Friday, October 4, 2013

Impact of 30% Budget Cuts

Impact of 30% Budget Cuts

Please support public safety.



  1. No empty threats, no joke, the real deal. I have talked with a number of people who have conflicting feelings about this override..I am afraid that they are so angry with the school that they think voting no will send them a message.I have had to explain that a no vote does not hurt the school. If anyone is upset with the way this worked out, they need to talk to the School Committee members, or Ms. Miller. The School Committee members are supposed to work for us, but I think that part of the job has been lost along the way. The Selectmen have no say on how the school does their budget. The law gave the school the right to override all four of the votes people had given saying NO. This was because people did not attend the two town meeting, to vote again. All of that is water over the dam for this year. Now we have to figure out how to replace the money that the school took. That means we need to fill the hole, or ride over it until next May. Voting No will not hurt the school because they have what they wanted. Voting No will hurt everyone else and we may lose more than anyone gains. Watch what you wish for, it may come back to bite you in the end. Bev.

  2. Vote YES because it's for the good of us all. I hope when we elect School Committee members they have the best interest of our school and children at heart as that is the job they are elected to do. I hope when we elect Selectman/Women they have the good of the town at heart because that is what they are supposed to do. No personal gain, no pet projects, just doing what is best for our citizens. Better communication has been started and let's keep it going. More involvement has begun and let's keep that going. Voting NO will not hurt the schools budget and it will hurt the town and in the long run it will again hurt the school and then the will keep going. This is a good place to start as the BOS has said we have needed an override for years.

    Remember when you read the ballot question it says for the regional schools AND for municipal government ~ voting NO will only force us to make significant cuts...the school has their budget. Please explain this to your neighbors, friends and family.

    Vote yes to preserve all of our town services, senior center and library. Vote yes to move our town in a positive direction. Vote yes to save jobs for our town employees that have homes and families to support. We took a lot away from them over the years and it's time to step up and give them back their livelihood and hours. They are not even asking for raises, they need to keep their jobs.

    Imagine trying to get homes sold and new business to come here with such limited resources. It will stall and we will become a ghost town over time. It's sad and we need to stop the losses here. Thank you everyone for all the service you are dedicated to providing her in our town. We appreciate you and a YES vote will solidify that.

  3. Sorry but you still have not convinced me that this is the only way. I will VOTE NO ON ANY OVERRIDE

  4. Everyone has to vote thier heart and conscience and if a no vote for you is right them that is the way it should be. I just wanted to be sure we have all the information.

  5. Please VOTE YES on October 15th

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton

    Please attend the STM on October 23rd
