Tuesday, October 15, 2013



Thank you, Templeton!

961 YES
746 NO

Thank you to everyone who exercised his or her right to vote.

Thank you Citizens4Templeton.

Thank you Gansett Greatness.

Thank you for the ads. Thank you for the phone calls. Thank you for the mailers. Thank you for the standouts in lousy weather. Thank you for the signs. Thank you for your time and your commitment on behalf of our town.

Official Results


  1. Thank you all 957 who supported the town employees and for allowing me to work for you!
    Proud Highway worker!

    1. We can not go this way again! The people in this town need to understand that there is only so much money to go around, and it is not ok for anyone to take it all just because they can. We need to understand that there has to be give and take on both sides for this town to go forward. We are in a financial bind because of a lack of good financial planning in the past, but because of a very good Advisory Board things will improve if we do not continue to throw good money away with projects that are not in the best interest of the town. I hope this has been a learning curve for the newer people in town. Thank you to the people who stepped up to vote yes, under pretty tough economic times. Please vote on the 23rd, because government is run by those who show up!! Bev.

  2. Thank you for VOTING YES on October 15th.
    Thank you for voting to preserve public safety in Templeton.

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Let's take this small victory for Templeton's future and build on it...together...in UNITY. Let the past be the past. We know what the problems are (those horses have been beaten beyond death) so let's focus on the solutions. And the best place to start is acting like a true commUNITY.

    As my beloved would say, "We could take it all apart or hold it all together."


    1. Ok Gina, we can start with this up coming town meeting on the 23rd. Dana Blais told my husband that the "light people" will pack the town meeting to push through 252. As things stand we have a buyer for that building, but Dana and friends think we should add another million to our debt to pay him to make this our new town hall. We cannot afford one more cent of debt. That is the bottom line.That money will come out of the town's operating money if it gets voted in under the debt limit. If we borrow it, our interest rate will be high and we already have a loan out that we have to find the money for!!! This is just plain wrong, and such a dumb idea I can't believe they have the nerve to even do this!!! So what I am saying is we need help to bring some sanity to the room on the 23rd. Please talk to people and let them know what these fools are trying to pull off. If no one pulls any funny stuff, the town will be in good financial shape in two more financial years. The ball is in your court, run with it. Bev.

    2. Hi Bev, we have a buyer for 252? Why is the public not aware of this? This information could help so much if more people know about it before the town meeting. Is it a business? I hope so (:

    3. I know it is listed, but I am not sure where. I'll find out and fill you in. Bev

    4. Who is the secret buyer for the building. I smell secret meetings again on this building, now its just another group of select people who know leaving the town folks in the dark. But not to worry Bev has it under control, with her guidance all will be fine NOT

    5. If anyone is interested in the bid process for 252 Baldwinville Rd, the information is on the Town's website:


      Proposal Submission Process:
      Written offers (pages 8-14 of this form) shall be submitted to the Selectmen’s Office, PO Box 250, 690 Patriots Road, Templeton, MA 01468, no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on October 28, 2013, and will be time stamped as they are received. The Town’s time stamp shall be controlling. Proposals received by the Town after the Submission Deadline will be deemed non- responsive and will be rejected. Telecopied or electronically mailed (e-mailed) proposals will be deemed non-responsive and rejected regardless of the date received. Proposers are cautioned to hand deliver their proposals. Any proposal delivered late in person, will be refused; if delivered late by mail, it will be returned to its respective sender. Timely proposals will be opened at 7:00 PM on the Submission Deadline date in the conference room, at which time only the names and addresses of proposers will be made public.

      It's not a big secret. You have to now where to look on the website. I believe the bids will be opened at 7:00 p.m. at a BOS meeting.

  5. The ball is in everyone's court. It's up to all of us to get the word out and let everyone know how important each and every Town Meeting is. This is OUR commUNITY. Let's come together and encourage everyone we know to participate respectfully, ask questions and move our town in the right direction for a better, brighter future.

    "With these two hands I can tear down walls
    I can build a bridge, I can break my fall
    With these two hands I can pray or fight
    I can hold the torch, I can shine a light
    With these two hands"

    With my two hands I'm choosing to break down walls and build bridges. But if we put our hands together in UNITY we will move mountains.

  6. Join C4T get involved and be inspired to partisicipate.
    Together we will rebuild Templeton and along the way help those we find most in need!
    See our website,send us a letter or donation to help us help others.
    I keep hoping there's a rich person out there we will be bless by and be able to help many more!
    Citizens 4 Tempelton.org see our last Benefit results and pictures,what a great time for all.

  7. At the last town hall meeting, I think, it was brought up and I believe Selectman Bennett said there was a buyer for that building. Of course he did not give details because in the real estate world as I know it contracts cannot be discussed. I know I did not hear that in the street, I heard it at a meeting.

  8. If anyone is interested in the bid process for 252 Baldwinville Rd, the information is on the Town's website:


    Proposal Submission Process:
    Written offers (pages 8-14 of this form) shall be submitted to the Selectmen’s Office, PO Box 250, 690 Patriots Road, Templeton, MA 01468, no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on October 28, 2013, and will be time stamped as they are received. The Town’s time stamp shall be controlling. Proposals received by the Town after the Submission Deadline will be deemed non- responsive and will be rejected. Telecopied or electronically mailed (e-mailed) proposals will be deemed non-responsive and rejected regardless of the date received. Proposers are cautioned to hand deliver their proposals. Any proposal delivered late in person, will be refused; if delivered late by mail, it will be returned to its respective sender. Timely proposals will be opened at 7:00 PM on the Submission Deadline date in the conference room, at which time only the names and addresses of proposers will be made public.

    It's about transparency.

  9. Julie, this would be better as a whole new blog post so everyone can see it fresh and not dig through comments to a whole different post about a YES and thank you. Thanks!

  10. Thank you to all 960 who supported the town employees and allowing me to work for you.I stand corrected!
    Proud Highway worker.
