Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 30, 2013 BOS Meeting

September 30, 2013 BOS Meeting

SHINE Petition –

Discuss began abut a petition that has been signed by area COA Directors about the change in policy regarding Templeton employees providing SHINE services to seniors in area communities.

The new COA SHINE policy is to ensure that our staff at the Council on Aging serves Templeton Seniors during the hours he/she is working for the town.

Ed Roth, Director of Central Mass SHINE Program , provided some guidance on the SHINE program to the area directors that signed the petition.

The BOS voted to send a letter endorsing and supporting the policy and actions of our new COA director, Bethany Loveless, regarding this issue.

Back Bay Mortgage Subordination Agreement –

After discussion, the BOS voted to sign the mortgage subordination agreement for a property on which the town had a lien. The subordination places the mortgage company first, the town second as lien holders on the property.

This action was taken so the property owners could procure a reverse mortgage in order to remain in their home. The unfortunate alternative is another vacant property in Templeton; as well as an elderly couple without a home.
Sale of East Templeton Town Building-

This agenda item was added by the Chairman, so that all town property is treated the same. Possibly have an Open House so residents can look at the property and decide for themselves if it is worth saving or selling.

Some people in attendance felt the building was an asset; it didn’t owe us anything; it was perfect size for a town hall as ore and more town business is conducted virtually. Other people stated that the Town  should get a handle on its debt before incurring more debt for new building projects.

Other communities have tried to sell vacant town properties; there has bee little interest in those properties. There are informal estimates that it would cost $100,000 to tear the building down.

The property is in a village zone. The building could be re-purposed for a residential/office space. Some residents wanted to know if the rent we were paying at 690 Patriots Rd. could be used to improve the East Templeton building.

The BOS tabled discussion on this topic until its Thursday October 17th meeting. The Advisory Board will provide more information on options for East Templeton.

Discussion to Create a Town Buildings Committee –

The BOS voted to create a Town Building Assessment Committee to assess all town buildings. The composition of the committee will be 2 members of the BOS, 1 member of Capital Planning Committee, 1 member of the Planning Board 1 community member and Town Coordinator to be appointed until June 30, 2014 and annually after that if needed.

The purpose of this committee will be to make an assessment of all town buildings- Police, cemetery, Elm St., proposed portables, 2 modular units remaining from Senior Center and make a 3-5 plan to look at future possibilities for these parcels.

STM Warrant October 23, 2013 –

There will be 6 warrant articles on the STM warrant, four of which are citizen petitions.

A clean copy of the warrant will be posted at later date.

Announcements –

COA yard Sale Saturday October 5th

Petition to call for an election to fill the vacancy on BOS – will be on agenda October 17th

Agricultural Commission proposal regarding Animal Inspector will be on agenda October 17th

DPU Hearing regarding increase in electric rates for residential customers in Massachusetts.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

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