Tuesday, October 29, 2013

BOS Meeting Oct 28, 2013

BOS Meeting Oct 28, 2013

The first item discussed was a major drainage issue brought to the board’s attention. Homeowner Jennifer O’Dea brought many pictures and a plan to address the flooding on her property, which occurs every time there is significant rain.

After much discussion, the board asked Bud to put some numbers together on the cost of installing a larger drainage pipe under Lord Rd. It seems this drainage problem has been an issue for many years.

Discussion on the drainage issue stopped for the bid opening scheduled for 7:00 pm. Despite the interest of over 8 parties, no bids were returned. The board voted to explore other legal options to surplus the building at 252 Baldwinville Rd.

In other business, Pat Gale was appointed to the Cultural Council. Pat Gale is the editor of Johnny Appleseed Country Guide.

The board voted to waive the building permit fees ($105) for the Fire department to make much-needed repairs to 2 School St and Station 1.

A number of light department contracts over $5,000 have been made available as requested by the BOS many months ago. The board is waiting on contracts over $5,000 from the water department according to MGL C. 164 Section 56C.

After discussion regarding town employee hours, the topic was tabled until the November 12, 2013 BOS meeting.

In other news, the Open Meeting violation filed by Isaac Matson has been closed.

The Gilman-Waite playground dedication is scheduled for this Saturday at 1 pm.

The Indoor Tag sale at East Templeton Elementary School is scheduled for this Saturday as well beginning at 8 am!

My opinions … supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. I forgot to mention the discussion about the plow for the highway department. Bud has been authorized to purchase a plow from Snow & Ice at the best possible price.

    1. This was a good meeting, compared to what has gone on in the past. A group of people working for the benefit of everyone. What a relief, for a change. It is hard for me to believe anyone could get into a spot like Ms.O'dea did. It is a shame that people do not react sooner when they find property they bought is a huge lemon. Sounds like she should have given it back to the bank, but it is to late now. I hope she can find a solution, but it does not sound likely. What is that old saying? "Buyer beware!" If it sounds to good to be true, there is something wrong somewhere. I just hope she does not sell it to anyone else. No bids on 252, what a surprise !! I wonder if that rumor I heard about someone being threatened because they were going to bid on it, was true?? Maybe they saw the deterioration of the blocks that others could see? Sounds to me like we have our own 400,000.+ lemon on our hands. A building that is too expensive to tear down, or fix and not in good enough shape to use. I know a person who dragged a really old camper to their lot at the club. It was one of those early camping trailer with little windows, and not in the best of shape in a good day. I think it missed the turn to the junk yard, anyway they put it on the lot and in the next few years built a camp around it. They ended up building a good building, but they still have that junkie trailer inside !! So we could have been in the same boat if we had built a new building with 252 as it stands. I know Dana could have made it look good but it would have still had a flat roof, leading to leaks if it did not cave in with a heavy snow load. Dennis O"Brien said now that the project would have been "grandfathered", but they did not say that then. I guess what I am saying is you can put lipstick on a pig, but it still is a pig. Lets stick a for sale sign on it, and hope for the best, sooner or later people will look our way when land gets scarcer down the road. I was glad to see Pat.Gale get appointed to the Cultural Council. She does a lot of work for St.Martins Church and is a very talented lady. Good for you Pat!! Don't forget to attend the tag sale in E.T. sponsored by the Seniors. They had some really nice things for sale. People can take a few minutes to look around the building. It belongs to us, so see for yourself, and let me know what you think about using this for our town hall. Have a good day, enjoy the sun. and be glad you live in such a nice town. Bev.
