Wednesday, October 2, 2013






10/2/13 6:30 PM @ NRHS KIVA

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Get more information about Departments affected by cuts!

(Police Officers and Highway workers laid off; 1ful time COA employee laid off; weekend EMS coverage gone; loss of Library certification - Just to name a few --manu other Departments will experience extreme cuts...)



Find out what a "YES" or  a "NO" Vote on October 15th will cost you as a Tax Payer or Resident


Impact of 30% Budget Cuts




  1. This is a important meeting for people that want the true facts about what this override will mean to them and their family. Incorrect information has been passed around as "the truth" by people who try to push the idea that these are empty threats. This is the chance to listen to Department Heads who are planning what will be left for them to work with, if the override does not pass. Ask a neighbor to attend with you so when you vote, both of you will have enough information to make a good decision. Bev.

  2. It still looks like it will be a hard sell for the override vote. People I have talked to overwhelmingly do not support a permanent increase in the tax rate. Oddly enough most are open to a one time surcharge or one year increase to support the town (I am not sure if surcharge is the correct term). The question is would it be possible to place 2 options on the ballot for voters to consider? I do think that another option would increase the likelihood of getting the extra funds that the town needs.

    1. Being a resident of Templeton all my life and struggling to make ends meet. I would probably "vote "yes if the increase was temporary for one year... I am not comfortable voting for a permanent over ride until I see that there is a concrete plan in place to get this town moving forward again and our elected officials have regained our trust and confidence that they are doing everything in their power to do what's best for our town and it's inhabitants... Yes, Jim I do agree with you that it is a good idea to put both options on the ballot else I'm afraid that the over ride will be voted down.

    2. Jim, a debt exclusion would be a "one time" charge, but that cannot be done for operating expenses same as when we asked that for the school budget. It will be a shame the override does not pass as these are not empty threats they are the facts of what we will lose in this town including a senior center that will sit empty as they cannot operate. Come to the informational meeting and consider all the facts. Please vote YES to preserve public safety and the wonderful programs that this town already has in place. We've lost some great town employees throughout the years of budget cuts and in my opinion we cannot afford to continue living in this type of environment. It will be up to us as the legislative body to help ensure the funds go to where we want them to and they are managed correctly. This is what I am hearing in the street also. Thank you all for sharing your concerns and opinions as its' helpful to all to know each side of the vote.

    3. I know this is not the best situation we could be in, and it just drives me nuts, because if the people in our town had attended the last town meeting and voted, we would not be in this position right now. Gone are the days when you could vote once a year and be done with budgets and that would be that. The school has needs and want's and there is a big difference between the two. I do not think they had to take all the money we had, but they did, so we still have a town to run, yes you and me. As taxpayers, you have a say in what goes on in the business of running the town, but if you do not show up, or you don't vote, that power is lost. The parents of the children that attend our public schools have a say in how the school is run. These people could have negotiated with the School Committee and Ms.Miller to have her eliminate something else in the school budget so she would leave the afternoon sports alone. This would have eliminated her desire to take all of the town's money, at least for a while. The town is now in the position of having to make cuts if this override does not pass. This will hurt all of us with no exceptions. I know how hard it is for some people who can barely make it as it is, so I think everyone has to weigh the facts, and make their own decisions. I do not care who is sitting in the chair as a selectman, by law the town is only allowed to spend so much money. Our debt level is high due to decisions previous administrations made and the way things were funded. I am hoping the next time the schools come looking for money, they will be willing to compromise so we do not put ourselves in this mess again. Our public service people are important, don't let anyone else kid you. If there is a accident or a fire, I want the road plowed and someone on duty so hope will come to anyone that lives in our town. Bev.

  3. I would think that the school should also be considered in these cuts, they are part of the town. I know thats not an option. But no one has changed my mind I will still VOTE NO ON ANY OVERRIDE until the town has it's act together, rather the BOS and Advisory Board. When the school, the BOS and the Advisory Board can learn to live as one symbiotic group we will always have this problem in town.

    1. The cards are on the table,it's all part of the show,they really don't have a plan together,so I am still voting NO.

    2. As things are now, the schools in our state play by different rules. They have a advantage the towns do not have, as there is no limit as to what they can spend, We are not the only town with this problem as a number of towns are in the same spot, so I am hoping things will change. A friend of mine said something about the Superintendent when we were at the Craft Fair. He said "she was not a townie, like some of the other guys were." I think he meant she does not have a relationship with the town in general, because if she did, she would have handled things differently. I guess all we can do is the best we can. I do not want any of the workers we have in town hurt, because they work hard for us and don't deserve to be punished, when they did nothing wrong.

    3. As things are now, the schools in our state play by different rules. They have a advantage the towns do not have, as there is no limit as to what they can spend, We are not the only town with this problem as a number of towns are in the same spot, so I am hoping things will change. A friend of mine said something about the Superintendent when we were at the Craft Fair. He said "she was not a townie, like some of the other guys were." I think he meant she does not have a relationship with the town in general, because if she did, she would have handled things differently. I guess all we can do is the best we can. I do not want any of the workers we have in town hurt, because they work hard for us and don't deserve to be punished, when they did nothing wrong.

    4. Bev, Chief LaPorte is also not a "townie" and does that mean he does not have the town's best interests at heart? Ruth Miller has OUR children in that school every single day and they are a part of our town. She has a relationship with parents in OUR town. The school employees and town employees both deserve our respect and our YES vote. They are not being punished. This is what separates us.

    5. I think there is a big difference between our Fire Chief and Ms. Miller. One thing is the has a understanding of the finances of this town. Our rescue is making money, and will make more when they get certified. The money that we do not get every time Woods is called will go to the town, as a result they will pay for their way. Why on earth would a administrator go for every cent the town has, when it was no secret there were no extra funds available?

    6. Bev, thanks for that update. Have you personally spoken to her? Have you gone to the school to see what is needed? I hope they both have an understanding of the finances in this town AND the school. They both have best interests of the citizens, children of this town at heart otherwise why would they be here? I helped to bring that budget all the way to the joint town meeting where that budget passed knowing full well what the impact was to the town and I would do it again because it was needed and they could have kept the additional funds they received and they did not. The school committee is elected to work in the best interests of the district and the Selectboard for the town correct? I completely agree there needs to be more communication as that is what everyone is complaining about. The school needed those funds and the town needs these funds and there is way to much misinformation out there because people will not go and speak for themselves to the folks that are right on top of things.

  4. VOTE NO We made it thru last year with shorter hours so why can't we do it this year, has something changed. I believe the school should get its monies for the education of the kids. But adding pay raises for town employees at this time is wrong. Still voting NO until the BOS and Advisory Board get it right

    1. Halfway - too bad you did not look at the NRSD budget as critically as you look at the Templeton budget.

      Something HAS changed. Templeton received a downgrade in our credit rating from one of the major agencies. That requires action, which in this case is to restore hours cut from the departments who assess property, who collect taxes on that property and who disburse town funds. Seems to me that this is a reasonable step. "Just sayin' "

  5. Halfway your facts are all wrong and there are no pay raises being given. The replaced hours for the employees cut for the last 2 years are what your mistaking for raises. Get what right?A no vote will cut 10+ jobs and put Templetons residents at a safety risk. Do you even understand what is at risk?
    The meeting tonight had a very poor turn out. Lets hope people want to watch it from home so they can make the right choice

  6. Probably a poor turn out because voters know what they are gonna do. Most everyone I talk to will be VOTING NO along with me. There is no guarantee that the school won't do this to us again next year and since our BOS have not been able to open up the best relationship with the school why should the school work with them.Heck the Superintendent doesn't live in Templeton so it has no personal affect on her at all.


    1. Hi Not Dumb Enough. This is the exact feeling we are trying so hard to avoid. Us and Them attitude. I cannot recall a time when there was a good relationship with the BOS and the school and if there was one what happened and why have not lessons been learned? It does not matter whether or not Ruth Miller lives in town or not, she is an educator and not unlike the teachers these are her children, teachers, admin and faculty she is responsible for every single day whether school is in session or not. What happens in this town does have a personal affect on her. Does the Fire Chief live in town? I don't believe he does, but would we ever say what happens here does not affect him? Of course not, our very LIVES affect him. He speaks highly of Templeton and it does not matter that he doesn't live here. We affect him and his crew. As a school supporter I am going to ensure that I am looking at the budget (again) and looking at how things are done and I would be very angry if this happened again next year, but remember costs go up. I am also going to look harder at the town budget as I have definitely been lacking there. I believe not unlike you that people do know how they are going to vote and I hope that everyone sees the consequences that will come from a no vote. Unsafe streets because we are short staffed in our police department, roads that are not cared for throughout the year, especially winter in a timely fashion, reliance on the state police, a library that would most likely have to close, a senior center that there is no one to go there because their budget is cut, a short handed fire and EMT staff that our very lives depend upon, the CERT office would close and we are mainly volunteer to help the town, how about during the winter when the ambulance cannot get up a driveway and there is no one from the cemetery or highway barn to quickly come to assist? These are just a few. This town has needed an override for years to catch up. Oh and not to mention all the people that are being laid off have homes and families that count on their pay? We are setting them up to fail, we will fail them and we are a community .. UNITY. Why would the school work with the town? Because we are not just for the school, we live here, we are neighbors and friends and family and this town is depending on us to get out the word and vote YES to help them. I see your points. We should have a long term game plan, you are right. We should have it laid out in writing knowing it could be subject to change because of economic times and things change and I firmly believe we are getting there. Without this override we won't stand a chance in getting there because we will be dealing with a crisis. We have dedicated town employees and they have taken large hits especially this last year. Please, let's get them their hours back, they are not asking for raises...they are asking to keep their jobs. Let's band together and save what we have and work going forward to ensure the mismanagement you all speak of doesn't happen again and ensure we all participate in the process of fiscal responsibility. Please vote yes to preserve our community.

  7. Please VOTE YES

    Preserve public safety in Templeton

  8. Tell me whats at risk, Seems like we have to many on the payroll now. The towns a business and we have to do with less in today's economy. Not do all these needless projects. VOTE NO I have to do with less, the town does to VOTE NO

  9. Thanks Diane. Halfway did you get any of that and what is it you don't understand about this now? Some day anyone of us could be directly in need of the services we cut with a no vote. I don't want to be the one that says we told you so!
    Open minded and with vision we will pass this override and after that we will all need to get involved to make this town a better place to keep living safely!
    Preserve Public Safety!
    Vote Yes Please!

  10. What services, plowing the cemetery's on overtime ,sweeping of roads with 6 pieces of equipment, sanding the roads with gravel, mowing the common when it does not need it, and maybe not spend monies on fixing junk. Also I forgot the scare tactic that the roads won't be plowed, give me a break they will be plowed

  11. Halfway, there is no way to change your mind just like there is no way to change mine. We are separated on this issue along with many others and that is what is great about a democratic society, we can vote how we see fit. Of course the plowing will get done and and the cemeteries mowed as that is a requirement. Departments will manage with the cuts as they are dedicated and have thought of the town first which is very admirable. Many employees have been here a long time and they have families to support and we keep taking away their livelihood. Once it's gone it won't come back and it's a shame. It will take longer as we will lose personnel needed to do the job. The town will vote where the cuts are made if it does not pass at the special town meeting. These are proposed cuts based on the Advisory Board's recommendations, but in the end WE the people say what will be cut. Perhaps we cut all the small departments to keep the bigger departments? Perhaps we cut more from Fire and EMT and keep the police? Maybe we cut more from the highway and keep the other services? It's our call, but in the end it's not a good place to be in for any department, personnel or the town as a whole. I said it at the town hall meeting and I will say it here, some people are putting their homes on the market as it's taking a better turn, but many are leaving because they are are concerned they services will not be there and safety and stability are important to families. That is what I hear and that is my opinion only, not fact. There are 42 single family homes on the market and 15 under agreement and the days on market is growing again as people are not coming in to purchase. This is not good news and that is fact. I can appreciate all your concerns and comments and I am only stating mine.

  12. Diane - it appears that the new houses on Baptist Common sold quickly. Could the "days on market" be more of a problem for existing homes? Meaning, even if people want to move to Templeton, maybe they are going with new homes.

  13. I've read that people will vote no because they want to see a plan in place for the town operations. Well, I am very confused by that statement as there is a plan and it has been in place for a couple of years now. If you go to the town website, click on the Advisory Board's page. Read their FY13 and FY14 goals. Read their meeting minutes. Its all there. If you want to see the BOS plan, go read the 2009 DOR report. The state came here and evaluated town operations and gave their recommendations to improve the towns financial health. All of the suggestions have been implemented or are in the works. The town has replaced all of their financial officers. The town has adopted a better accounting system and software. The town is reviewing insurance policies (which is one of the biggest drains on town finances). The town cut spending over the past two years to bare bones in order to live within our means. The town has pursued new avenues of income through grants and other funding. The communication has improved. The town has started reviewing dept budgets way earlier in the process. More citizens have come forward to volunteer their time and skill. More citizens have participated in the meetings and have offered solutions. So, I ask these people what else do you demand to see happen beyond these measures? I have witnessed more fiscal responsibility and planning over the past two years than I've ever seen before!

    I love my town. I love my neighbors. I appreciate my town employees who have worked tirelessly with sub par equipment, little pay, hostile work environments and little thanks. I appreciate my town officials who have worked so hard to solve the problems and made unpopular decisions all for the greater good of the community. No one wants to raise their own taxes and lose more money out of their pocket. But, when it comes down to preserving the basic operations of their community, then its the responsible thing to do. I vote yes to protect myself. I vote yes to protect my neighbor. I vote yes to maintain equity in my property. I vote yes because I feel an obligation to think outside of myself. I vote yes because I will be able to sleep at night knowing I tried to help, not hurt.

    1. Amen. I know I have used the lack of of a plan wording and that means many things to me. I will try to articulate a bit better what I mean by that. Your words ring true. Thanks for them.

  14. Mark, that land sat there for a long time and those are presold homes. The homes at Cook Pond just started selling again and they were much smaller and much less expensive. There are many variables here in town. I hear many things and I see many things that influence our market. I was only stating what I see right now. I have heard many say if they could sell they would, but they are upside down. I pray the override passes.

    1. Thanks for your insight Diane. I have heard of situations (not this situation) where people could not sell their home because the developer was selling new homes for less than people owed on the earlier homes in the development. IMO, a home is not an investment, it is a liability. You need to live somewhere, and you get the most freedom if you own where you live. A first home isn't counted in determining net worth for a reason. Too many people got swept up in speculation, prices were inflated by a frenzy that swept people out here to the boondocks.

      I'm with you on the override. The voters will decide, we'll all live with the results.

  15. The housing market it Templeton skyrocketed in the upswing in prices at a rate that seemed faster than other towns and people would move this way and work elsewhere. We are a bedroom community as the school is our largest employee and there is no industry here any longer. For example, condos were supposed to be a great and more affordable option to single family housing and you paid the fee to have common areas and no yard work etc....well, Day Mill condos starting price was 189,900 and went way upwards from there. There are several there that with all the upgrades paid well into the $230,000 range. Now I ask you, is that more affordable? The homes here and many other places were purchased with mortgages people really couldn't afford in the hopes they could refinance as they were thinking "well, it will never crash that bad (the housing market)" well, we tanked and we tanked very swiftly. With the foreclosures that have happened here in our town we have lost on many homes well over $100,000. The highest sales in the condo development I believe is $155,000. What does that do to everyone else's values? This in turn affects our taxes and how we pay for things in our town. There currently seems be a good balance of inventory so the rate of how long it would take us to sell all of our housing stock if nothing new came on the market is down to almost 5.6 months. A year or so ago it would have taken about a year to sell that off. I see an uptick in new listings and less than half going under agreement and again there are many factors for that. Prices have not been going up a lot here, but it's better than it was. There is not an easy solution all the way around, we just have to keep putting out heads together and pressing forward and not making the same mistakes we have in the past. Your home is a valuable asset and should appreciate and be a part of upsizing, downsizing later and make you money. That is why people believe in that dream. It's also not just bricks and sticks it's where people build a life.

  16. vote NO , then adopt bankruptcy as the solution a bankruptcy would in fact nullified the school vote controls would be turn over to the court a judge , and reconstruction and debt re-leaf would happen with the town The town reps are displaying a presentment that removes the very restriction to any budget The facts are our properties were protected by the appetite of town government , frankly because most of you fail to come to Town meeting the town is run by hand.full ...
    we should not be held to the school budget and frankly many changes should come there , However bankruptcy would if filed would cause protection of essential employers so forth .. prop 2 1/2 was place in law to be the check and balance system removing it will open us all up to no restriction at all , better the town muster bankruptcy then anyone property owner as for the employees fact is : reconstruction would handle this issue with fairness of law , who can argue that The increase without a check and balance system which is prop 2 1/2 if you end prop 2 1/2 what will continue to raise higher and higher to the sky will be your property taxes and everything will go up as this need and that grant will be voted in / your approval will be the failure of why prop 2 1/2 was drafted can you pay 50 % more well creditor might think so , please Vote NO know your place a restriction to hold the spending no matter what ? that was 2 1/2
