needed to happen a while ago. Warehouse use lets look at that. Why would I not want a warehouse near where I need it? Like the places I mentioned? They have the stores that would need to be restocked so why not put it there?

      Business that would be dependent on Massbroadband123 is an office type of business. Massbroadband will help our town by providing high speed internet to town buildings, or community anchor sites (Police, Fire, schools, senior center)That should reduce or eliminate the fees we now pay for these services. For business it will allow a internet service provider to sell services to business and residents. Again this would be ideal for The office type of business and not necessarily manufacturing business owners. As far as an ideal off route 2 access. It would be in a or travel thru a residential area. I want to bring up how much more would it cost to drive a truck from route 2 to route 140 to the Winchendon industrial park. The answer is not that much. The overall cost would be less to build on a clean site. We would not be the only place to offer high speed internet. The Broadband project is a 1200 mile fiber optic network. It will utilize wireless technology to get to areas that are not easily connected by fiber. This negates the trunk line argument. Again try as we might, what types of manufacturing might we attract? I question why not go elsewhere as a business owner? Overall manufacturing has been in a steady decline across the US. The public wants to pay less and manufacturing that can and is being done off US soil is the trend to deliver these products. I would love to help the town and buy the 252 property. It is not a sound business decision. I think we would be better served by tearing it down and finding out how much a prefab town office would cost. AT least we could cut some of the losses. We would not have to worry if the new road would in fact handle large heavy Tractor Trailers. From what I see the spec is for lighter traffic. I could be wrong about that but it looks like that was the design for the current work on Baldwinville road.

  4. With the planning board's selfless leadership the like of which other towns must be in envy (tongue in cheek) is it any wonder that the Exit 19 project will someday become the "Field of Dreams" shopping mall of central Massachusetts. Although many in that area are under the belief that the Moschetti cartel are just in it for self profit and self interest those who know the legacy of this clan hope otherwise, not. Stay tuned, if there is a buck to be made these guys will find it. Back at exit 20 Selectman Robinson will continue to be a force to be reckoned with getting 252 Baldwinville Road back on the market and safely on the tax bracket should he ever decide whose camp he wishes to reside in.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Making Money is such a terrible thing ! Im sorry that I tried to help the town with the tax base that this mall would create , and lets not forget the jobs . Once again I am Sorry .However there is one thing that we do agree on , YOUR NAME JOKER !!!

  5. Now that you brought up the subject of exit 19.Can someone look up who actually owns the project. Because I heard it has been sold over and over many times,and Kirk has not owned it for many years no matter what he says

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