Wednesday, November 27, 2013

2 hopefuls to seek vacant Templeton selectman seat

2 hopefuls to seek vacant Templeton selectman seat

Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer
TEMPLETON — Two town natives — one known for her blog and involvement in the school district and another for his previous service on the Board of Selectmen — are running to fill an interim seat on the board left vacant since the resignation of Virginia Wilder.

Following Tuesday’s deadline to submit nomination papers with 25 signatures, Diane Haley-Brooks and Robert Mitchell will be the two candidates on the ballot for the Jan. 14 special election.

The vote is being held after the submission of a citizens petition bearing 210 signatures, which sought to fill the seat before the spring town election. As a result of the petition, town officials are required by state law to hold the election, despite concerns over the fact that it will cost the town $5,000 and the seat is up for a full three-year term in May.

Ms. Haley-Brooks has blogged about the people and places of Templeton at for approximately seven years, and is a member of the grassroots group ’Gansett Greatness, which got started this year in support of a Proposition 2 1/2 override for the Narragansett Regional School District.

A native of Templeton who spent some time away before returning in 2002, Ms. Haley-Brooks said she didn’t come back to the same community and has been looking for ways to get more involved.

“It changed so much,” she said. “People don’t really talk to each other. No one says ‘hi’ when you walk down the street. I thought to myself, ‘How am I going to get to know people?’”

Over the course of becoming more involved, Ms. Haley-Brooks said she’s learned about town functions and encouraged others to do the same. Although she said others have encouraged her to run for School Committee, she said she wants to see the community work together as a whole.

“I believe in the town as a whole,” she said. “I don’t want that divide. I want to be a team.”

Mr. Mitchell, who served on the select board for less than two years before being recalled in 2011, said he is running because he wants to make sure the community’s taxpayers are properly represented.

“I’m concerned (Ms. Haley-Brooks would) be a vote for the school committee and ‘Gansett Greatness, and she’d put that ahead of the taxpayer,” he said. “I want to make sure the seat on the board is held by someone who is more interested in looking out for the taxpayer than the school department.”

Mr. Mitchell was recalled along with Selectman Julie Farrell — who has since won back a seat — and replaced by Christopher Mullins and Ms. Wilder in 2011.

Ms. Wilder vacated her seat on the selectmen in May, stating that she was bullied for her views.

The special election will be held Jan. 14 at Narragansett Middle School.

**The photos of the candidates have a gardnernews watermark through both candidates faces that could not be removed.


  1. I support Mr. Mitchell for selectman. From working with him on the board in the past, his prior voting record reflect his statement of "looking out for the taxpayers". I believe he would NOT vote to support the nuclear option to fund the schools.

    I am glad the voters have two candidates in order to fill the vacancy on the BOS. I do respect Diane Haley Brooks. Her position on using the nuclear option to fund the school system is a deal breaker for me.

    I would like to thank both candidates for stepping up to serve the Town of Templeton.

    These are my opinions.

    Julie Farrell

  2. I will be voting for Diane Haley-Brooks. It is time for someone who has a vested interest in making Templeton Great again. Diane was a great asset in ensuring the School was correctly funded. Now is a great time to get someone as a Selectman who has the ability to fight for what is right for the entire town not just a few. Why would the town want to elect an individual that they recalled? Oh wait the town already screwed that up didn't they Ms. Farrell. Lets not do that a second time. Lets have someone who has everyone's best interest at heart not just those in a certain clique. VOTE FOR DIANE HALEY-BROOKS

  3. On Thanksgiving, we can be thankful that we have two candidates for this election.

  4. I am thankful Mr. Mitchell decided to run for BOS

    Vote Mitchell for selectman!

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

    Looking out for the taxpayers is not a "clique".

    The nuclear option should never be used.

    1. Just what we need! Something else you support!

  5. How soon people forget !! Well not a lot of time has passed, so I do not think people will forget that it was the goal of Gansett Greatness to force a override, even though the people had voted no a number of times. I did not see Ms. HaleyBrooks pushing for a compromise during this time. We already have a selectman that ran just to put a voice for the school on the Select Board. As of late, this selectman shows very little interest in other duties, and shows up in time to get to the meetings, reading information on the fly. People expect a selectman to have interest in what is taking place in their town, and show that they can make good decisions for the people in their town. This is the very reason they vote a person in, so it is up to these people to do their job. I would ask if it is in the best interest of the voter to have one more person running for their own special interest, not really for the good of the people who pay the way. There were plenty of opportunities to work for the the best interest of the town, but I did not see this happening then and I am sure this will not change in the future. In reality, the schools will never have enough. They will continue to ask and receive more and more, but this is only if we let them. Bob Mitchell will call them the way he sees them. He will do a good job for the people because that is why he is running. THE RECALL WAS TEMPLETON'S OWN WITCH TRIAL, and people see it for what it was a hoax. This election was caused by a petition from a School Committee member, so now our town will spend a good chunk of money on filling a seat that will need to be filled again in May. That money could have gone to a better cause, but unlike the School Committee we the town's people do not have money to spare. This is my opinion, Bev.

  6. Diane Haley Brooks and Gansett Greatness brought awareness to people in the town who did not know what was really going on, specifically young families who either have very young children who will be starting school shortly or parents of families whose children just started in the school. What she accomplished was bringing the town closer and she should be commended for that. Just because Diane voiced her opinion about the school funding does not mean that she does not have a vested in the town as well. Despite what many have said, you can have an open mind and look at the big picture even though you have personal opinions on one particular issue. It is absolutely ridiculous that there are certain groups of people who continue to want to separate the town by those who supported the school and those who didn't. I think because Diane was able to bring awareness to so many people that up until now have remained silent, we will all see a tremendous change in the number of people who are now going to become much more aware of what goes on in our town, and we are going to see exciting new changes. The time has come that we are going to see positive change in our community. Way to go Diane Haley Brooks. You have my vote. Maybe those who are currently on the Board of Selectman should do some soul searching and see whether you too can bring this town together as a whole. If not, it is time to say goodbye.

  7. Why do supporters of Haley-Brooks always post without signing their name?

    1. Because they are going places in this world! You my friend post a little too much which could affect your future.

    2. What does that mean? "going places in this world?" Happy Thanksgiving!

      Vote Mitchell for selectman!

      Remember the past to ensure a better future.

      The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

    3. it means your days of being an elected FRAUD are numbered!!!! AMERICA what a country haha

  8. I have confidence and trust in Bob Mitchell to do whats correct for the Templeton people .
    Vote for Bob and make Templeton a better place.

  9. I have confidence that Bob Mitchell will follow in lockstep with Bennett and Farrell.

    1. AND..... what is the problem with watching how taxpayers money is spent?

  10. Don't you mean lockstep with the rest of the BOS? If you truly follow what happens in Templeton lately the votes have almost all been unanimous and i can only see good in that as we move Templeton forward together in unity.Complain if you want but go and see for yourself how Templeton is now run and open as it has never been.Come and be inspired to participate. Be part of the transparent Templeton open government trying to make all of Templeton open government.
    Vote for Bob Mitchell

    1. I just hope that some of the younger generation now know that a override is forever and that the people can expect to negotiate with the school people, if the School Committee would be willing to work with the selectmen. I can promise you that the people in this town will never go down the road they did this time again. When Narragansett was built the town had industry to help support the tax base. Templeton has lost industry and jobs, and from what I see looking forward there is nothing in sight that will help float the boat. The town has gone through a couple of rough years, with the aim of getting the town back on a good financial track, and we are almost there. As long as the people do not make any foolish 40 year loans, the town will be in good shape. Making our town a better place, is clueless about what it takes to make this a good place. Driving up the tax rate will push people out, and new people will not come, so tell me how improved that will be ?? If our school system is not what you would like, feel free to send your children to private schools, if that is what you would like to do. We are who we are, and this is what we can afford, and I'll be darned if I will apologize for that. If anyone needs a cause to fight for, we have a couple of big problems to keep you occupied. If we had the income we should be getting from Light and water, our financial problems would be a whole lot better. Bev.

    2. I know the name says Dave Smart but the words are Julie and Peter Farrell's....hmmmmmmm more brain washing...I have to give you credit Pete. You have a talent of finding vulnerable souls

  11. I'm sure as long as your group is the one leading the fight, many will not support. We do not like what you stand for or how you spew your venom at those you disagree with. As for Julie's nuclear blames, she can't stand that many people hear nothing she says when she goes in for the attack. She's overstepped one too many times. As I feel the same about you Beverly and Pauly's Blog

    1. What fight are you talking about? The fight for good, open, transparent government in Templeton? That fight?

      I'm not attacking anyone or anything.

      Just stating the FACTS.

      Supporting the use of the "nuclear option" to fund the school budget has consequences.

      Vote Mitchell for selectman!

      Remember the past to ensure a better future.

      The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

  12. Hi Tina - why don't you sign your name?

  13. Mark as i see it many on here are actually only few. For that reason the few feel they are many. Their intended goal is to push people away from this blog and keep Templeton in the dark uninformed and frustrated with what they/"unsigned" spew here. In short they "can't" sign their names. We all only have one!!!

  14. Vote for Diane Haley-Brooks for selectman and get some fresh new greatness to this town. Time for someone who is not locked into a clique. Let's not waste a vote on someone who we have already recalled. Diane will be great for the town and the towns future.

    1. So Gansett Greatness is not a clique? Interesting point of view.

  15. I support Mr. Mitchell for selectman. From working with him on the board in the past, his prior voting record reflect his statement of "looking out for the taxpayers". I believe he would NOT vote to support the nuclear option to fund the schools.

    I am glad the voters have two candidates in order to fill the vacancy on the BOS. I do respect Diane Haley Brooks. Her position on using the nuclear option to fund the school system is a deal breaker for me.

    I would like to thank both candidates for stepping up to serve the Town of Templeton.

    These are my opinions.

    Julie Farrell

  16. I respect Diane Brooks, but she has this false impression that if you give your kids and the school everything they want, the kids of today will resurrect this world by the things learned in smaller classrooms.

    I'll vote for a sure thing, with a record of working FOR the town. VOTE MITCHELL

    1. Why elect an individual that was recalled? The town already voiced its opinion of Mitchell.

      VOTE FOR DIANE HALEY BROOKS get a new fresh BOS instead of day old bread

  17. Vote for a sure thing!

    Vote Mitchell for selectman!

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.
