Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Citizens4Templeton ...Thank you, Templeton!

 Citizens4Templeton ...Thank you, Templeton!

Helping out Templeton and her people is what we do at C4T. With your help we all did that over the weekend.

No way could I sit by while my brothers were down and do nothing. When Bud Chase asked if C4T could put something together the morning we all talking about Mark and Marty. I looked at him and said if it were up to only me I would have to say yes . After 4 days and asking 6 members it only took 4 or 5 more to call and the 1st gear was shifted.

Soon after that I knew we had the pigs from Bob Mitchell and now needed to get them a roaster. It only took 4 words when I went to see Matthew LeClerc at Valley View Farm,Matt “I need your help”.Done! Next to see Adams farm to slaughter the pigs. Done! Thanks ! Bob Adams is the towns mechanic and set us up with the pigs journey to the dinner table.

Next was a quick stop off at Royers catering  a talk with Tom and Luanne Royer was like they knew I was coming. Anything I was to ask of anyone was granted, From the food to the DONATIONS, all at a no cost to the C4T group. Donation after Donation were enough to bring anyone to their knees to thank the man in charge. As my first major event of this type and the people it was for it made me put an extra effort into it so I may have got a “little” into it.

When I look back and see what the C4T group has done for Templeton and the people we help out I feel more can be done as we move forward. Templeton can do the same thing this small group has done. We bring the people here together to help each other out. I just had one of the most rewarding weekends of my life to see the guys there and having a great time as we helped their situation’s with support both financially and emotionally. I hold my head high and can’t think of anything I would do any differently.

All the Donors from business and individuals were second to none, when asked they wanted to hear the story about the 2 guys they knew. Even the Templeton Fish and Game Club came in at no charge when I asked Norman Leger about waiving the $75.00 fee. I already did Dave he said.

I quickly got started to make out the request  letter for donations and hand delivered them to all business in Templeton and some other vendors used by the town departments and soon the donations were showing up at the P.O. Box 222 down the street from my house.  Every day I checked more were there, calls came in to pick up gifts and some times when I would drop them we at odds about town matters, would talk and find common ground to build from, settle and move on for the good of the town would be the tone when I left.

This turned out to be more than a donation mission, far more was going on all around me as I went from business to business. I spent a lot of time talking about Mark and Marty and also Templeton. As this was getting to be a learning experience of the behind the scene in Templeton. Unless one hears both side of a situation you have a hard time knowing the way people think how things should be. I for one know I’m not perfect and in my travel have yet to find anyone who is. I think that fact is one we all share and can help each other with .

This event has the credit for healing not just for Mark’s and Marty’s families but Templeton as a whole. All departments were there to make this a whole town function. With over 220 meals served and $9,000.00 after expense raised for the families to split I couldn’t in my wildest dreams expect a better result, WOW! Over 2,500.in prizes, Free Bands, Free Food, Free gifts, Free Club, Easily this event could be called a total success.

This was not work for me and as I tell people who thank me it was a pleasure to do for the men I can call brothers. I can’t thank the C4T group enough for the support and help with anything I asked for. When we do things we all step up and get thing to work out together with UNITY. We make the decisions We choose what WE want to do as a group. I’m proud to be part of the C4T group and will work to better Templeton and help the people most in need. A special thanks to Jean at the Highway barn for her help and also Mark Anderson our new temp. who has brought the whole team/family in on this event. Mark and family are a shining example of people who care and step up when they see a need, if you ask you receive.

I look forward to welcome any and all who wish to help and be part of C4T. It is Templeton after all! Lets Rebuild her “TOGETHER”  STRONGER + BETTER.  THANKS!

Shareholder, Dave Smart 



  1. This truly was a great event,but I have said that already. Looking forward, I have been thinking about the possibility of having a big once a year fund raiser, very much like Westminster does. I would like to include other groups in town and maybe do something like the block dance we had for the town's anniversary. That would make it easier on the small businesses who get hit for donations time and time again. We will work on that after we get through this election and special town meeting. Again thank you for giving, attending and working on this wonderful event. Bev.

  2. This was a special event. Many people gathering together to support each other. Awesome job Dave for putting all the pieces together.
